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Author's Notes: Thank to Lyn who without her quick beta I would have been late for my dues.

Warning: This is just a snippet, and does have a few loop holes, ignore them,  doesn't analyze them, one day my brain may just get some inspiration on how to make this one longer (fingers crossed) :-)


A Snippet

 By Mel Bone




 “Who did you see, Mr. Sandburg?”


 Blair looked towards the accused.  The dark man glared at Blair, who swallowed hard, as he remembered seeing this guy throw his knife with pinpoint accuracy at his victim, killing him in a heartbeat.  At the time Blair remembered thinking the man reminded him of Ingin Joe from the Mark Twain Classic, Tom Sawyer.  


 Blair slowly raised his arm and pointed at the accused.


 But a sharp pain in his shoulder stopped him.  Looking down at his shoulder, he was surprised to see a knife embedded there.  ‘Why do these things always happen to me,’ he thought.


 Looking up, he saw Jim and the security guard wrestling the accused to the ground, before hand cuffing him. 


 Blair’s vision started to fade as he watched the security guard lead him away.


 Suddenly he was aware of somebody standing next to him, he opened his eyes and stared straight into the blue concerned eyes of his partner.


 “How ya doing, Chief ?”


 “I feel like Tom Sawyer.”


 “Tom Sawyer remembered to duck, Chief.”


 Blair couldn’t help but laugh at the comment.


 “Oh, don’t make me laugh, it hurts.”


 “You’re gonna be ok, Chief.” Jim replied as the paramedics arrived.




 The End



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