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Author's Notes: Thanks to Lyn.





By Mel Bone



Jim Ellison should have known better than to make any kind of bet with Blair Sandburg.


All he wanted was a bit of quiet, it had been a long day and Blair gibbering away next to him was not helping his headache.  Finally Jim couldn’t take it any more and snapped, “Can you be quiet for just five minutes?”


Blair only response was, “Sure Jim no problem man.”


“Yeah right, I bet you 10 bucks you can’t be quiet for more than 5 minutes.”


Big Mistake.


Looking at his watch Jim sighed. 2 hours and 35 minutes.  Then he looked over at his silent partner, who was relaxing, watching TV.


Every attempt Jim had made so far to stop the silence had only gotten him hand signals from Blair.  Jim never knew Blair knew sign language, unfortunately Jim didn’t and it was driving him crazy.


He’d tried everything from asking politely to threatening him, but all Blair did was answer him with sign language.  The last signal Blair gave him, Jim understood perfectly.


Jim was starting to wonder if Blair was still trying to prove than he could be silent or just not talking to him.


Ok, so maybe I shouldn’t have snapped at him.  Funny, his headache was worse now.


“Chief, I’m sorry I snapped at you, I just had a headache, but that was no excuse for telling you to shut up, but this silence is driving me crazy, so please say something, anything.” Jim turned pleading eyes to his partner.


Blair simply smiled at him then got up and headed towards his room


“Night Jim” was all he said before closing the door.



The End


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Authors Notes:  My ex-boyfriends did this to me once, he was talking way to much and I asked him shut up (politely of course) 2 hours & 45 minutes later he started talking again after me begging him too and the fact he had to go to class.  He drove me crazy using hand signals to talk with.  I never told him to shut up again. <g>



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