Angel my Sweet Angel

Well here it is...full and rewritten!

Disclaimers: None of the characters from GW belong to me.

Thanks for reading!

Quatre made his way around the group of silent boys, passing out the mugs of coffee, no one had gotten any sleep the night before. Between Duo's crying, Heero's snapping at everyone, and Trowa's more distant than usual attitude, everything was a bit uncomfortable.

Even Quatre was feeling the effects of the situation, with all the knowledge Skye had bestowed on them, they were drifting further and further apart…well not really. Heero was getting more hostile and Trowa and Quatre were drifting away from him…Duo was just out there.

Sighing Quatre looked around the group, noting that no one was drinking the coffee, most of them were just staring blankly at the steam rising from the cups.

Clearing his throat, Quatre tried to start up a conversation again, " Gu-"

" Ahhh all gathered I see! Now is the time for us to see the next life that -"

" NO!" Duo said shaking his head, " Nomorenomorenomorenomorenomorenomore!"

" Duo?" Quatre asked leaning towards the other boy, Heero's glare, and Trowa's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

" Be calm children…the past is almost gone…then only the present and the future will matter."

Duo whimpered, and then the room flashed white.


Daniel lay a light kiss on the bare moon pale skin of his companion carefully he ran his fingers through the long silk like hair that flowed down his back. His Angel was a sight to behold.

" Angel." He whispered softly into the silken hair.

The young man turned towards the sound of his name. A gentle smile on his lips as he did so.

Daniel's breath caught, as depthless black eyes focused on him. Daniel always felt lost when Angel's eyes were on him. They were almost pitch black-and intense- so beautiful. You felt like you were the only one in the world. The only one who mattered.

" Yes Daniel?" Angel asked softly, as he leaned closer to the older man.

Daniel despite himself, found he was raising his hand to Angel's cheek.

A teasing light came into the black eyes then, as he pulled away.

" Do you love me, Daniel?" Angel asked carefully keeping himself out of Daniel's reach.

Daniel nodded, and tried to pull Angel closer.

Angel danced away again, taking the blue satin sheets with him.

Daniel loved the sight of Angel wrapped in his sheets, the material slipped down his hips just low enough to tease.

" I asked you a question." Angel said shifting so that his hair curtained his face, " Do you love me Daniel?"

Smiling Daniel, leaned back against the headboard, tucking his hands behind his head. Angel had been in his employ for two years now…and it had indeed been an INTERESTING two years. The man was remarkable-unpredictable…delicious…

He'd asked him the same question on many occasions, and at first Daniel had said 'yes' simply to humor him…that had ended over a year ago. Daniel wasn't sure about many things but he was sure about one thing. He loved Angel-his sexy, quirky…sometimes innocent Angel.

" Yes…" he said extending his hand, " Yes I love you…my angel." Daniel's smile widened at the tender expression that crossed Angel's face.

Angel had never even once, said he loved Daniel in return…well verbally but he'd said it with his body just fine.

Angel lay back down on the bed, stretching like a contented housecat.

Daniel reached out to run his hand over the smooth flesh of Angel's waist, but the cheeky little devil pushed it away.

" Angel what a-"

Raising a finger to his lips Angel rolled over onto his back, the satin remaining stubbornly fixed over his hips. Daniel reached for him again, and got a firm slap on the wrist.

" Angel…"

Angel just smiled and bent his knees, causing the sheet to pool in his lap.

Angel winked coyly as he pressed his feet against the mattress inching his legs further apart he ran his hands up his thighs.

Daniel smiled, he knew this game, folding his arms, Daniel prepared for the show.

Angel seemed pleased that Daniel had caught on so quickly. Locking eyes with Daniel he casually trailed the back of his hand down his chest then back up just as slowly. To Angel's satisfaction, he could see Daniel's eyes following his movements hungrily.

Licking his lips, he tamped down the urge to pull his Angel close to him. He knew from past experience that wasn't a good idea when he wanted to play.

Angel tended to take offense to being interrupted in the middle of a game… offense that usually cost him a pretty penny to alleviate. Thoughts of the cherry red Porsche, and gray Bentley plus driver came to mind. Yep, his 'mistress' was definitely high maintenance.

With a heartfelt sigh of longing, Daniel went back to watching Angel's play and wished for him to finish soon…


Angel closed his eyes, gripping the sheets with long slender fingers, his head tilted back giving Daniel easy access to his neck.

Moaning he pulled his legs back firmer against his chest…one of the things his clients loved so much about him was his flexibility…

Although he'd never admit it he loved it when Daniel would take him. He loved the breathless feeling Daniel caused when he thrust inside him. Filling him, crying out his name over and over while he tried to drill him through the mattress.

He liked the way he smelled, the way he smiled and groaned at him afterwards but what he liked the most, was the moment. There was nothing better than the moment for Angel…that space in time when he was actually earned his pay. When the person either above or below him depending on their preference. When they would close their eyes and just- Angel moaned, and brought his hands to lock onto Daniel's shoulders.

Angel laid still enjoying the feeling of Daniel's muscles contracting under his fingers, all the while knowing he was the reason he did it. Knowing he was the one making them moan, and sweat, he was for once the one with the power.

Growling almost like an animal, Angel began bucking back against his lover. Trying to draw out his own pleasure.

" AngelAngelAngelAngelAn-" Daniel stiffened on top of him then fell over.

Angel moaned as something warm filled him. Frowning he wiggled a little it didn't feel right and Daniel….

" Daniel." Angel complained, with a great deal of pout in his voice. " You're heavy!"

Daniel didn't answer…but he thought he heard a low chuckle and a door slam.

Angel grunted, and tried to push him off. " You fell asleep." He sighed, when Daniel wouldn't move. Running his hand along Daniel's back. " Come on Dan-" pausing he frowned when something warm and sticky touched his hand. Pulling it away slowly, Angel brought his hand to his face.

A strong metallic scent filled his nostrils.


Instantly he raised his fingers to Daniel's neck.


Daniel was dead.
Daniel had been killed.
Daniel had been killed on top of him. 
Daniel was still inside of him.

Finally it registered, and Angel screamed….

3 weeks later….

" Daniel's gone. Daniel's left us behind Dewie...he's left us behind...that's okay we'll go catch up with him won't we Dewie? Yes...we will...Angel said he went away, but why would he go away Dewie?…No we'll get him to come back now."

No one paid the slight man clutching a puppy to his chest any heed-the few people that were about at this hour anyway. No one cared when said man stepped off the curb and stood directly in the center lane.


" Of course Father I'm not a fool. I know the Benzola account is important. Bigger than the Rockmen account."

" Funny Charles. Just make it your top priority."

" Okay okay...I'm on it first thing in the morning." Charles sighed, turning his dark gray BMW onto Main street. " Benzola's as good as ours there's nothing to worry about. I'll see you tomorrow." he sighed glancing down to flick off his speaker phone.

He paused a moment wondering if he should call his fiancée. Deciding against it he raised his eyes to the road- and slammed on his brakes screeching to a stop mere inches from the pathetic figure standing directly in his path. Charles sat there for a moment his heart pounding in his throat.

The figure seemed startled and looked in his general direction with an irritated scowl-before stepping one lane over and standing there.

Finally rage penetrated his panic and he slammed his car into park, climbing out he reached out and grabbed the figure's shoulder spinning them around easily.

" What the HELL do you think you're doing?" he screamed down at the wide eyed young man-near black eyes.

Large eyes confused and full of something he couldn't quite understand. For a moment Charles was locked in that dark gaze-in that moment he could have sworn he knew this man...intimately. " Didn't you hear me?! What are you doing in the middle of the road?!"

The man didn't answer-he didn't even try to pull away, his eyes flickered down towards his chest then to a space just past Charles shoulder.

" Answer me!"

" Your car."

" What?" Charles snapped whirling around just in time to see his beloved BMW screech off down the street. He cursed long and fluently....after the bright red glow of his taillights.

" You shouldn't stand in the road..." the cause for all the trouble said softly.

Charles rounded on him with a fury he reserved for his Friday racquetball game. " YOU standing in the road is the REASON I'm standing in the road!"

The man pouted and tightened his arms around his chest, something whimpered and he looked down cooing. " Shhh, it's all right we'll find Daniel you just wait and see." he murmured to whatever he was holding, and started to walk away from Charles.

Charles...having just lost his car, his digital , his coat, wallet, and license wanted to strangle maim and or kill something-and right at that second the reason for his current mood was standing so temptingly close.

Hands twitching Charles bared his teeth and strode after his target purposely-the blare of a horn warned him seconds before the car came barreling through the intersection directly towards the man Charles wanted to kill.


" Let me go! I don't wanna go with you! I don't like you!" The man whined as Charles dragged him down the street. His face ached from where it'd collided with very solid and very dirty concrete.

" Funny I could have SWORN I just saved your life." Charles growled giving the man's arm a vicious tug.

The thing he'd been carrying dropped to the ground with a yelp.

Charles stared at the little gold colored puppy.

" DEWIE!" the man bent to scoop the animal up.

Charles was quicker.

" Give Dewie back!" he demanded.

Charles snorted, " Sure as soon as we get where we're are you going to come along quietly or..."

The man's eyes widened in fear and he reached for the dog again, " I'll be good...I'll be good just give me Dewie!"

Charles smirked. THIS was more like it. " No...I think I'll keep Dewie for a little bit longer to make sure you'll behave."

" No...nooo...I'll be good just give him back..."

Pretending he didn't hear him, Charles tucked the dog under his arm and started off down the street his long legs easily leaving the other to catch up.

It took about a block of his pitiful whining, before Charles finally started to feel guilty. Stopping suddenly he turned around to face the smaller man.

Barely a man, lost brown eyes met his gaze sadly, " Give him back...please just give him back..."

For some reason he felt like a total ass...Maybe it was how pitiful the boy-man looked, maybe it was that strange feeling inside him that insisted that he knew this man...but. " What's your name?" he asked.

The man blinked, " Can I have Dewie back?"

Charles sighed, and held out the dog-he was tired of holding the thing anyway.

The man quickly snatched the dog from him and cuddled it close pressing his nose into the soft flesh of it's neck. " Louie." he whispered.

" What?"

" My name is Louie." he said again, looking at Charles expectantly.

" What?"

" Where are we going?" Louie asked.

" The Berrymore." he answered and started off again.

Louie followed.


" Do you know who I am?" Charles asked the snotty desk clerk.

Louie stood well behind him absently stroking his dog's head.

" I'm sorry sir but if you do not have the means -"

" I told you all ready my car and everything in it was stolen! Call my father he'll-"

" And who is your father again sir?" the clerk asked, a condescending smirk on his lips.

" Lloyd Banock of Merrit bank." You pompous jackass he added silently.

" Right of course...and that would make you?"

" Charles Banock." he said sharply reading the man's nametag, " Richard."

Richard smiled oh so politely. " I'm sorry Mister...ah."

" Banock." Charles ground out between his teeth.

" Yes Mister Banock." Richard said, " But I cannot-"

" Fine call Casey he'll be able to verify who I am exactly."

" Casey?"

" Mister Ryers." Charles spat. " Your boss I do believe."

" I'm sorry Mister Ryers has gone to bed-"

" Then wake him up tell him that Charles is here and needs a word."

Richard's tight features tightened even more then, " I'm sorry but we can't disturb Mister Ryers for every little thing that pops up."

Little? Someone was out of a job come morning.

" Look you-"

"'s okay you can come home with Dewie and me tonight." Louie said lightly tugging on his shirtsleeve.

Charles looked down into that earnest little face and almost smiled...almost.

" It's no trouble. Dewie and I like company!" Louie insisted.

" Yes Mister..."

" Ban-ock." Charles supplied.

Richard just smiled, " Yes of course. Mister Banock you should go home with tonight." he said caustically.

Charles twitched.

" Yes! It'll be fun having someone around again!" Louie chirped oblivious to the biting tone of the clerk's voice.

Charles wasn't, planting his hands on the desk he looked long and hard into the clerk's eyes. " IF I walk out that door tonight Richard. In the morning you will be very...very sorry." he said calmly.

Richard's frown tightened, " Is that a threat? If it is I'll have security remove you right this-"

Charles snorted, and turned on his heel towards the door, Louie trailing not far behind.

< center>~*~

Charles was surprised. Pleasantly so even. Louie's place wasn't half as bad as he thought it would be.

A bit to disorganized for his tastes...everywhere he looked was cluttered with tables stacked with papers, and bookcases stuffed to capacity with books, even more laying in piles on the floor or on top of the bookcases.

A computer sat against the far wall nearly lost in a mountain of papers.

" A bit of a pack rat are you?" Charles chuckled.

Louie frowned at that, a stack of fresh linen in his hands. " It's all Daniel's..." he said softly.

" Daniel?"

" He's gone now...left us alone." he said biting his lip and walking down the hallway.

Charles followed. " Who is Daniel?"

Louie didn't answer him, " He just started stripping the bed. " You can call someone if you like..." he said lightly.

" Louie? Who is Daniel? Your brother? Friend?" he almost said boyfriend-that was preposterous! Louie had the mentality of a five-year-old if that.

" The phone is in the kitchen-oh dear I forgot would you like something to drink?" he asked giving the bed one last pat, he scooted around Charles easily.

Charles followed him once again, deciding to drop his question.... for now...he guessed he should call his father...

Louie handed him a cordless phone, and scurried towards the fridge.

Charles smiled looking forward to his father's reaction...punching in the number-it rang exactly twice.

' Banock.'

" Father it's me."

' Ahh Charles how are you?'

" Not so good actually. I'm having a tough night. I'll explain it all later but my car was stolen along with my wallet. I'm staying with a-er friend this evening-"

' WHAT?! Are you all right? You're mother is going to have a fit!'

" Yes. Yes I'm fine. Like I said I'm staying with a friend tonight."

" Charles do you like soy milk?" Louie asked holding up the carton.

Charles shook his head no, Louie pouted but dove back into his refridgeator.

' Who was that?'

" My friend. Anyway I'll give you the address and you can send a car around for me tomorrow morning around 6ish."

' Why didn't you go to the Berrymore?'

Charles frowned, " I did. I'm very tired it's been a very long walk. Just send the car around tomorrow for me. OH! And before you go to bed do be a dear and call Casey..."


" Dewie... I know he's not like my Daniel...I know that! But I like him...yes I know he was a meanie at first but -he's not a meanie now...yes I like not as much as Daniel. Silly to think that! I love one could ever take his place."

Louie smiled at the picture on his nightstand. A tall black haired man smiled back. " Goodnight Daniel...and goodnight Charles..." he whispered.


Angel woke to the sound of his doorbell being pushed repeatedly...cracking an eye open he slid his gaze past the picture perched on his nightstand- to the little clock on his bedside table 5:30 am? If that was right someone was about to die.

Growling he rolled out of bed something small and warm landed underfoot-and yelped.

" Stupid dog." he mumbled heading towards the front door-he collided with something warm and very human...

" Louie-ah I imagine that's my ride thank you for your hospitality..."

Angel blinked up at the figure standing in his hallway. Male...handsome...and most importantly not coming from his bed. "Who-"

" I've got to get thank you..." the man said eyeing Angel strangely. " Bye..."

Angel waved half-heartedly trying to remember if he left the house the night before-let's see I went to bed early because I had a headache...and that's about it. Who the hell was that gu-

It was then that Angel's sleep fogged mind registered something. Yellow satin pajamas with little moons and kitties on it...then finally " He called me Louie...damnit Louie what'd you bring home this time?"


Charles fixed Carlos Rockmen with his friendliest smile, " It was wonderful doing business with you Mister Rockmen. We look forward to working with you."

Carlos nodded clasping Charles' hand in his own, " And I look forward to you making me a great deal of money." he winked.

Charles laughed, " You and me both."

" Carlos so does that mean we'll b-"

Lloyd Banock took over sweeping Carlos towards the elevator.

Charles breathed a sigh of relief small talk wasn't his area...numbers figures estimates and profit now THAT was something he was good at.

" Mister Banock. Miss Charlington is on line 3 sir should I tell her to call back?" his secretary's voice echoed in his office.

Charles groaned, " No. No there's no putting her off...send her through." Right then the last thing he felt like dealing with was his fiancée. " Banock."

' Charles!'

" Wanda."



Wanda laughed, " Ahh I heard about your little problem last night darling are you okay? Do you need anything?"

Charles smirked, " No I'm just fine thank you."

' Well you know how I worry darling. Can't have you getting yourself killed before we're married. No insurance money that way.'

"You're concern is heartwarming." he said dryly.

" So where did you stay last night? You're father mentioned a bit of trouble at the Berrymore."

"He mentioned a lot didn't he."

Wanda laughed, ' I do so hope it's not another woman Charles…'

" No worries there Wanda. You’re the only woman for me."

' Uh-huh and what about men?'

Charles chuckled, " Is there something you're not telling me Wanda?"

' Yes I'm really a hermaphrodite.'

" Oooh best of both worlds then…"

2 years later….

Charles Banock- President of the Marik Bank, youngest graduate of Harvard Business ( with honors), and all around money-hungry, back-stabbing, ruthless bastard. Sat alone scowling disdainfully over the inhabitants of the bar, he'd been dragged to-and then ditched.

' Mingle with us mortals for a while!' his friend had said.

Charles being in a rare good mood, since he'd not only doubled his fortune that day, he'd also expanded his father's bank into Nevada, and destroyed the life of a man and his family.

It was only because of this cheerful goody mood that he was in, that he accepted the invitation. Now however he truly regretted his decision. His formerly good mood was destroyed beyond hope of repair. He had a headache from the music, his eyes hurt from the lights, and the smoke machines kept giving him a cough. Plus on top of all that, the waitresses kept dropping things in his lap.

Charles swore if one more thing happened to annoy him, he'd buy this place and then have it demolished! Then he'd have the owner and his waitresses run out of the city- then the state- then the-

Charles paused mid-rant when his eyes landed on a young man making his way through the crowd…Making his way wasn't really accurate. Gliding is more like it, he moved through the people as if they were merely curtains that parted with the breeze before him.

Charles was mesmerized…he was beautiful.

The man turned...slightly towards him-he was LOUIE?!

" Ohhhh see somethin' ya like Chuckie?" his friend asked.

Charles turned a cold glare on him. Damon was his best friend…hell Damon was his only friend, but sometimes…" Who is that?" Charles asked tilting his head in the direction of the Louie.

Damon looked as well then shook his head. " That my man is poison." He mumbled.

Charles arched a brow, " Oh really? What kind?"

Damon turned a serious look onto his best friend, " I'm serious man!"

Charles twitched, Damon much like himself was a Harvard graduate. He still couldn't figure out how a man managed to graduate at the top of his class in Harvard law and still talk like a bum.

" So am I, Damon-I think I know him…"

Damon snorted, " Know him? I doubt it. Angel is as cold as they come. Look I know how you like 'em, but stay away from ' that' one. He's nothin' but trouble."

Angel? So it wasn't Louie then…he sighed." Nevermind then…I just thought he was someone I knew." Charles said dryly sipping his wine looking away from the man.

Pulling up a chair, Damon leaned close to his friend," Where do you think you know him from?"

" It's not important."

Damon nudged him, " Been holdin' out on me Charlie?"

" Pardon?"

" Oh now you wanna play innocent."

Charles shrugged, " I have no idea what you're talking about."

Damon rolled his eyes, " Riiight- so when'd you pick him up?"

"Are you implying something Damon?"

" He's a whore. When did you pick him up?"

Charles' eyes snapped back to the wispy man at the bar-definitely not Louie then-maybe he knew where he could find Louie..." He's a whore? I don't believe it."

" Well a kept boy if you wanna get technical."

" What's the difference?"

" About 30-40 thousand."

" Ahh."

Damon shook his head, " Don't give me that 'ahh'."

" Damon…you realize you're starting to sound like Linda right?"

Sighing Damon ran a hand back through his messy brown hair, " You're not gonna tell me are you?"

" No."

" Why not?"

" One because it's none of your business. And two because apparently he's not who I thought he was." A real shame though-he really did look like Louie. He remembered going back to his apartment to see him that weekend. Only to find the place bare. The landlady said he just up and left. No word to anyone-then again she didn't think he had anyone to leave word with.

He'd been rather disappointed in his disappearance. Louie had fascinated him-but he'd been distracted from THAT little let down easily enough with the death of his lifelong friend and fiancée Wanda-then a month later his father's mugging and then his mother's heart attack-she'd lingered on for nearly a year but... It'd been a long two years. His safety net effectively dropped out from under him in the span of twelve months. He found himself at the head of the world's largest and most influential bank at the age of 26.

It'd changed him…hell it would change anyone having that much power and responsibility thrown at you while you were trying to grieve. So here he was-one of the most powerful men in the world-here he was.

" Do you remember, Chris from Forsters enterprises?"

Charles turned his attention back to his friend almost feeling guilty about forgetting his existance," Who?"

" Chris Forsters." Damon repeated.

Charles thought for a moment," Yes, he was going to take over the Forsters empire, till he went insane, and blew his head off. What about him?"

Damon nodded and leaned closer, " About 6 months before that he'd taken ' The Poison' as his houseboy. We all know what got Chris off…we've seen some of his other 'boys' when he'd finish with 'em…none of 'em could stand to be touched."

Charles nodded, " Yes…why are we still talking about 'the poison'?"

Damon fixed him with a stern look, " Because I know you. You've got him on the brain, and I'm trying to scrape him off before you get infected."

" Ahh. Continue then." Charles lifted a hand to flag down a waitress.

"Give me a second- I'm gettin' to that, all right well after about a week with him, ' The Poison' had him following him around like a love sick puppy! He was callin' home from work, sendin' him gifts…"

" Uh-huh and the point of this is?" Charles asked, then turned to the angry looking waitress before him, " Scotch?" the woman nodded and headed off.

" The point is, man that was only after a week! You know how freakin' cheap Chris was…anyway by the third month he was down right paranoid about the guy. He wouldn't let him leave the house without him. He would buy him even more expensive things and then when ' The Poison' got bored with him. He left…and well we know what happened then."

" How terrible."

" Chuckie listen man, he's like a drug! He like destroys you from the inside out! It wasn't just Chris either!"

" Oh and who else?"

" Every freakin' guy he's worked for! Every one man! Harry Phillps, Ruldouph Turner, Richard Smyth, Daniel Veynar, Mark-"

" Daniel Veynar?" ' Daniel 's gone now he's left us alone…'

" Yeah you know the big upstart tech guy? They've either gone crazy or they've killed themselves or someone else did it for them! There is no exceptions ' The Poison' ain't worth it…"

Charles looked down to the young man beside the bar, even more intrigued now.

" Chuckie promise me you won't …"

" Okay I won't."

" I mean it Charles."

Charles arched a brow, Damon never used his name, " And I said I promise."

Nodding satisfied Damon leaned over his friend and kissed him hard on the cheek," Great! See ya around buddy!" Hopping up Damon walked away from the table.

Charles smiled, " Waitress! See the man by the bar? Buy him a drink for me…whatever he wants."

The young pink haired waitress blinked at him then smiled, " Another one?"

" Pardon?"

" You're buying him another drink?"

Charles frowned," No actually this-" pausing he turned to look at 'The poison' who was raising a glass to him and smirking.

" Would you like to get him another?"

Charles couldn't help it…he laughed, " Sure why not." Sitting back against the booth, he ignored the waitress as she walked away to do his bidding. His eyes locked onto the young man beside the bar who was still watching him with the same mischievous intensity…definitely not Louie…but infinitely more interesting.

" Well then Poison…lets see what you're made of." Downing the last of his wine, Charles stood leaving a generous tip on the table. Tossing The Poison one more glance. He walked out of the bar.


Charles watched as Angel walked around his living room, pitch colored eyes darting here and there…if he wasn't Louie-

" Angel? Is that your real name?" Charles asked.

Angel smirked, " Charles Banock. Is that your real name?"

" Of course." Charles said simply pouring a glass of …something he wasn't sure but it was on his bar, and offered it to Angel. " I could swear I know you from somewhere."

Wrinkling his nose Angel pushed it away, " I don't drink that." He said, turning away from Charles. " And trust me if you knew me-" he said giving Charles a sultry grin over his shoulder, " You'd have no problem remembering me."

Charles smiled, " Confident aren't you?"

Angel shrugged. " Of course." He said, hooking his thumb in one of his belt loops. " You'll find out in a minute won't you."

Charles arched a brow, " Likely…" he answered stepping closer to him, " Beautiful…" he whispered ghosting his fingers across Angel's exposed belly. He pressed his face against his hair…peaches and…what was that other scent?

" Apricot. "

" Hm?"

Angel rolled his eyes, " You're wondering about my hair…its apricot…peaches and apricot."

Charles didn't really care, but he nodded anyway, " It's lovely."

Angel looked up at the much taller man, a calculating gleam in his eyes, then he smiled.

" Do you believe in love at first sight?" Angel asked smoothly.

Charles snorted, " No." Maybe a year ago…

Angel cocked his head, " Then that must mean, you don't love me."

Charles laughed, " Of course I don't love you. I am you're employer, you are my employee. I pay you for services rendered."

Angel's eyes twinkled, " Oh and what are those services? Mr. Banock."

Charles walked to stand behind Angel, leaning forward he nipped his neck gently. " Anything I want." He said, sliding his hand down Angel's chest.

Angel spun easily out of his grasp, " I can live with that…" he said softly, sinking to his knees. He winked up coyly at Charles, " I'll do whatever you want." Leaning forward he braced himself on Charles legs, and pressed his cheek against his pant covered thigh, his eyes twinkling mischievously. " For a price of course."

Charles smirked, " I can live with that. As long as I get my moneys worth."

Angel giggled, then proceed to show Charles he was worth every penny…and then some.


Charles rose languidly from the bed, stretching. With a lover like Angel who needed exercise?

Popping his back, Charles looked back down to the bed, where Angel slept on, his ebony colored hair spilling over his shoulders and face like black ink, on white paper. Hmm a sound investment indeed. Charles snorted and walked into his bathroom. No matter how fun his little pet was…he still had to work to do. Showering and dressing in far better spirits than he'd been in months. Charles leaned over his still sleeping employee unable to resist just one more little kiss before leaving.

" Swop it Dewie…" Angel whispered in a voice that was very unlike the one he'd heard thus far, and turned away from him.


Angel sighed, wiggling his toes on the black leather of the couch, he cast a glance around the room. Everything in Charles house was so…sterile. From the simple yet extremely expensive couch to the even plainer steel gray and black lamp that sat on an equally steel gray and black end table…everything was so dead and dull looking…not even a plant anywhere to give a tiny amount of life to the room.

Snorting Angel flicked on the tv, "This guy is dead already." He said. Glancing down towards his canine companion on the floor-he seriously hoped Charles liked dogs. Because Bubba wasn't going anywhere-and Angel really didn't feel like throwing a tantrum.

" Why are we here anyway?" he grumbled. To be honest there was no reason for Angel to even bother…Charles caved to his whims without question, just handed out the money indifferently. He even bought him that ridiculously expensive cabin in Colorado for the winter without even batting an eyelash…

Angel's frown deepened, there was no challenge to staying with Charles. Charles just gave him what he wanted, and then ignored him until he wanted him in bed…

Angel had gotten bored with this on several occasions and simply left-he'd get about half a block then the next thing he knew he was in the living room again petting bubba. That was more than a little annoying…

Sighing he flipped another channel…he really shouldn’t' be complaining. Charles would be any KB's dream come true, do nothing but lay on your back for a few hours every other night, give a blowjob once or twice a week, and you get any damn thing you want…even freedom to come and go as you please. What more could a kept boy want?

Nothing. However Angel wasn't you're average kept boy…actually Angel wasn't average anything. He liked making his clients love him, and then leaving them…and watching them self-destruct. Nothing quite like it…it was like feeding a mouse poison and then watching it die slowly. But it seemed this mouse had a bit of resistance to poison…

Angel smirked at the mental image, the smirk quickly died when his mind dredged up Daniel's image…shaking that thought away he changed the channel on the tv…he had been so close with Daniel so very close…he'd worked so hard to make Daniel love him. Despite Louie's interference-just to watch him breakdown. God knew the evil bastard deserved it…Angel shuddered remembering how someone else had ripped his victory away from him…and how it felt to have someone die inside of him.

Angel shivered again, he hoped to never experience that again.

Sighing he turned his thoughts back to his current problem, his benefactor Charles…how does one make someone love them? He wondered to himself, a sly smile came across his features then…he was fairly certain he could figure that out.

Angel wasn't given time to think on that any longer when the door opened and someone that wasn't Charles strolled in looking around him.

Angel smiled, " And you are?" He asked.

The man kicked the door closed behind him, and stalked over to Angel's side.

Angel looked up at him from the couch a smug grin plastered on his face, " Yes?"

He looked lost for a moment poor lamb-finally he settled on glowering down at Angel, " You?!" he ground out between his teeth.

Angel blinked, "Me?"

" What are you doing here?"

" Watching T.V., I'm sorry I hadn't realized that was a crime." Angel replied snidely.

Damon reached out as if you strike him. Bubba's growl drew him up short. " Don't be a smartass…I thought I told you-hell I even PAID you to stay away from Charles!"

Angel laughed, " Yes that was very nice of you-and I would have stayed away if you hadn't. Charles looked so very boring. Thank you for bringing him too my attention."

Damon's face was a very unflattering shade of crimson just then…" What the hell do you think you're doing with Charles?"

" Fucking him, and getting paid well to do it." Angel said matter-of-factly.

" We-had-a-deal."

Angel smiled up at him all sunny innocence, " No we didn't."

" Leave him alone…he's been through hell all ready he doesn't need you to make it worse."

The sunny smile vanished, " You don't know what hell is…don't throw terms like that around lightly. I get oh so tired of hearing you platinum spoon up the ass babies whine about how hard your life is. None of you have ever had to work for anything in your life and the first time something challenges you-you wilt!"

Damon looked like he was going to lunge for him, " Just leave him alone. Or else." He said sharply turning on his heel and marching out of the apartment.

Angel laughed bitterly, " Or else huh?" We'll see about or else- the child thought he could just walk in and threaten him. No one threatened him. No one hurt him any more…and Damon would just have to learn that lesson.


"Charles, darling!" The high pitched voice echoed off the baron oak paneled walls.

Suppressing a wince, Charles continued glaring at the figures before him. The last thing he needed right now was HER.

Since Wanda's death he'd been marked as eligible…he hadn't realized how protected he'd been from the gold digging wolves till that protection had fallen off of her balcony. They'd descended on him in Chanel scented droves the second that Wanda's casket had been lowered into the ground. Like sharks to fresh meat.

He'd managed to waylay most of them with cold glares-and harsh words. But this particular shark just didn't get the point…he wasn't interested.

"Charles," she said again, a pout obvious in her voice as she wound slender arms around his neck.

"Yes, Linda," he answered blandly.

Linda sighed, shifting around him to sit on the desk. Crossing her legs, she leaned closer to him, allowing her pale peach blouse to droop in the front.

Charles didn't bother to look, he'd seen it before, and better. "Is there something you needed, Linda?" he asked, still looking over his reports.

"You've been a naughty boy lately, Charles! You haven't called me in ages!"

Charles shrugged. "I've been busy," he answered blandly.

"Busy with what?!" she snapped.

"My work." My Angel.

"Work, work, work! All you ever do is work!" she sighed, uncrossing her legs and hopping off the desk. "Well, why don't you try separating yourself from work today, and spending it with me?"

" Can't." Charles mumbled.

Linda smirked, all pretense of innocence gone. "Can't or won't Charles? She's gone you know. She isn't coming back."

Charles smiled...or to be exact, Charles' lips smiled. The rest of his face remained cast in stone. She knew better than to even mention Wanda…he may not have LOVED her but he loved her…and no one spoke ill of his Wanda.

Wisely, Linda stepped back.

"Is that all, Linda?" he asked coolly.

Linda nodded and headed for the door.

Charles listened to the steady clacking of her heels on the marble floor.

"Oh, and Linda...darling," he said snidely..." Don't ever-ever mention her again."


"Goodbye Linda," Charles said, looking down to his work again.

Linda glared at him once more but did not leave. "I don't see why you care anyway! It's not like you could have loved her."

Charles set the report down. "Excuse me?"

" I know about that...BOY you keep in your house. I know he's not the first boy you ever-"

"I fail to see how that's any of your concern."

Linda settled a hard glare on him, her blue eyes hard chips of ice, " You need a wife Charles if for nothing else than appearance. I couldn't give a holy damn about who you FUCK-I don't give a SHIT about anything but your money-"

Charles snorted.

" Oh don't be so condescending Charles. You know damn well that's all any one wants from you is your money and you're social presence. And I at very least am leveling with you. I have something you need. And you have something I want. Think about it." Linda said sharply and stalked towards the door again. "Why do I even bother?"

" My money?" Charles asked sweetly.

She growled slamming the door shut behind her.

Humming, he looked back to his report.


Louie was bored, and when bored... Picking up the phone, he dialed Charles' direct line.


"Charles... When are you coming home?"

A loud sigh sounded through their connection. " Who is this?"

Louie giggled.

"Who is this damnit?"

" Come home now!"

Charles sighed again, " What kind of game are you playing now Angel?"

" I want you to come home…I'm lonely." He pouted.

"…I'll be home in 15 minutes."


Charles groaned, rolling over onto his back. Sometimes he wondered if he was paying Angel to fuck him or torture him. He decided torture when the black haired young man in question straddled his hips. His favorite bright green Polaroid camera was positioned over his right eye.

"Come on, smile for me, Charles."

Snorting, Charles tossed an arm over his eyes. He really didn't understand Angel. Sometimes he seemed like a helpless little boy-innocent and sweet…like he was on the phone today…Charles had rushed straight home to find Angel and that damn dog sitting on the couch watching cartoons a little black book resting on his lap.

' What are you doing home so early?' Angel had asked. Like he didn't damn well know.

Like he'd said Angel was sweet sometimes…but other times…

"Charles." Angel said slyly...wiggling suggestively on his stomach.

"Yes, Angel?" he asked.

"I want something."

"I gave you your own gold card, and I know it isn't maxed. You haven't even used it."

"That's because I don't want a gold card. I want a platinum."


"But that's not what I really want."

Taking his arm away, Charles arched a brow. "You are a spoiled little bitch, aren't you."

Angel snapped a picture, temporarily blinding him. "I want to go on a trip."

"A trip?"



Charles felt the bed shift as Angel moved off of him to grab something from his drawer.

"Well, wha-"

Blinking, Charles looked blandly at the brochure shoved into his face. "Sandswinds castle?"

Angel nodded excitedly. "I want to see if there really are ghosts there!"

Charles arched a brow. "The story of Daniel and Delana was quite romantic...In a very twisted sort of way."

Angel smacked him on the head. "It was Daniel and Delan. They were both male, bet you didn't know that."

Charles looked at him, genuinely surprised, "Really?"

"Yep! Read it in the Enquirer about how they changed the story to boost tourism."

Charles snorted, " The Enquirer huh."

Angel nodded, " AND Mad Lord Hye was changed too."

" What? He wasn't a murdering sadist?"

Angel hit him with the camera. "Anyway, Mr. Destroy-The-Moment. I want to go... And I want to spend the night in the tower."

"And you want me to take you?"

"That's right."

Rolling his eyes, Charles sat up. "Let me go make-"

Angel held up two plane tickets and a reservation voucher.

"I have my own private jet you know." Charles said blandly.

Angel shrugged. "I don't want to fly in that. I want to take a big plane."

Rolling his eyes, Charles kissed his lover on the lips. " When pray tell are we leaving?"

Angel grinned and ground against his lover, drawing a moan of pleasure from him. "Tonight."

Charles arched a brow, gripping Angel's waist tightly. "Am I allowed to call the office, at least?" He smirked.

Angel shook his head and snapped another picture. "Uh-uh, I did that for you already."

Charles laughed. "Really? Then I guess all that's left is packing."

Stretching out on top of him, Angel grinned, pushing a lock of black hair away from his eyes. "I did that, too," he said proudly.

Charles rolled his eyes. "Then what am I supposed to do for an entire afternoon, hm?" He asked blandly, running his fingers down Angel's spine.

Angel smirked and rolled over to lie beside his employer. "You can fuck my brains out... But I want to wait until we get on the plane for that."

"Oh god, not the mile high club."

Angel just laughed and disappeared under the covers.


Charles was annoyed. That in itself wasn't odd, but the reason for it was. Commercial planes, even though they were in first class... It was still very irritating. From the stewardesses and their constant badgering about drinks, to the noisy obnoxious child that was seated in front of him... Really, why didn't they have a separate flight for people with children?! Hey, that was a good idea! It could make millions. Maybe he could call it KidAir! It could have a play area in the front for children, and then a place in the back for adults'…professional nannies as stewardess-

A gentle brush of fingers against his thigh brought him out of his musings. Glancing to the side, he almost smiled at the earnest look on Angel's face. It was this expression that reminded him the most of Louie…



"What'cha' thinkin'?"

Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to Angel's shoulder. " You," he lied.

Angel smiled. "Charles?"

"Yes?" He smirked.

"Do you love me?"

Smiling, he kissed his lover's neck. "No," he lied again.

Angel smiled back.


Charles was safe as long he doesn't love me…I won't hurt him unless he makes me. I won't hurt him unless he loves me. If he loves me then I'll have to hurt him.


Damon drummed his fingers on the counter impatiently, " And there's nothing you can do about it?" he asked again for the fifth time.

The woman sighed beginning to lose patience. " Mister Shing I've all ready told you what I can. Louis Randolph has been certified schizophrenic…however he is not a danger to himself or others-"

" He's got MPD for Christ sake!"

The woman's lips thinned, " He has displayed a second personality that calls itself Angel. However my professional opinion and the professional opinion of five of my colleagues is that he is not a danger to himself or others. "

" But what if he has other personalities? More violent ones?"

The woman sighed, " Mister Shing our evaluation of Mister Randolph was very through-unless he's split again. There are no other personalities aside from the original and the more sexually open Angel. Now I bid you good day." She said sharply.

Damon opened his mouth to say something else but bit his tongue instead. " Fine."


Standing in the center of the garden, Charles had only one thing wandering through his mind. What the hell was the big deal about this place? Sure the garden was well kept, and the lawn immaculate. Even the tower itself had a healthy gleam to it...but it was still just a well-dressed prison....

Sighing he turned away from the pink rose bush, he'd been examining and walked back towards the tower. For some reason the thing gave him the chills. Every moment he was inside of it, felt like he would never leave it again.

Pausing outside the large wooden door, he looked down at the simple iron handle blandly. " So plain, yet so very expensive." he sighed yanking the door open. The gloomy interior swallowed the light immediately. With another drawn sigh, he entered allowing the door to swing shut behind him, with a quiet thump.

Glancing at the stairs, he considered going up to see Angel...nah he's probably sleeping anyway. He decided, Angel hadn't been half as disturbed by this place as Charles had.

Vaguely he thought about actually leaving the tower and, exploring the surrounding areas...but he didn't want to explain to Angel where he'd gone, and why he hadn't been invited. Charles had come to learn, a peeved Angel meant a lot of his money going to the various shops of Rodeo Drive...or to Madam Tiffany herself.

So that was out of the question...not that he was cheap or anything. Far from it actually. Resigning himself to his own imprisonment, Charles wandered towards the table that sat in the center of the well as the blessed electrical lamp perched in the center. Plopping down on one of the hard wooden chairs, Charles reached over towards the lamp and clicked it on.

Soft yellow light...did absolutely nothing to push back the darkness. However Charles' eyes were beginning to adjust to the gloom, and he used this little advantage to take a peek around the room.

Bookshelves lined the walls, only little gaps between them here and there...

Rising again, Charles headed towards the nearest shelf. Well it was something to do at least....

The volumes were packed in so tightly, he wasn't certain if he could pull one out...then again it was so damn dark down here, he could barely even see the titles. Squinting, Charles absently fumbled in his pocket for his glasses...they probably wouldn't be of too much help in this lighting but-

" Damn it. " he mumbled, succeeding in getting his glasses out of his pocket...only to drop them, with a soft tink, as they bounced off the floor, and straight into one of those convient little corners.

Anyone that knew him, would have laughed at this uncommon show of clumsiness. Grumbling he bent to retrieve them, studiously ignoring the dirt, and dust that coated the floor here. He'd complain to the keeper later.


Lying on his back, Angel stared up at the canopy and sighed. This was the famous garden tower of Sandswind Castle? It was nice... But something about it made him feel angry inside.

Maybe it was those pictures of the 'doomed lovers' that hung on the wall facing the bed. He knew they were made for the tourists that came through. They were well done, he'd give it that much.

The black haired and brown eyed image of Daniel looked down at him impassively, his strikingly handsome features frozen permanently in a glower... While beside him, the image of 'Delana' looked down serenely. Her blond hair was pulled away from her face with a simply velvet cord. Her blue eyes danced with innocence. She was the picture of beauty, grace, and tragic love.

To bad she'd never existed. For one thing, DELAN had brown hair, and it was short! And his eyes were VIOLET, not blue! Not to mention the biggest change they'd made. Delan was male. The Enquirer had done a VERY detailed article took up a whole issue!

But... That was the tourism business for you. And in this country, Sandswind Castle was the biggest tourist trap there was.

Sighing, Angel rolled onto his stomach, digging his toes into the silk sheets... He'd been here a whole day, and he was already bored! No, not bored... He was... He was anxious...but for what?

Angel jumped slightly when the star spangled banner began playing in tinkling piano. Smirking he reached for Charles phone sitting on the nightstand. " Hello?"

" Charles darling?"

Angel wrinkled his nose in disgust at the phone. " Charles isn't here right now who is this?" he asked acidly.

There was silence on the other end for a long moment, " It's his fiancée who is this?"

" Fiancée?" The woman didn't get to say anything else. Angel had flung it across the room at the door-the door that had just opened…


" When?! When were you going to tell me?!"

Charles blinked trying to right his vision…getting hit in the head with a cell phone tended to scramble a person. Nokia and their damn sturdy build." Tell you what?"

" Tell me about your fiancée!"

" My what?"

Angel growled, " You're god damned fiancée! She just called!"

" Well that explains why you threw my phone at m-" Charles ducked behind the door as an empty carry-on bag came sailing at him. " I don't have a bloody fiancée!"

Angel paused lowering the lamp he'd leveled at Charles' head, " You don't?"

" No!...Well not anymore at least."

He barely got behind the door in time to avoid three pounds of well aimed glass. " Angel…love I get the feeling you're upset about something."

" You could have FUCKING told me!"

" Told you what? That my fiancée died over two years ago?"

Another falter. " Well she sounded very much alive to me."

" Hmm that was probably Linda."

Wrong thing to say…he watched sadly as his laptop crashed down the stairs…


Linda lay back in bed tears of mirth streaming down her face- as she listened to Charles Banock PLEAD! Something that she'd never had the joy of hearing before in her life!

Her laughter faded a bit-as the tone of their voices changed.

" Why do you care?"

" Because…because I don't!"

" Angel…Do you love me?"

There was a long silence…

" Angel…"

Linda winced at the sound of something-heavy meeting flesh.

Love it was then. Shaking her head Linda flicked off her phone. Charles in love with a man- a man in love with Charles. Well this was a pretty little triangle. Now what?


Damon cursed as Charles' private line rang for the 10th time…where was he?! Where the fuck was he?!!


They'd made up…that was something at least. Charles sighed as Angel cooed over his wounds.

" It'll be okay." He whispered. Wrapping his arms around Charles' shoulders.

Charles grunted taking one of his hands in his own and kissing it. Angel pulled away from him suddenly.

" Angel?"

Angel looked at him then, his eyes full of confusion and apprehension-he pulled his knees to his chest and smiled, " Charles? Where's Dewie?"

Charles blinked, who the hell was Dewie?, " Dewie?"

Angel pouted, " Yes Dewie! Where's Dewie? My dog."

" Bubba?"

" Dewie."

Before Charles could get really nervous (or figure out the blatantly obviously) his still in tact cell phone began playing the damned star spangled banner again. " Banock."


Charles winced, " Damon?"

' I've got something important to tell you it's about Angel!'

Charles glanced up at Angel who was playing with his toes and humming to himself now-completely content with his world. " What?"

' You have GOT to get away from that guy man he's a nut!'

Charles hissed, " What the hell are you talking about Damon?" he asked getting up from the bed and heading out towards the stairs-he gave Angel one last look before shutting the door behind him.

'Exactly what I said, the guy is a friggin' nut! I couldn't get the details out of the doctor but-'

" Wait-wait wait start from the beginning…and so help me Damon if you're just making shit up about Angel-"

' I'm NOT making this crap up! His name is Louis Randolph jr. he's 23 years old. He was diagnosed with MPD when he was 10! '

" What?" Louis?…Louie?! Could it-no. " So you're saying Angel is crazy?"

' I'm saying Angel doesn't exist-Angel isn't even the real personality!"

Charles snorted.

' You don't believe me? I've got copies of his records-don't ask me how! I have the names of all six doctors that examined him and their phone numbers if you want to talk to them!'

" Well what did the doctors SAY? Is he dangerous?"


" Well?"

' They said he doesn't exhibit any aggressive behavior-the root personality hasn't developed beyond a young child…'

Charles frowned-that certainly sounded like Louie- a thousand little things that he'd brushed off before flooded him then. Well…this certainly explained a lot didn't it? But why didn't Angel just come out and say-, " Damon if he's not dangerous then I'm not worried."

'…And if he was?'

" I wouldn't care."

'…So he's got you then?'

" I guess he does."


Charles slipped back in the room his eyes falling on the bed where Angel was laying on his stomach bare legs and feet kicking back and forth- a coloring book and crayons spread out before him.

Charles had always thought Angel's little coloring hobby was childish-now he knew why. " Angel?"

" Hi Charles! Who was that on the phone?" Angel-Louie didn't look up until the silence got too long. " Charles? Come color with me?"

Charles swallowed letting his eyes wander over the trim white body sprawled comfortably over the bed-absently he called himself a pervert for even entertaining thoughts like THAT about Louie-but he wasn't a child-he was very much a man…when he was Angel damn.

" Charles…come sit!" Louie whined moving his crayons and that same little black book over. Smiling he plopped down beside him taking up the book.

Louie didn't seem to notice, apparently coloring Sailor Moon's hair purple was more important.

Flicking it open he read one of the pages. Angel's loopy scrawl looked back at him.


Louie, Charles is taking us out later be a good boy. Don't forget.

And directly beneath that, in a much messier hand not unlike a child just learning to write.

Angel Charles said new kard fore u. Don't now what he mean. Louie

" What are doing?!" Angel-yes it was definitely Angel that growled at him and ripped the book away.

Charles looked up at him-he had all the confirmation he needed…smiling he leaned forward and kissed him. " My Angel…I love you."

Angel smiled…"Why'd you have to say that?"


The trip ended all too soon for Charles-and they were on a flight back to the states…Angel had seemed a bit preoccupied since-since he'd admitted how he felt. He hadn't returned the sentiment-Charles didn't know what to think about that-but he wasn't trying to leave so that was something right?

" Angel?"

" Hm?"

" Where do you want to go for dinner tonight?"

Angel shrugged, not turning from the window.

Charles sighed leaning back against the leather seat. " Angel?"


" Nevermind."


" Charles!"

Charles looked up at his name spotting Damon immediately-well the fact that he was jumping up and down and waving like an idiot helped.

Picking up Angel's bag he started towards his friend. Angel directly behind him…

" Hello Damon how-"

" Charles darling!" feminine arms wrapped themselves around his neck-and soft lips kissed his cheeks. " How are you sweet?"

" Linda." He said blandly.

" Excuse me." Angel said lightly yanking his bag out of Charles' hand and starting towards the exit.

Untangling himself from Linda Charles moved after him.

Linda was faster-like a hawk after her prey she swooped down on Angel-taking his arm she whisked him off into the crowd. Quickly leaving Charles and Damon behind.

" What is that bitch up to?"


Angel seriously considered hitting the wench that had his arm. " What-"

She turned a sunny smile on him, her even white teeth glinting in the florescent light. " Angel right?" She asked.

Angel looked her over, perfect tan, perfect body, even perfect hair blond and not a strand out of place. Perfectly blank eye-no…not blank. He thought finally meeting the woman's gaze head on. Though the rest of her face smiled her eyes were hard and cold as a Russian winter…no spoiled pampered little rich girl here. This wasn't someone's little dress up doll-this was an ambitious, bright, gold digger.

He respected her instantly. " And you are?"

"Linda Sinclair." She said. " Hopefully Linda Banock one day."

Angel snorted.

" Don't get me wrong. It's not about dreams of love, kids, and happily ever after. The only thing I want from Charles is his name, his money, and half of the bank as a tidy divorce settlement. You can have anything else you wish."

Angel laughed, " Uh-huh and you're telling me this because?"

Linda's smile didn't waiver, but her eyes hardened even more, " Because I want your help."

" Why is that?"

Linda steered them down another passageway, " I want you to convince Charles that it's in his best interests to marry-me in particular."

" And I would do this why?"

Linda waved cheerfully at a woman with light brown hair before answering, " Because you love him-and you don't want to see him hurt. And I can guarantee that he will be hurt if word of your little affair were to get out."

Angel was impressed, " Is that a threat?"

Linda laughed lightly, " Of course not. But Charles really isn't very good at keeping a low profile…understand? The truth is bound to leak out-and soon. I'm just suggesting a buffer to the inevitable rumors that are going to come flying."

" A buffer that'll get you what you want."

" It'll help everyone involved. In public I can be his beautiful, sophisticated, brilliant and loving wife-and in private…well he's all yours. What do you say?"

" I'd say you have a justified high opinion of yourself."

Linda glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, " And I'd say we're cut from the same cloth you and I." She tightened her hold on his arm, " Unfortunately your gender and your preference work against you-or rather lucky for me that your gender works against you."

" Hmm."

" Well?" She asked arching a blond brow. " Look if it's not me, it's going to be someone else-fact is Charles has to marry to carry on his family name-I doubt any other woman would be as…understanding as I am."

Angel frowned, she was right-he knew it, Charles had to marry and have a kid-there was no way around that- but still…


" Angel! Linda. There you are I've been looking all over for you." Charles said marching up too them and reclaiming Angel's back. He let his eyes linger of Angel's and Linda's entwined arms. " Having a little chat I see?"

Linda laughed lightly and untangled herself from Angel taking Charles arm briefly. " Oooh jealous I hope." She purred.

" You have no idea." He smiled tightly.

Linda ignored the look and turned to Angel again…" Think about what we discussed will you?"

Angel nodded.

Linda gave him a genuine smile before pecking Charles on the cheek and strolling away.

" What was that about?" Charles asked.

Angel shrugged.


Angel laid back on the bed, his eyes closed as Linda's words swam through his head. Was she right? Was she lying…was it true?

" Angel? Love what's wrong?"

" Charles…do you love me?"

" Of course I do. I said it didn't I?"

Angel's eyes drifted towards him-" You said it. But do you mean it? Do you know how many people have said they love me?"

Charles sighed, " I don't say what I don't mea-"

" Do you? Yes or no Charles…"

" Yes."

Angel sat up then, " Prove it." He said rising from the couch to stand before his lover, " Prove you love me…" he whispered nuzzling his cheek. " Prove you love me Charles…"

One of his hands found it's way to Angel's hair, " How?"

Angel grinned against his chest, " Tell the world you love me."


" Is he nuts?!" Damon choked on his burrito.

Charles shook his head, " You're the one that told me he was."

" This is serious Charles. This is your life man…"

" So you're saying I shouldn't do it?"

" Only if you WANT to ostracized from society…you could lose a lot of long time clients-not to mention the scandal you'd cause I mean dating a guy is one thing. As long as you keep it quiet and marry no one will care. But dating a guy who's not only a nut job but a prostitute at that?! Are you trying to destroy yourself Charles?"

Charles shrugged.

Damon wanted to hit him.

" I love him Damon…and if that's what he wants that's what I'll do." Charles whispered picking up his coat, and dumping a few bills on the table. " I'll see you around Damon."


Damon couldn't believe what he'd just heard-what kind of sick game was that little bastard playing? The Poison destroys all of his clients…was this how he was going to end Charles? Strip him of everything but his life?

Not if Damon had a say in it…drawing out his digital he punched in a too familiar number.


It was damned cold on the roof. Angel thought stepping up onto the ledge-and it was a long way down…

He'd ask again-but only once more.

Behind him Bubba Dewie whined from the safety of flat roof.


The first thing Charles saw when he walked in the house was the broken vase-the second thing he saw was- 'Meet me on the roof.'


Angel contemplated what he'd do now-Louie was asleep…as long as he stayed asleep he might be able to pull this off.

A cold cotton thick fog had started to roll in-murky gray and thick as molasses…

Tilting his head to the side, Angel watched the swirl of gray cloud with curiosity-it was strange to actually look down and see clouds…is that what real angels saw? Is this what it was like to be an angel? He'd never know that was for damn sure.

Standing up straight again, he tucked his hands into his pockets… and leaned against the wall. Now all he had to do was wait.

" Angel! For the love of-get down from there!"

Glancing over his shoulder Angel smiled even as the wind whipped his the braid from his hair. Charles was striding towards him…he didn't want that. " Stop." He said evenly.

Charles obeyed.

" Back up…"

Charles obeyed…hesitantly taking a step back towards the door. " Angel get down from there damn it!" His eyes were wide-with what? Angel couldn't be sure-fear maybe.

" I love weather like this Charles…you know why?" Angel asked looking back over the edge of the building

" No…come inside and you can tell me all about it okay?"

Angel didn't seem to hear him, " Because it meant winter was coming-and winter meant Christmas…Christmas meant grandma. Grandma meant daddy not fucking me for a whole week."

" Angel…"

Crossing one foot over the other, Angel looked back to look at Charles-" Did your father ever touch you Charles? I mean really touch you…"

Charles shook his head…" Angel please."

" Mine did-okay ours did rather. I'm sure you know by now anyway there are two of us…but he never touched Louie. Oh no not Louie never Louie. Daddy would come-and Louie would run away leaving ME to handle it. Making me take the pain-the humiliation-" Angel laughed. " Me. Every time something got hard it was ME that had to deal with it. ME that had to make it all right again-ME THAT HURT SO THAT HE COULD STAY-" Angel was trembling- he didn't like that…not one bit. Clamping his teeth together he looked out towards the horizon, as gray as sky below him.

" Angel love-"

" Angel love…you say that so easily. Do you love me Charles?" he asked.

" I do…you know I do." Charles inched closer.

" Do you love me knowing that I'm a whore-that I was my own father's whore before anyone else? Do you?"

" Yes…yes please just-" he asked inching closer still…

Angel shook his head, " Stop."

Charles obeyed.

" You love me…you say you love me…what did you decide?"

Charles swallowed, " I'll do it…if that's what you want I'll do it."

Angel laughed, pressing his hands to the wall he uncrossed his feet and turned to face Charles completely. " You'll throw away your life-you're family legacy-for me?" he asked sweetly.

Charles nodded-obviously not having seen it that way…. " I'd do anything for you-damn me to hell but I would…"

Angel's smile widened, " You know-I wouldn't have minded what daddy did so much if he loved me-if he said he loved me while he did it. Does that disgust you? Do you still want me knowing I didn't mind my father touch-"

" I love you- and nothing you do or did will stop me from loving you…come down Angel…please."

Angel looked into his eyes for a long moment. The wind playing high holy hell with his trench coat and hair…" I'll give you one more chance to be rid of me Charles…what do you want? Me? Disgusting, filthy, used crazy whore that I am. Or what you had before? Friends, your money, your bank… Me or your life Charles which one?"

Charles swallowed, " I've already chosen you Angel…"

Angel nodded, " You chose me." He said smiling, " You love me…you love me enough to destroy your own life."

" Yes…"

" Would losing me hurt you Charles?"

" More than anything ever could."

Angel gave him a smile-a real smile…


Angel's smile was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen-it lit up his face, and his eyes shone like polished onyx against his white skin.

" Thank you Charles. I love you too." His Angel whispered-then threw his arms wide and leaned into the wind.

" ANGEL!" he heard his own voice. Felt his body lurch forward-the edge looked so far away-run faster! Run-throwing himself against the low wall he grabbed frantically for anything-something warm grazed his palm but slipped away from him…

Angel's face- eyes wide open and laughing, his hair ripped free from the braid and dancing on the wind. "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN CHARLES!" he screamed out just before disappearing through the clouds.


' Catch me if you can Charles…Catch me if you can Charles….' It played over and over and over inside his head. He didn't know how long he hung there half on the roof-half way to Angel. He couldn't shake it-Angel was laughing…Angel was gone…Angel was…. 'Catch me if you can Charles…'

Angel was waiting for him…leaning out a little further he felt his tedious hold on balance give another inch. Angel was waiting for him-Angel wanted him to follow… Angel…Angel.

'Catch me if you can Charles…' he let go…gravity was a powerful bitch.


Duo was the first one awake looking dazed…

Quatre soon followed-which in turn brought about Trowa and Wufei-then finally Heero.

The room was dead silent…

" What-the-HELL- was-that?!" Wufei summed up everything quite easily.

No one else spoke.

" Well?!"

" Why did you jump?" Heero growled. " I said I loved you. I was willing to give up everything for you-and you jumped?!"

Duo shook his head. " I loved you."

" So you jumped?!"

" You don't understand. I loved you-but poison kills or at very least wounds…I had too-"

" Bullshit DUO!"

Duo winced, " I gave you the choice damn it! I let you choose!"

" Choose what?"

" If you'd loose your career or me!"


Quatre blinked and leaned closer to Trowa, " What are they talking about?"

Trowa shrugged.

" Well you didn't. I had to take away the thing that meant the most to you…"

" You…"

" I had too…you understand? I had to hurt you for loving me…I had to hurt you for loving Lucien. I had to hurt you for killing Delan I had to hurt you for Dasha! I owed you pain for pain for pain!"

" And the way to do it was to take yourself away from me?" Heero growled, " So are we even now Duo? Hm? I took your life-you took mine? You think loving Lucien was a fucking picnic? Do you think it was FUN obsessing over Dasha? Do you think I ENJOYED what I did to Delan? DO YOU?! I've got news for you. It WASN'T easy loving Lucien! It WASN'T fun loving Dasha! It WASN'T a pleasure to kill Delan! I loved you…I didn't LIKE it but I did. In case you haven't noticed everything I did was because I loved you!"

" You enslaved me?"

" Because I loved you!"

" You killed me!"

" Because I loved you."

" You owned me again…"

" Because-I-loved-you…and don't even go there Lucien dragged me through the shit and back again! Angel did the same fucking thing! You wanted something I caved. You needed something I gave it to you! I've denied you NOTHING you wanted in the last 5000 GOD DAMNED YEARS! And when I FINALLY think that I've got it right you FUCKING kill yourself! 'Catch me if you can Charles?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Quatre blinked and leaned closer to Trowa and Wufei, " Diiiid I miss something? Because all I really remember is slipping in a puddle of water and falling off my balcony…was anybody alive when this happened?"

"You were Wanda?" Trowa asked, " I had a heart attack after Lloyd died. I spent the last year of my life in and out of a lucidity…Wufei?"

" Lloyd."

" Ah…so no one knows what's going on?" Quatre asked casting a glance at a heaving Heero-and a cowering Duo.

" I-"


Duo glowered at him, " You've got some nerve being angry! You started it!"

" And you've been going out of your way to make it as HARD as possible to make it up to you!"

" I-"

" I loved you with everything inside of me from the first second I saw you-did I know it? No. Did I know how to express it? No…but I loved you…I had to have you. Do you understand?"

" You loved me…"


" You love me?"

" I THOUGHT that was fairly obvious." Heero growled.

Duo smiled pulling himself to his feet. " Well over 8000 years of history between us koibito…"

" 8,000 years and we still can't get it right." Heero said stone faced.

Duo shook his head, " We must hold some kind of record-"

" You do actually…" Skye cut in. " But that's not for me to say…congratulations you've made it. Look well on your mistakes and grow…your past is known-now only your future shall haunt you. But remember no matter what your future is only seconds away from becoming your past."

" Skye wait-"

The forgotten book slammed itself shut and disappeared.

They didn't have time to dwell on this because almost as one their communicators began thrilling.


" Where have you all been?" Doctor J frowned. " I've been trying to get through to you for hours!"

" Sorry." Heero said neutrally.

The Doctor shrugged- " Anyway I figured you'd be getting a bit restless with your vacation… I've unearthed an OZ base about 5 miles south of your current location. Your mission destroy it-and their experiments…"

" Experiments?" Quatre asked.

The doctor grimaced- " You'll find it on the lowest level of their base."

" Mission accepted."

Doctor J nodded, " …Good luck then." And he was gone.

Heero frowned. " I'll ready the explosives…"


Well THIS was a lovely turn of events…Duo groaned staggering the last few feet to the trap door that lead out of this damn hell hole.

How long had he been down here? Shivering he pushed that thought away and dragged himself up the latter…days at least weeks at most he figured. Shoving the door aside he crawled free- pulling it back into place.

Mission complete. He chuckled. Heero would be proud. He'd blown up the lowest 15 levels easily within the first. It was the first five that got him caught-and beaten-and beaten some more-and some more- and some more. Right at that moment he felt like a living Duo bruise…and if he didn't get going he was going to be a dead Duo omelet-and more than anything-he didn't want to be a dead Duo omelet…

However his body didn't agree-it felt that it deserved a rest…and Duo agreed. However it felt that it deserved that rest-right now…Duo didn't agree-but there was no arguing with the body…

Sighing he wished that he'd had the chance to talk to Heero about-what they'd seen…he smirked…ah well he'd catch him next time around-if they had a next time around.

" Idiot! What are you doing laying in the middle of the floor?! Get up!"

Funny but that sounded like Hee-OW and that felt like Heero 'helping' him stand up.

" Come on baka." Heero growled in his ear, sweeping him up completely.

If Duo hadn't been in so much pain he might have complained. Raising his eyes to meet Heero's he had a sarcastic taunt on the tip of his tongue about 'Knights in shining spandex'. He swallowed it when he got a good look at the soldier's face…He'd never seen Heero look so open before.

" Du-"

And their world exploded around them.


Quatre choked on a sob as the warehouse went up white hot and spreading fast…

" Trowa…they made it right…Heero could."

Trowa pulled Quatre gently to his side saying not a word.

Quatre didn't bother to choke back the sob the second time.

" Look." Wufei's voice broke the silence.

Quatre looked towards the Chinese pilot. Wondering at the solemn smile that touched his face. Wordlessly Quatre turned to see what Wufei was talking about-the sky the damned sky was red…burning red clouds of smoke and even red ash…

" Heero kept his promise." Trowa whispered against his hair…

And indeed he had…


Okay the cast:

I almost did something incredibly mean -_-;

Angel/Louie:  Duo
 Charles: Heero
Wanda: Quatre
Lloyd: Wufei
Charlene (Charles mother): Trowa
Linda: Hirde
Damon: Relena
Richard: Zechs 
Louis Randolph sr.  (Angel's father): Lady Une


Well Angel is's finally done MUHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! *cough* Well what did you think?