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Larry's Family Album

Hello There ! I am Sassy's better half ,better known as Larry..

Well! Now that Sassy has showed off her side of the family ,you didn't think I was going to let her get away with that ,now did you ? I want to show a few of my own . Starting with my wonderful mother --- Christie Juanita

Pap loved to fish and caught his share of whooper's


This is Pap , my Dad. Pap was a railroad man for years. He also ran a grocery store and belived in being truthful and fair with everyone. My pap went to be with his God on September 23,1996.

This is my only sister Bess, Raised up with three brothers , we sure give her a rough time

Aunt Ann , she is only a few months older than me (hehehe)


I have two brothers, Louie and Richard. Of course I am the youngest of all. hehehe

This is Richard ,Helen ,Shane Christy Beth and Pap.

This is my Big Brother Louie his wife Ruby with Pap


This is the whole gang of Eversoles at out reunion last year . Aunts,uncles,cousins ,mothers, father's ,brothers,sisters.neices, nephews. In laws and out laws. Now when we all get togather you just better believe we have a good time

Aunt Ann's Family

Thank you for stopping by. Please come back and visit again! I will be adding more to this page and you don't want to miss it , right?

