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Fun Facts



Full  Name:  Melissa Anne Bone
Nicknames:  Mel

Birthday:  June 5


Height:  152cm (Plus I can stand on my tippy toes)

Eye color:  Blue/Green

Hair color:  Red (Auburn to be exact)

Piercings:   Ears
Tattoos:  Not brave enough to get one.


Birthplace: Hobart, Tasmania.  Australia

Hometown: Cygnet, Tasmania.
Current Residence:  as above


Pets:  Dusty - Jack Russell Terror,  Kiki - Cockatile

Occupation: Customer Service Representative

How much do you love your job:  It pays the bills.

Been in love before?   Yes.
Loved somebody so much it made you cry?   Yes

Blanket or Stuffed Animal:  Stuffed Animal

Favorite Foods:   Pasta, Sty-fry, chicken.
Alcoholic Drink:  Kahlua & Milk

Favorite Drink:  Non-alcoholic: Coke 

Favorite  Number:  6

Favorite Colour:  Blue

Favorite Day of the week:  Saturday (I get to sleep in)

Favorite Movie:  Lord of the Rings & Anne of Green Gables

Favorite TV Show:  The Sentinel & Stargate
Favorite Holiday:  Christmas

Favorite Flower:  Carnations

Favorite Sport:     Tennis & Netball.

Most annoying thing is:  People talking to you when they can see you concentrating on something else.

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