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Multi-Part 19

by lily-dono ^-^


Skye and Mike's kiss was cut short when a translucent Mewgi appeared. It was obviously a double of him, a messenger.

"Nice work, but you should know the first are always the easiest. The next two will be more difficult to defeat, if you can. We shall resume the second half of this battle tomorrow."

With that said, the messenger Mewgi faded away.

"Well, I guess now's the time to rest our pokemon and prepare them for tomorrow's battle," Misao suggested, "Let me see Aoshi, Darren."

Darren looked up and tossed her his pokeball obediently.

"What ya got there, Darren?" Billy asked, looking over the boy's shoulder.

In the dirt, Darren was busy scribbling away.

"Hmm...PPa=Ptot x % Vola(i can't draw this formula out correctly with this)...whoa! What do you have there?"

"When we first came on this island, I considered many possibilities. One of them was that we traveled through to another dimension, a parallel universe. It has been believed that there is a weak black hole just beyond the edge of our universe. There was once a theory that because of a gravitational pull of an celestial object, another object sailing by it would get pulled instead of sailing right past it. That is a formula for calculating--"

He was cut off by the rest of the group.

"Whoa there! Since when did you get so smart?" Mike asked.

Misao answered for him.

"He's always been intelligent, gifted at birth," she stated nonchalantly.

Darren smiled.

"You're being too nice, Misao."

"Who knew a psycho like him could be so smart?"

"Come on, Einstein, explain this to me again?"

Misao walked off to a small clearing to call out Aoshi. She felt the presence of someone behind her.

"Misao, I need to talk to you."

It was Skye.

"Sure, what do you want to discuss?"

"Well, when I went to find my Eevee, I ran across a spirit and she told me about my powers and how I needed my link for them to be activiated. She told me that Jason and Janice and I had Mike, but I've been wondering. Who's your link?"

Misao sighed.

"I don't need a link for my powers. I have them naturally, but they are rather weak most of the time. I am the personification of mistletoe."

"Then how are you able to do the things you can with your psychic powers?"

Skye looked a little suspicious and Misao noticed this. Her air of spunk and playfulness was replaced with one of total seriousness.

"If you think I'm working for Mewgi, a spy for him, I assure, I'm not."

"No, it's not that!"

"Oh really?" Misao called out Aoshi and he flew gracefully out of his pokeball.

"He is my link, you could say," Misao said, pointing to the bird.


"I wasn't always like this, you know. Neither was Aoshi here. I was once an ordinary girl, no psychic powers at all and Aoshi was someone very special to me. I was too curious and too mischievious, you could say. I got Aoshi and I involved in something we shouldn't have. As a result, I am Mistletoe and he is an Articuno. I was only allowed my full powers all the time because I agreed to help Darren. I'm not using the boy, he is part of my family. It's too bad none of them remember me or Aoshi anymore. You'd think I would learn a lesson from this and be demure or something, but I am what I am and I will never change."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Misao. I don't know what came over me."

"It's alright. After all that's happened to us, you think we'd all be a little edgy. You'd better join up with the others before they get worried. *cough* Mike *cough*."

Skye smiled.

"You're back to your old self again."

"I'd like to spend some time alone with Aoshi, just to talk, if you don't mind," she said softly.

Skye nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry about--"

"It's ok! I think I see Mike looking for you!"

Skye grinned again and ran off leaving Misao and Aoshi by themselves.

"I hope this will be over soon. I'm sorry I had to lie to you, Skye."

~End Part 19~

What is Misao talking about "I'm sorry I had to lie to you, Skye."? Was Skye's assumption correct? Or is this something totally different?(like maybe redemption?) This to be answered in the future parts of Multi(I hope). Bwhahahahaha!