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Missing scene for Sentinel Too part 1

Thanks to Lyn for checking it over for me.  I don't know what I'd do with out you.

This also fits in for Lyn's  June Themefic.

Hope you all enjoy!


Last Few Minutes

By Mel B


She walked into my office and pulled a gun on me.  It didn’t surprise me.  I was expecting her.


“Alex,” I say in acknowledgement


“If it hadn’t been for you, I never would have understood what I really am.  I owe you that!  You want to know how I really got the sentinel senses?  Solitary confinement in prison.  I thought I was going crazy.  It’s wasn’t until I met you that I realized what I’d become,” she tells me honestly and a little sadly. 



“And look how you used this gift.  What a waste.”


 “This is the one thing I really didn’t want to do, but I can’t leave you alive.”


 With that she cocked the gun, and I closed my eyes waiting for the pain that would end my life, but it never came.  After what seemed liked an eternity I opened my eyes, Alex was still there, but she had this weird look on her face.


 Before I could say anything, she ordered, “Get up, you're coming with me”


 I obeyed opening my office door and heading down the corridor and out the front door, Alex following slightly behind me with one hand wrapped around my upper arm, the other still holding the gun into my back. 


 As we neared the water fountain at the front of Hargrove hall, I felt Alex stiffen and stop. I turned to look at her and realized she had zoned.  At first I wondered what she had zoned on, then I realized how beautiful it looked out here, the early morning sunlight was reflecting off the fountain, making little rainbows in the air, it was beautiful and I would have loved to have zoned out myself, but realized this might be the only opportunity I had to escape.  


Slowly I pulled my arm free of Alex’s grasp, and then I started to run, though where I was going to go, I had no idea.   I didn’t get very far.   I felt something slam into the back of my head and then the last thing I remember, is feeling the cold water hit my body as I fell into the fountain, a blinding light where I saw my whole life flash before my eyes, then darkness.


The End


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