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Author's Notes: This is dedicated to all the family and friends waiting to hear the news of their loved ones following the attack in the USA.  My prayers are with you all.


Warning: Not beta’d only spell checked, so please ignore all spelling and grammar errors.




 By Mel Bone



Jim opened the doors to the all to quite loft, hoping that Blair may have finally got some rest.  But no there he was still sitting close to the phone, meditating. 


Jim didn’t think Blair had moved form that spot for more than 5 min over the last 48 hours.  


It had been 48 hours since Blair had gotten a phone call from one of Naomi friends, advising him that she was visiting the World Trade Center when the terrorist attacked.


Blair had then spent the hours following calling ever hospital, information line and friends of Naomi he could think of.


Blair looked up as Jim closed the door, but neither said anything, Jim simply put a warm hand on Blair shoulder and sat down beside him.


Together they waited like thousands of other families and friends, hoping and praying that their loved one was all right, waiting for that call that would bring either good or bad news.


 The End

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