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Jessie's bad hair day!


Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon or characters, blah blah blah


AN: I'm kinda hyper from SUGÄR right now, hehe, so don't mind me. @_@


Jessie groggly got out of bed on Saturday morning and dragged herself to the bathroom. Her hair was a frizzy-flying-out-everywhere mess. She opened the bathroom cupboard and reached for a bottle of gel, or two or three bottles in her case. hehe. But she found that all of the gel was gone.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" she yelled as she frantically threw things out of the cupboard.

"Whats the problem Jessie?" asked James as he rubbed his eyes "I'm still tired, and you woke me up"

"Meeeeeowth, that's what I'd like to know. You woke me from my catnap!"

"Oh shut up you idiots, we have a more important matter on our hands!!"

"What could be more imortant den sleep?" asked Meowth

"I'm out of hair gel!!!!" Jessie raged

"Uh oh, this could get ugly" said James. "As if it could get any uglier" he added as he looked at her hair.

"What did you say?!?!" yelled Jessie as her head grew about ten times larger, vampire teeth were clearly visible, and veins popped out of her forehead. "How dare you say that to the most beutiful person in the world!"

"Uhh....I meant...ummm...well..." stammered James

Meowth was about to add another comment, but he stopped himself when Jessie gave him the death look.

" about we just all go buy more gel" suggested James

Jessie went back to normal and agreed. She took a large top hat and shoved all of her hair up underneath it. "Let's go"

The trio went walking along the road to the store when they ran into Ash and co.

"What's with the goofy hat?" asked Ash

"And why is your hair not visible?" asked Misty

"Maybe she shaved it off" suggested Tracey

"Shave my head?! what are you crazy?! you little twerp, what do you know?! I would never shave off my gorgious hair!!" Jessie yelled

"We'll just see" replied Misty as she pulled off the hat

"Don't do-" started James and Meowth

But it was too late, the hat was removed from Jessie's head, revealing her awful hair.

"Oh, yeah, it's gorgious all right" said Ash sarcasticly


"It would be better off shaved" remarked Tracey

"I should have left the hat on!" added Misty

"Why you little twerps!!!" raged Jessie as she whipped out her jumbo sized mallet. Her eyes burned fire as she stared at the trio and Pikachu.

"Uh oh/pikachu" they all said at once and took off running


Reporter: Hello folks, now that we have returned from our commercial break, we return to our story. The crazed psycho lunatic with hidious hair and a jumbo mallet was last seen chasing the three kids and the pikachu along the country's northern border. Will they ever run out of energy? who knows, we'll bring you another news update on that matter tomorrow. Now, in other news...




Hehe, did you like my story? Questions? Comments? Flames? Flying sinks {hehe}? email me whatever ya think. C-ya

-Sara aka Misty