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Author's Notes: Thanks to Shycat who encouraged me to finish this story and for beta for me.  And to Christina Klineburger who found a few extra mistakes I had missed.






A Snake’s Journey

By Mel Bone



It was a typical day at Cascade PD headquarters, and the Major Crimes division was stirring with activity.  The sounds of typing, paper shuffling and criminals saying they were innocent could be heard throughout the bullpen.


No one noticed the small black knapsack that had been left in the corner of the room.  No one noticed when the contents inside started to move, or when the small black head of the dangerous creature poked its way free of the bag.  No one even noticed as the creature slithered its way completely out of the bag, and began its journey around the Major Crimes Bull pen.


Taking a good look around, he discovered a lot of huge creatures moving about.  Deciding to explore his surroundings more he moved away from the desk and into the walkway, only to almost be stomped on by various creatures.


Every direction he turned to move another foot would come down, just missing him.


Trapped, he desperately searched around for a safe place to hide.  Over by the far wall, he spotted a door, which looked like it lead into a nice safe hiding place away from all these huge creatures that were trying to hurt him.


He made a break for the door, getting half way, before he was almost stomped on again by a very tall, dark guy.  He managed to get away as the guy stopped just inside the door way to yelling,  “Rafe, Brown!  In my office now!” before entering.


The little black snake was almost trampled on again by two sets of legs, which seemed in a great hurry to get into the room.  Then the door was slammed shut, preventing him from gaining access to his safe hiding place.


Looking around again, he saw a loan figure sitting at his desk working away, and underneath looked like a good place to hide.  So off he slithered.





Detective Jim Ellison, sat at his desk, working on the paper work from his latest case, a case he still had to solve, and all leads had turned into dead ends.


Sighing Jim looked at his watch, he half expected Sandburg to turn up any minute.


The kid had been there that morning and had left his backpack here when he had left for the University.  Deciding a break was in order, he headed for the break room, only to be startled by a hissing sound.  Looking around, he couldn’t see anything.  Extending his hearing he scanned the bullpen, but quickly stopped when the noise of the place got to him.


“Probably just imagining things,” he decided and continued on his way to the break room.


Underneath Jim's desk, the dark creature had found shelter from all the big creatures that tried to step on him, only to have the owner of this desk almost step on him.  He had struck out at the foot as it came close to him, only to have it move at the last second, causing him to miss, and now the being was gone.  Slivering quickly into the discarded backpack near the desk, the little snake found the perfect home, or at least a place to hide for a while.


No sooner had Jim left his desk, then his partner, Blair Sandburg walked in.  Greeting people as he made his way to Jim's desk to collect his backpack he had left earlier.


Picking it up, he was startled as a long, black hissing creature fell out of the bag.  Dropping the bag, Blair took an involuntary step backwards.  He tripped over the chair, causing him to hit his head on the corner of the desk.


His vision blurred as he watched the small black creature slither into a delivery box, which was picked up by the delivery guy, who headed for the elevators.  Blair watched until the door on the elevator closed, then suddenly became aware of someone calling his name.  A sharp slap to his face brought him completely back to reality.


He looked up in to the concerned eyes of his sentinel.


“Chief?  You with us, Buddy?”


“ S-snake,” Blair stammered out.


“Snake?” Jim asked, growing more concerned


“There was a snake.”


Jim grabbed Blair’s chin and forced the young man to look at him, checking his pupils for a concussion.  “Doesn’t look like you have a concussion, but maybe we should get you checked out just in case.  Especially if you’ve been seeing things."


“I wasn’t seeing things, Jim.”


Jim helped Blair to his feet and supported him as he swayed a little.


“Let’s go, buddy.” Jim gently led Blair towards the elevator.


“There really was a snake, it fell out of my back pack, then after I tripped, it crawled into a delivery bag and the delivery guy took it away.”


“Let’s just make sure.  Ok?” Jim said, as he entered the elevator behind Blair.


Blair sighed, knowing it was no use arguing with him.


Meanwhile, the little Black Snake had found a safe haven, in the back of the delivery van.  And who knows where his journey would end.



The End

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