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Life Choices

By Mel Bone


Naomi Sandburg looked down at the small sleeping bundle in her arms.  Then focus her attention to the scenery passing by outside the train they were travelling on.

Her mind wandered yet again, wondering if she made the right decision to leave her husband. 

He could be the kindest gentlest guy you’ve ever know, but he had another side, a dark side, especially when he drank, admittedly he had never hit her but she suffered verbal abuse through out their four years of marriage. 

The drinking had gotten slowly worse over the year, but he recently started gambling too. 

Naomi was startled from her thought by a quite “Mommy” looking down, big blue eyes met her, looking at her with concern

“It’s ok sweetie, go back to sleep” and with that Blair curled up once again on her lap.

Leaning down she planted a soft kissed on top of the curly mop of brown hair.  Then focus her attention once again to the scenery outside and knew she had made the right decision, for not only herself but for their son.


The End

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