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Notes: Not beta only spell checked

Sequal: to  Good Times




By Mel Bone



Blair Sandburg sat looking at the black poll with four little white crosses on it. 

The poll was to remind other of the tragic events of two years ago.

Was it really two years? Blair Sandburg didn’t need a poll to remember what happened, he stilled remember that day like it was yesterday. 

Suddenly Blair was back in his car on that tragic day, rounding the corner and seeing the horrific site before him.  A warm hand on his arm brought him back to reality, and he turned and smiled at his partner, letting him know he was all right. 

Looking down, Blair silently read the name on the gold plaque that was placed next to the black poll.  Luke Direen, Damien Direen, David Direen and Ashley Zuba. 


Four boys Blair had never met, but would always remember.


The End


Authors notes:

On my visit to South Australia last year, I noticed every now and again we would come across these black and white polls with white crosses and red slashes on them.  The Black polls with the little white crosses represented a car accident that resulted in a death and the White polls with a red slashes represented a car accident that had a serious injury. 

They are to remind people of the dangers of speeding and drink diriving.

Now two year after a school friend of mine was killed along with three others, Tasmania has adopted this same scheme, with Luke Direen, Damien Direen, David Direen and Ashley Zuba being the first to be represented by the polls.


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