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Author's Notes: This is dedicated to a lovely lady I used to know who made me chocolate cakes for my birthday, who passed away a few month ago.  Goodbye Esta Mack.


Thank to Lyn once again for beting this for me.




By Mel Bone



Blair hung up the phone and walked out on to the balcony into the chilled night air, looking up at the bright stars in the night sky. 


He knew she was up there now, looking down on him. 


He thought back to when he had broken his arm falling out of her tree.  She had told him a hundred times not to climb it.  But there was no lecture as she picked him up and took him to the hospital.  Once his arm was set, she brought him ice cream and waited with him until his mother arrived. 


Blair hadn’t seen her in years, time just seemed to slip away once he had moved to Cascade.  


But what he remembered most was the yummy chocolate cake she used to make him for his birthday.  Her birthday was the same day as his and each year she would make him a chocolate cake.  He never really liked chocolate, but he loved her chocolate cakes.  


He jumped a little when he felt a gentle hand fall on his shoulder, and a cup of warm coffee was placed into his hand. 


Blair turned and smiled at his partner, before turning back to look at the starlit night.  Jim quietly walked back into the apartment, feeling his partner’s need for some time alone.


Blair searched the sky, looking for that new star, finally he saw it, one star that was brighter than all the others, and which appeared to be winking at him.


Blair smiled up at the star and quietly said his goodbye to Mrs. Danbush.



The End


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