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Disclaimer: If it isn't in the show we own it! And if it is in the show I, Jaden, will own it before I'm 25!

Authors Note: I couldn't have written this part without Sara (aka Misty), she helped me with the ideas! Thanks Sara!


Multi, Part 17

By Jaden!


Skye circled the person which was actually a spirit and stared her down good.

"Skye, don't you recognize me?" the spirit asked.

"N-n-no I don't." Skye said.

"It's me, your Mom."

"Mom! It couldn't be! You left after Daddy died when I was little!" Skye exclaimed.

"Yes I did and I'm sorry but, I need to tell you something. You are a big threat against Mewgi, and he knows that."

"Me! A threat? Against Mewgi? How?" Skye asked.

"Skye, you have special powers, they were never activated before because you never met your link, and Mewgi knows that, that's why he tried to kill you."

"Link?" This was all very confusing for Skye.

"Yes, a link. You know how Jason and Janice's powers are stronger when they are together? They're linked. You met you link on this journey, his name is Michael Smith."

"Mike? Is that why we're so...uh...close?" Skye asked.

"Right," Skye's Mom began, "You and Mike, along with Misao, Jason, and Janice make up a group of extremely strong psychics. Together, the five of you make up a large force against evil threatening Indigo Island."

Skye walked around in a circle then sat on a tree stump, she had to think and get this through her head. Instead of asking another question about her powers, something else came to Skye's mind.

"Where's my Eevee?"

"Oh yeah, here it is." Skye's Mom brought a pokemon from behind her back.

Skye stared at the pokemon, "That's not Eevee!" she exclaimed.

"You're right it's not Eevee. It's Blackie, a recently discovered evolution of Eevee. This pokemon is strong and it will aid you in battle.

"Wow, thanks." Skye said hugging Blackie.

"No time for thanks, Skye. Your friends need your help." Skye's Mom said, "Don't worry I'll be watching you."

Skye took one last look at her Mom and whispered a small thank you, then she ran off through the forest with Blackie at her side.


At Mewgi's Lair.....

Sarah, Janice, and Cozmo were locked behind a glass wall, planning a way to escape. Mewgi had made the glass psychic proof, so Janice couldn't break it.

"Last time Jason teleported out of here. You can do that too, right Janice?" Cozmo asked.

"Uh..Cozmo, I was dead when he did that." Janice replied.

"Hey I have an idea!" Sarah exclaimed, "Come here."

Sarah started whispering her plan into Cozmo and Janice's ears.


With the rest of the group.....

"Jason, we're ready." Mike said with worry in his voice, of course he was thinking about Skye.

"Okay, here we go." Jason said telepathically.

"Mike! Wait!" Skye yelled, just as the group disapeared, "Dang! We'll here's the first test of our link."

Skye didn't know how to use her powers, but it came to her naturally, she focused on Mike and then teleported.

A few seconds later, Skye materialized on the other island right next to Mike.

"Skye!" Mike exclaimed, "How'd you get here?"

"It's a long story, I'll fill you in later." Skye sighed.

"Okay, Jason. What happened?" Billy asked.

Jason took a minute to explain, "As soon as we got to the island Mewgi was there to greet us. Janice and I tried to stop him, but we couldn't. Mewgi got Sarah, Cozmo, and Janice. I don't know how I got away"

"Well we'd better get going," Misao began, "We've got to find and save them."


At Mewgi's Lair......

"Great idea, Sarah! Let's hope it works." Janice said.

"Hey Mewgi!" Cozmo yelled.

Mewgi turned around, "What do you want?" he asked.

"We've got a deal to make with you." Sarah said, "It could benifit you in a big way."

Mewgi was all ears.

"If our friends battle your pokemon and win, you let us go and you stop terroizing everyone" Janice said.

"And if I win?" Mewgi asked.

"If you win," Cozmo began, "We'll find a way home and you won't ever see us again."

"Is it a deal?" Sarah asked.

Mewgi thought for a few seconds, "Deal, and as an added bonus, I'll let two of you go."

"You two go. I'll stay." Cozmo said.

"But-" Cozmo cut Janice off.

"Just go!" Cozmo yelled.

"Okay, if you say so." Sarah said, "Mewgi! Janice and I are are going."

"Very well then." Mewgi said, and teleported the girls out of the lair.


With everyone else.....

Skye had just told Mike everything about the link, and he was equally surprised.

"So we're linked?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, we are." Skye replied.

Mike thought for a moment, he had to tell her, he had to tell Skye how he felt, "Skye, I-" Mike stopped himself and thought of the person he loved back at home. (A.N. Yes I read 'The Pokemon Files')

"You what?" Skye asked.

"Nevermind." Mike said, and ran to the front of the group.

Just then Janice and Sarah appeared in front of the group.

"Janice! Sarah!" Jason exclaimed, "Where's Cozmo?"

"Mewgi still has him." Sarah said.

"He'll be fine, but we've got another matter on our hands." Janice said, "We've got to battle Mewgi's pokemon with our pokemon."

"Why?" Darren asked.

"If we beat him he'll stop his plans, and we'll go home and if he wins he'll continue his terror." Sarah and Janice explained.

Next Mewgi's voice rang through the air, "I'm setting this up in four rounds, I'll send one giant pokemon at a time but only two of you can battle it. The first pokemon I'm sending is Venusaur."

"Hmm... Janice I think it's time they learned the element of team battle." Jason said.

Within a few mintues the twins explained team battling to the entire group. Jason and Janice were going to battle for the first round.

"Mewgi! We're ready!" The twins yelled.

The giant Venusaur landed in front of them.

Round 1: Jason and Janice :vs: Mewgi's Venusaur

Battle Mode: On (this belongs to Globie)


Jason: Flareon, Electabuzz! go!

Janice: Charmeleon, Raichu! Go! (A.N. So what? I evolved it.)

Both: We choose you Vulpix!

*Venusaur powers up for a Solarbeam.*

Jason: Flareon, Electabuzz! Thunderflame!

Janice: Charmeleon, Raichu, Vulpix! ElectricInferno!

Before Venusaur even launched the attack it was burnt to a crisp.


Battle Mode: Off

"Allright! We won! That's one battle for us Mewgi!" Jason and Janice exclaimed.

"Good job guys," Mike said, "Me and Skye are up next."

End of Part 17!


Good Luck next author! Feedback is wanted all flames and the flamers will be burned by Flareon. ;)