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Author's Notes: As always thanks to Lyn, I can never thank you enough for betaing for me.


Spoilers: It's a fix to TS by BS so spoilers ahead.



Altered States

By Mel Bone




“I'm still not cutting my hair,” Blair stated firmly.  He couldn’t believe what Simon and Jim had just offered him.

“Ho-ho-ho…”, Jim smiled at him.

“I'm not going to do it.”

“That's what you think,” Jim replied as he hooked his cane around Blair’s neck, pulling him closer then trapping him in a headlock and giving him a noogie

“They're going to love you at the Academy. Captain, I'm going to make a little Blair skin rug for you here...”

"You're not going to scalp me! Forget it!”  Blair struggled to break free from Jim’s grasp, but he knew Jim wouldn’t really scalp him.

“We got to go down to the woods...” Blair heard Simon say before the laughter of the bullpen drowned out the rest of his words then everything started to fade away and the sound of laughter turned into a beeping sound.  As the beeping noise got louder, Blair realized he was no longer in the bullpen.

Slowly he opening his eyes, it took a few minutes for them to adjust to the white surroundings of a familiar hospital room.

Vaguely Blair wondered why he was here.  He felt fine, he felt great in fact.  Lifting his head, he took a good look around the room realising he had an IV in his left arm.  His eyes slowly settled on the figure slumped in the hard hospital chair next to the bed, fast asleep. 

He thought back over the last few days finishing his dissertation, then it being leaked to the media, Zellar, the press conference then the job offer from Simon.  Simon entering the room snapped him back to reality. 

“Hey, welcome back to the land of the living” Simon greeting him.

“Thanks, but what happened?” Sandburg asked

“You don’t remember?” 

“No, how long have I been here.  It must have been awhile.  Last time I remember seeing you, you were in a wheelchair still recovering from being shot”  

Blair missed the confused look on Simon’s face as Jim chose that moment to wake 

“Chief! How are you feeling?” Jim asked in a tired voice 

“Fine actually, no pain.  I’m actually wondering what I’m doing in here.” 

“What do you remember?” Simon asked. 

“Um, finishing my dissertation, then it got leaked to the media, you being mad at me, at the same time you having to protect Jack Bartley from Zellar, only to have the media get in the way, Simon you and Megan getting shot. 

“Wow! Hold it when did all this happen?” Jim interrupted. 

Blair looked blankly at Jim.  “What do you mean when did all that happen, you were there, man.  

“Blair, Chief, none of what you said has happened.  Well, except for the fact that I have just been assigned to run some security for union boss Jack Bartley.  How you know that I have no idea, but other than that nothing you said has happened and as you can see Simon’s fine and so is Megan.”  Concern shone from Jim’s blue eyes. ”Chief I, came home two days ago to find you passed out on the floor.  That cold you said was nothing turned out to be pneumonia.”  

Blair looked at Simon for confirmation.  At the Captain’s nod, Blair slowly sunk back down into the hard pillows  “I don’t understand” he exclaimed  

Before either Jim or Simon could offer any comfort or explanation, the doctor entered the room.  “Well, I see our patient is awake, if you’ll excuse us gentlemen I’d like to examine Mr Sandburg.” 


Three hours later, the men entered the loft.  None of them had said much since Blair had been released.  

Blair walked almost mesmerized into the apartment.  He couldn’t believe that none of it had happened.  Maybe Jim and Simon were playing a trick on him, maybe the offer to join the force had fallen through and they were hoping he wouldn’t remember, but there was still the fact that Simon did not look or act like a man who should be recovering from a gun shot wound.  Feeling very confused, Blair sunk down into the soft cushions of the sofa.  He pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his head on his arms.

Simon and Jim stood in the doorway and watched their friend with concern.

“Do you want a coffee or anything? “ Jim offered Simon.

“No, big day tomorrow, so have you, don’t be late.” 

“Yes Sir,”

Simon glanced in Sandburg’s direction before opening the door.  “Good luck” he said as he walked through the door closing it behind him.

Jim walked over to Blair.

“Hey Chief!  How about something to eat?”

“Ah, not right now Jim, I’ll think I head to bed, I’m feeling pretty tired.”

 Jim watched as his friend headed to his room and closed the door. 

Walking into his room, Blair sat on his bed.  He pulled his laptop onto his lap and fired it up.  He had indeed finished his dissertation. He sat and read The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg.  When he finished it he hit the delete key, opening up a fresh page and began typing his new dissertation.


The End


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