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Author's Notes: Ok, here my second attempt at TS fanfic.  

A Big thanks to Taleya, I know I already thank you a 100 times, but I never would have finished this story if it wasn't for your help.  And to Christina Klineburger who found a few extra mistakes I had missed.




That Nasty Y2K Bug  


By Mel Bone



It had been a long hard week for the Major Crimes division over the Christmas and New Year period. Today was January 1st and finally Jim Ellison had the day off, and what he really wanted to do was take a few days off and go camping with his roommate.


But Blair Sandburg had other ideas. He had been out partying all night celebrating the New Year, had gotten up around 12 pm and had been searching the net ever since.


Jim had tried everything to try and convince his partner to come with him, even offering to undergo any test Blair wanted to do.


“Just wanted to make sure there are no Y2K bugs,” Blair had said


Jim sat there watching his partner, hoping if he stared at him long enough he would shut the computer down and go camping with him.


But Blair just continued to ignore him.


The all of a sudden Jim had an idea.


“Hey Chief, just going to the store, to get some supplies, sure you don’t want to go camping?”


“Um how about we go tomorrow Jim, there’s a lot of interesting information here” Blair replied without taking his eyes off the monitor.


Getting up and grabbing his coat, Jim exited the loft, making sure to take his cell phone with him.


When he returned an hour later, his arms were full of supplies to go camping with.  Blair was still busy at his computer, only this time instead of reading what was on the screen; he was busy typing on the keyboard.


Putting the supplies on the bench, Jim checking his watch then sat down and waited.


He didn’t have to wait long.


“Hey” Blair cried


His computer screen suddenly went blank.


“What’s up Chief” Jim asked innocently


“My computer suddenly went dead, looks like the power’s out”


“The Y2K bugs must have come a little late” smiled Jim


“Or maybe it’s just a fuse” countered Blair


“I’ll check it out” and with that Jim jumped up and was out the door before Blair could object.


Blair was about to follow Jim when the phone rang




“Hey Blair, it’s Rafe, Just wondering if the power’s off over there”


“Um yeah”


“Looks like it’s out in the whole neighborhood” lied Rafe “I guess the Y2K bug got to us after all.  Ok, I’ll catch ya later Blair”


As Blair hung up the phone, Jim walked back in.


“Not the fuse Chief, apparently the power’s off in the whole neighborhood”


“Yeah, I know, Rafe just called”


Jim lips twitched as he tried not to smile


“So how about we go camping then” Jim’s eyes pleaded with Blair


“Alright” Blair sighed, “Not much to do here with the power off, just let me get my stuff together” Blair disappeared into his room


As soon as the French door were closed Jim mouth a silent “Yes!” and surreptitiously punched the air, hurriedly schooling his face as Blair wandered back out to collect his glasses.   




Twenty minutes later, Jim and Blair were all packed and heading down stairs to the truck.


Throwing their gear in the back Jim waited until Blair was in the truck before looked back to the side of the building where Rafe was hiding around the corner.  Smiling Jim mouthed “Thank you” then got in and started the engine.


They had been driving for about 10 minutes, and as usual Blair was chatting happily away about anything and everything, and as usual, Jim was happily ignoring him. He couldn’t believe his luck at managing to trick Blair into thinking the power had gone off over the entire neighborhood.


“Hey Jim, I was thinking…”


“Oh no, here’s trouble”


Blair ignored him.  “It’s funny how the Y2K bug affected the power over 12 hours after midnight”


“Yeah, well.”


“And it’s funny that Rafe would ring up and ask if the power was off in our neighborhood, considering he lives on the other side of town.”




Jim turned slowly to face his partner, seeing a huge grin on Blair’s face.


“Well you know that Nasty Y2K bug, anything can happen…”



The End

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