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Author's Notes: This is just a short snippet I started while waiting to be interviewed for a job.  I had plenty of time to write it considering they were 20 minuets behind in their interviewing.


The Good News is I got the job, so I thought I would post this snippet since it obviously gave me good luck.


Don't ask me why I named it No Place like Home, I just had it stuck in my head from watching the Wizard of Oz last week. <g>


Thanks to Christina Klineburger who corrected all the mistakes I had missed.






No Place like Home

By Mel Bone




Jim landed hard on the ground, and quickly turned to get up again only to look strait down the barrel of a gun.


"Should have stayed outa my way, cop," the dark haired man holding the gun sneered.


Jim closed his eyes and prepared himself for the bullet that would soon end his life.


How could things go so wrong, he and Blair has been on their way home from a hard days work, all the pair of them wanted was to go home and relax.


But no, they had to come across a robbery, at their local grocery store, which had ended with Blair getting knocked out and Jim running after the gunman. And now here he was in an alleyway, waiting for the gunman to pull the trigger.


But instead of the bullet, he felt a hard body land on top off him. Opening his eyes, Jim found the body of the gunman lying across him, unconscious.


Rolling the body of him, Jim looked up to see a dazed Blair holding a metal bar in his hand.


"Can we go home now, Jim.


With that, Blair’s eyes rolled back and Jim just managed to catch him before he hit the floor.


"Yeah, buddy, we can go home now," Jim said as he cradled Blair in his arms.



The End

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