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My Little Angel


Jamie Lee ................My Beautiful Little Angel

On December 16,1961
God saw a reason to give to me a
beautiful little daughter.
She weighed 6lbs.and 5ounces
when she was born.
Big blue eyes and a head full
of cold black hair.

She was my fourth child
and my second daughter.
I had already three older babies
at the time of Jamie's birth,
so there was not enough time for much spoiling
of any one of them as they all needed,
my attention constantly.
The oldest being only three,
her older sister being only two
and the yougest of her two brothers
being only eleven months old at the time she was born.

So you can see
I had three babies and
my hands were full just taking care
of them alone.
Jamie lived to be three months and four days old
and that's when God decided to take her
back home with him.
I know he had his reasons
for giving her to me
and also his reasons for
taking her back.

But what I couldn't understand at the time
was why he did that to me.
At the time of Jamie's birth
I was having marital problems
with her father and shortly after her death
we were divorced.
Now that time has past
and I've grown older and wiser .
I know that God felt a new baby might help
but when it did not ,he decided
that it was to much on my shoulders
so he took her back leaving me
the three that he had already blessed me with,
There is not a day goes by
that I don't think of her
and wonder just what she
would have grown up to look like
and turn out to be..
I thank God
for leaving me with the three little ones
as they have brought me
beautiful ,warm,loving times to mean loads
of laughter and joy.
I also thank him for leanding her
to me for just a little while,
she was and is My Little Angel!
................I Love You Jamie Lee !


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©Angel Hugs Postcards


Like the little old lady who returned your wallet yesterday

Like the taxi driver who told you that your eyes
light up the world, when you smile

Like the small child who showed you the
wonder in simple things

Like the poor man who offered to share his lunch with you

Like the rich man who showed you that it
really is possiable, if only you believe

Like the stranger who just happen to come along
when you had lost your way

Like the friend who touched your heart
when you didn't think you had one

Angels come in all sizes and shapes
all ages and skin types

Some with freckles , some with dimples
some with wrinkles , some without

They come disquised as friends, enemies
teachers,students,loves and fools

They don't take life too seriously, they travel light

They have no forwarding address, they ask nothing in return

They are hard to fine when your eyes are closed, but when
you choose to see, they are everywhere you look

So open your eyes and count all your ANGELS---------
for you are truly blessed !

Author Unknown............