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Dusty or Lucky? My Jack Russel battle for life.

Dusty is one lucky puppy.  We had only had him for about a week when he contracted to Parvovirus, he was only 8 weeks old and spend over a week in the vets, which I visited him every night.  

He was taken in on Wednesday night, by Sunday he had gotten worse, by Monday I was expecting him to be dead, but I got a pleasant surprise that night when he finally wagged his tale and showed signs of improvement.  By the following Monday I was able to take him home.  He was still weak and so small.

He had just started to get back on his feet and was finally allowed to go outside, unfortunately he got under the wheel of my mothers car.  

This time I though he wouldn't survive, but neither the less I rushed him to the vets, I though he was dead when I pulled up out side the vets, but when I lifted the box out of the car, up pop his head.  I was able to bring him home that night, he was just a bit knocked around.

Now he is a happy healthy little terror I mean puppy.  

He loved to play outside, his favourite game is fetch, although he sometimes doesn't like to give up his play toy.  He also has a bad habit of chewing everything to pieces, including my shoes and my once beautiful Christmas tree is now in pieces.

But all this reminds me of the fact that he's ALIVE!

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