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Authors Notes: Just a small snippet that was inspired from scene from 21 Jump Street.

Thanks again to Lyn for the Beta Read. 



Self Defense Lesson

By Mel Bone


“Come on Jim, this is ridicules” Blair Sandburg said to his partner Jim Ellison.

“Chief, you spend half your time with cops, chasing bad guys, it won’t hurt you to learn a few defense moves.  Now come on give me your best shot”

Jim put his fist up, preparing to defend whatever move Blair would make.

With a sigh, Blair gave Jim his best right hook.

To Jim utter most surprise, he found himself flat on his back, with Blair standing over him.

“Where did you learn that?” Jim asked as his partners gave him a hand up.

“A friend of mine Roy Williams, dose boxing, he taught me a few moves.

“Roy Williams, as in ‘Sweet’ Roy Williams” Jim look at his friend in amazement.

“The one and only!  I’ve got two tickets to his next match want to go?  I’ll introduce you” Blair replied as he and Jim existed the Gym.



Up above them, Brown sadly handed over a $20 note to his partner.

“See Brown, never under estimate Sandburg he’s full of surprises”  Rafe grinned as he accepted the money.


The End



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