12-13-02: Okay all I added was a piece in my rant section. I want to do an Alexander the great shrine...I STILL don't know why...
11-20-02: Yesterday was my niece and nephew's birthday...they're twins. Happy B-day Da'Jana(note the accent mark or she will KILL you!) and David! Happy 18! Oh yeah, and I'm changing the layout.
11-12-02- All righty then I added one story called going home to the Other Section. Oh yeah and I added Goosegirl to the Yu-gi-oh section--a while ago.
10-10-02 Don't get spoiled. I put up two humor fics in the new Yu-gi-oh section. Oh yeah and I put up a Yu-gi-oh fiction section.
10-08-02: I have no idea why I even have this here? I never use it. Anyway I'm back and alive offically since I've decided to use this...for now anyway. I have the completed Lives up, months ago and have done a new rant. Whoopie.
9-23-01: Wow 2 updates in the same month. Well not much of an update really. Lives is finished completely done now.
9-2-01 See that didn't take too long -_- only 3 months exactly. Okay I just put something up in my Original section...
6-2-01Okee I added Part 5 too Dark Love (FF7) in the Other section. Also added the second part of Recovery ( FF8)
4-28-01 Wow...um it's been a while. Okay I put up the next part of Lives...I also added two parts too Fate Leads...
1-10-01- Okay only thing new is the section called Darkside Blues...it's a slightly off beat anime with no freakin' websites out there!
1/2/01 Okay I admit it! I suck at keeping up my update page. I've been adding stuff pretty regularly since like um November -_-;. So for what's new. I got a new message board, that's the most recent. Please say something on it. I got a new Guestbook, it's on each of fanfic pages. Sign that too! I put up a revised fic in my PSOH section. I have a new fic in my YYH section. It's a DBZ/YYH crossover, read it and tell me whatcha think? C&C is welcome and begged for! Flames well...*tips her hat* I feel no need to waste my space on my website posting them. What else do I have? Oh I have a blurb for Lives that I need to put up! That's about it...so go see what I got and tell me whatcha think okay? Oh yeah and I forgot to mention the slut polls...they're only linked on the main page. But tell me what you think anyway!
8/11/00- Ok I added a whole bunch of stuff, and I'm in the process of the updating the site. I added a Slayers fic, the next part of Lives, An FF8 fic, and soon a Pet Shop of Horrors fic.
6/13/00- Ha! Finally got Reality Ever After Up!...and that's all gomen!
6/07/00- Oi! It's been even longer I'm a disgrace, anyway all I did was fix the faq link, and put up the finishings on Life 3 of Lives gomen but I have no time anymore but I'm trying!
5/04/00- Okay so it's been a while sorry sorry sorry I've been so busy, and I can't even say it's a big update, actually it's a really really small one just a songfic for Lives and a fic sample for judgement in the Gundam section. Again I'm sorry folks.
3/24/00-Wow a whole month? Anyway I put a few fics up in my GW section, and a few in YYH.
2/28/00- I put a new fic in the other section, well not really new, but it's a Ranma 1/2 that I cleaned up.
2/11/00-Ok I found my back-up for my back up for Lives...ok so I had it saved in txt format for my beta reader. I forgot sue me. Anyway Part 1 of Life 3 is up.
2/9/00--Ok I added a message board(that I plan to use for when I update and forget to do this)and I redid the couples section adding a few more couple snippets. More stuff is coming I swear...eventually.
2/7/00-Okie I got an update in the Gundam section. (Section one and the Oh-my-God series is up) and another chapter up in my Other section. That's about it!
1/31/00-Damn insomnia! Damn it to hell! Anyway I finally changed the snippet for my Malaric stuff so if you care or are very extremely nice you'll read it and tell me what you think?
1/30/00-Okie dookie I updated...again. Three more new fics in the Gundam section and one part of a new fic in the Other section. Ta that's all for now!
1/29/00- Three new fics in the Gundam Wing section...and if you look real hard you might find a teaser for the next chapter of Lives.
1/18/00- Part 3 of Two very good reasons Koenma shouldn't drink is up.
1/11/00-Part 2 of Two very good reasons Koenma shouldn't drink is up.
1/10/00- Two parts to Section 1 added
1/09/00- Hey don't expect this many updates often I just have alot of crap going on in my life right now and I have alot of work I need to get up!
Today I put up a new section YYH and I put up on fic called " Two very good reasons Koenma shouldn't drink"
1/08/00- Ok folks I've added something else today!
I'm trying to get all my stuff up in the weekend I'm off wish me luck!
The prologue and first chapter of Section 1 is up
The second half of Life 2 from Lives is up I know it's abrupt. I was really tired when I wrote it.
Celebrity Death Match for La Femme Nikita Vs Dawson's Creek is up in the Nikita section.
1/07/00- Added Updates page *snicker*
The Gundam Vampire Series
The entire snippet series for 'Couples' and that's about it.
I'll try and get more 'Lives up soon and I'm working on putting Reality Ever After here too sorry!