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My Diary - Queensland

3rdApril to 10th April 1999


DAY 1 - Saturday 3rd April 1999

1.25pm  Left Hobart Airport on QANTAS flight QF442.  My fist trip on a plane.  I loved it  especially take off.

2.35pm Arrived Melbourne.  Since I had 1/2 an hour to spare I explored Melbourne Airport.

3.05pm Left Melbourne Airport.

5.10pm Arrived Brisbane Airport.  My friends Benny went on ANSET so I had to wait for her plane to arrive. While waiting I got some postcards and wrote to my friends & family.

6.30 Left Brisbane Airport.

8.30 Arrived at our friends Shane's place.  He was a bit worried as we were suppose to be their at least and hour ago,  But we made it.  We went for a walk down by the river and watch the fireworks down there from someone's wedding and then spent the rest of the night just talking.

DAY 2 - Sunday 4th April 1999

Went down to South Bank to he markets, had BBQ lunch and went swimming.  Fun day.

DAY 3 - Monday 5th April.

Waved goodbye to Shane & Brenda.  Visited Lone Pines Koala Sanctuary.  Got my photo taken with a Koala.  Then headed back to Brisbane for a bus trip to Surfers Paradise where we book into the Surfers Paradise Backpackers for the remainder of our Trip.  That night we had dinner at the Hard Rock cafe, Yum.

DAY 4 - Tuesday 6th April 1999

Had fun at Wet 'n' Wild.  Went to Malonie's that night for Dinner, ended up getting our meal for free since they took 1 and a half hours to get us our meal, then Benny's was raw, so she complained and both of us ended up getting our meal for noting.

Day 5 -  Wednesday 7th April 1999

Was suppose to be going bush walking but that has been postponed till Thursday.  So we went to Sea World instead.  I loved the dolphin and water skiing show.  That night we went to Pizza Hut before heading back to the backpackers where we hung out with the other people there, meet Julie & Anita, from Norway this was their last night at surfer Paradise.

DAY 6 - Thursday 8th April 1999

Went Bush Walking.  I can't remember the name of the place went but it had these magnificent waterfalls.  Included in the tour was a BBQ lunch.  Boy was my feet saw at the end of the day.

DAY 7 - Friday 9th April 1999

The day I had been waiting for our trip to Movie World.  This place is so amazing we saw the Police Academy Show,  Matricx show,  Went on the studio tours,   Basically we went on every ride we could including the Looney tunes Studio Tour.  I wanted to get my photo taken in the older day style and clothes, but ran out of time.  I defiantly going to come back her one day.

To celebrate our last night in Sufer Paradise we went back to our favorite Cafe: The Hard Rock Cafe.  Then it was to bed early since we had to get up at 6am to catch the bus back to Brisbane Airport.

DAY 8  - Saturday 10th April

6.40 am Caught bus from Surfers Paradise Backpackers to Brisbane Airport

8.40am Leave Brisbane Airport on QUANTAS Flight QF615  Once again love take off.

11.00am Arrived in Melbourne.  We Had 7 hours before our plane leaves for Hobart so we visited Melbourne Vic Markets and did some shopping.  I also got my first ride on a Tram and Train.

6.40pm Left Melbourne Airport on QANTAS flight QF449.

7.50pm Arrived at Hobart Airport where my parents are waiting to take me home.  Unfortunately Benny's Plane was delayed by 2 hours due to lighting hitting the plane.

That end my trip to Queesland,

My only disappointment was that two of my films were overexposed so I didn't get as many pictures of my trip as I had hoped.


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