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Pikachu's glasses

This is a short story in response to a challange by CORBINJAYF. I'm in another bored/crazy mood. =)

"Pikachu! use agility!!" Ash yelled to Pikachu, who was in a battle with a trainer's Raticate.

Pikachu ran around in circles really quickly, but then ran straight into a tree.

~at th poké center~

"Will he be all right nurse Joy?" asked Ash from the lobby of the center

"Oh, I think he's gonna be just fine" she assured him

Ash paced back and forth in front of the door until he drove Misty crazy, and he finally sat down. A little later, some Chansey's wheeled Pikachu out. Ash ran happily up to the electric rodent, and noticed a pair of glasses on him. "Oh, it appeared as if Pikachu had a vision problem, so he needed glasses" said nurse Joy

"He looks kinda dumb-" started Ash


"Ok, ok, I think they look great"

~A week later~

"Ash, you have one pokemon left to battle with" said the gym leader The gym leader laughed at the sight of the Pikachu, and was soon greeted by an electriic shock. She sent out her Ivysaur and the battle continued.

"Pikachu! thunderbolt!"

"Ivysaur, vine whip!"

Ivysaur let out its vines and it whipped Pikachu's glasses off his face.


"Pikachu, you don't need the glasses, just give it all ya got, and hit that Ivysaur!"

Pikachu nodded and sent out a very large burst of electricity. The bolt missed the Ivysaur completely, Pikachu sent out more and more bolts, but had a hard time focusing in on the Ivysaur, so kept missing. Ivysaur used razor leaf and quickly defeated Pikachu, Pikachu fell backwards onto the ground and landed with a...*crunch*


The End


Didja like this one? true true, it's a little beyond sane, but It's more sane than Jessie's Bad Hair day! send any feedback please!