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News story, #2


Disclaimer: Nope, don't own anything


AN: I wrote this upon request for after the story "Jessie's Bad Hair Day"


Reporter: Hi, and welcome to News 7, I'm Jenny Jackson with the news. Our top story today is on the crazed messy haired psycho, who is chasing the three kids and a pikachu. We have with us, the psycho's partner James, and pokemon Meowth, who are going to talk to us on this matter.

James: Hello

Meowth: Hi ya

Jenny: Hello, from what I've heard, you know this psycho. Is this true?

James: Yes we do, her name is Jessie. She's our partner in Team Rocket.

Jenny: Team Rocket. The criminals?

Meowth: Meeeowth, thats right

Jenny: Umm...ok. Well anyway, back to the story. Jessie was last sighted swimming after th the trio and the pikachu in the Orange Islands. And from what cameras have shown, it looks like another boy was trying to stop her, but after a short conversation, this boy soon joined up with the trio and the pikachu, and are heading back east. I wonder who this boy is. James and Meowth, have you seen the tapes?

Meowth: Yes we have

Jenny: and do you know this boy?

James: We've found that he is none other than Brock

Jenny: Well, this concludes todays report on that topic. We will now go into a commercial break while I go get some more coffee!! So see ya then!...


Jenny: Hey!! why is this coffee all decaffinated?!?!

Camra Man 1: (to camra man 2) uh oh, youve really done it now Jake

Jake: I thought she should lay off on caffine this time Tom

Tom: But you know how she gets...

Jenny: *looks at the camra men* ok, who did it?!?!?!?!?!

*Jake looks desperate*

Tom: James and Meowth are responsible!

Jenny: *looks at James and Meowth* WHY YOU LITTLE-!!!!!

---next day---

Tom: Hello, I am Tom, and I'll be taking Jenny's place on the set until her return. Jenny was last seen chasing James and Meowth down the streets of Viridian this morning. For further information, tune in tomorrow...

Ok, did you like the new part? hate it? feedback welcome!