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Author's Notes: A big Thank You to Lyn for beta for me.  

 Spoilers: Cypher


Copy Cat 

By Melissa Bone


Sandburg couldn’t believe he was reliving this nightmare once again.  He felt like he had stepped back in time.

 Jim had tried to keep the news from him, but Blair had soon figured it out, wasn’t hard since the killer started sending Blair little messages, like a yellow scarf, followed by a rubber duck, then the worst was a body, lying in a bath tub.  A young girl, who looked very similar to Susan Frasier, Three little words written on the wall sent Blair running from the house.  “I CAN BE YOU”.   


The whole of Major Crimes was on the look out for the Copycat Killer.  Blair found himself with a permanent shadow named Jim Ellison.  


 The one day they let down their guard, just one small slip up and Blair once again found himself at the mercy of a serial killer.  


 Blair watched as the Lash wanna-be prepared his little ritual, babbling away about how good he was and how he was finishing the almighty Lash’s work.  


 Blair was long past being scared since the more the creep talked, the more annoyed Blair got, and that annoyance was quickly turning to anger.  


 “Betcha didn’t think I’d come back, hey,” the Lash look-alike taunted as he went about his little ritual of mixing chemicals and dressing himself up to look like Blair.  


 “You’re not Lash and you’ll never be me,” Blair answered.  


 “Oh, but I will. I’ve got everything right.  The motive, the clothes, even the warehouse.  This was Lash’s place, you know.  I’ve got everything right. Everything.”  


 ‘Well, almost everything,’ Blair thought as he twisted his wrist trying to loosen the rope that was tied around them, instead of the chain that Lash had used.   


 Blair watched in horror as the guy slowly walked towards him and just like Lash, forced his mouth open and poured the drug down his throat.  Blair struggled even more and this time he managed to get his hands free.  


 “Now we wait,” the copycat  replied as he turned his back on Blair.  


 Big mistake.  


 As soon as the killer's back was turned, Blair stood and grabbed the wooden chair he was sitting on and with one smooth motion smashed the chair into the killer’s back.   


“Yeah, well, there’s one thing you forgot.  Lash didn’t kill me,” Blair cried as his attacker crumpled to the floor.  


Suddenly the door burst open behind him and Blair swung around ready to strike out with the remainder of the chair he still held.  Relief flooded through him as he saw Jim and Simon crash through the door.  




As Jim burst through the door he was relieved and surprised to see Blair standing over the now unconscious killer with what was left of a chair still grasped in his hands.  


 Jim saw the relief in Blair eyes just before they glazed over and Blair’s knees gave way.  Jim managed to catch him before he hit the ground.  


 “It’s alright, buddy.  You’re safe now,” he whispered into Blair’s curly hair as he cradled his now unconscious friend.



 The End

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