Disclaimer: We own the characters (except Misty), the islands, and the plot! We just don't own pokemon. Look out, here comes the next presidents of Nintendo of America!
Multi, Part 21
By Jaden and Sara (aka Misty) !
(Jaden starts)
At Mewgi's Lair..... (A.N. I seem to start a lot of my parts here.)
The real Misao sat behind a glass wall with Cozmo, they we're both asleep, unaware of each other's presence. Both teens woke up, stared at each other and screamed.
"Where am I!" Misao yelled.
"And how'd you get here!" Cozmo yelled back.
"Cozmo?" Misao asked.
"Oh it's only you." Both teens siged in unison.
"I wonder how this happened," Misao said, "the last thing I remember seeing was Janice and Jason battling a giant Venusaur, then I end up here."
Cozmo was about to respond when they overheard Mewgi speaking, "Misao, is your sister in place?" Mewgi asked.
"Yes Master. And stop calling me Misao, I'm not her."
"Whatever. Just tell your sister to kill those kids on my mark. Okay?" Mewgi said.
Misao and Cozmo weren't too happy about what they just heard so it was their job to interfere.
"Who was that girl? And why did she look like me?" Misao yelled.
"That was Melissa, her and her little sister have the power to turn into anyone or anything they want. Right now she's playing the role of Misao, and her sister, Nicky, is playing the role of Mike's girlfiend from home, Misty. When I give the command they will kill all your friends."
"What about the battles! You made a deal!" Cozmo yelled.
"You actually thought I was going to keep it!" Mewgi laughed, "Even if you do win, I won't stop my plans at all!"
While Cozmo continued arguing with Mewgi, Misao sat back against the wall to concentrate, "Aoshi, if you can hear me, please do this for me. Protect Mike, Skye, and the others. Keep them safe from Melissa and Nicky. Please!"
Mewgi started ignoring Cozmo then turned on his comlink, "Nicky, Melissa, it's time."
Back at camp......
It was evening time and everyone had settled around the campfire, Billy was talking exitedly about the new Starmie she just caught. Mike was sitting away from Misty and Skye for the benifit of his own health.
Then all of a sudden Aoshi's pokeball fell off Darren's belt and Aoshi popped out. Everyone stared at the bird as it flew over to Misty and Misao and knocked the girls back onto the ground.
"Aoshi! What are you doing! Return!" Darren yelled. Aoshi refused.
"So it knows." Melissa said evilly as she returned to her normal form. Melissa was tall and had long black hair, she was wearing a long black dress.
"I guess it's time." Nicky said as she transformed from Misty into her true form, she looked like Melissa just a lot shorter.
"Who are you?" Mike asked.
"And where's Misao?" Billy and Darren added.
The girls began a small introduction, "We're Melissa and Nicky Randall, Sisters of wrong, Demolishers of right, We serve the great Mewgi, we fight his fight, and someone is gonna die- tonight."
"Now without further adieu," Melissa said, "I think we'll get all the psychics first."
"You are one evil son of a-" Nicky cut Janice off.
"I think I see my first victim." Nicky said as she morphed into Janice, "How about a taste of your own power?"
Janice didn't dodge the energy ball Nicky threw at her, when it hit, she doubled over, in laughter.
"Is that your best shot! Take this!" Janice yelled repeating the attack. Nicky fell over as it hit.
"Now that's a psyblast, Janice Swipes style." Janice said.
Mike walked over and stood next to Janice, "You all really think you can beat us? Yeah that's a laugh."
Mike turned and looked at Skye, who was standing next to him, she winked and they released their most powerful psychic attacks, together.
The energy beams hit the girls and they fell to the ground, "We're not being beaten that easily." Melissa said, "Mewgi, restore us."
A white energy beam came from the sky and healed them. Meanwhile Darren whispered something into Sarah and Billy's ears, "Aoshi can take us to Mewgi's lair, he knows Misao is there! Get Jason so we can go!"
"Jason! Come with us!" Billy yelled.
"Articuno go!" Sarah commanded.
Jason ran over, "Where are we going?" he asked.
"Mewgi's lair, to save Cozmo and Misao." Billy said.
Darren and Billy got on Aoshi, and Jason and Sarah got on Articuno, both pokemon rose into the air and headed toward Mewgi's lair.
"Looks like your little friends ran away." Nicky chuckled.
"No they didn't, they're off to save some people that complete our team." Janice said.
"Right now we can take care of you! Butterfree, Blackie! Go!" Skye yelled.
"Haunter, Rapidash, Raichu go!" Mike followed.
"Charmeleon, Vaporeon, Eifi! I choose you!" Janice said.
(Sara takes over the story from here to the end)
"Ha" Melissa said crossing her arms "you think your pathetic pokemon can beat us? when we have the power of Mewgi behind us? I think not"
"Is that supposed to intimidate us?" said Mike
Skye crossed her arms mockingly "I think not"
"Not funny" mumbled Melissa
"Charmeleon! Fire spin!" Janice ordered
Niky morphed into a Blastoise
"Niky, hydro pump!" commanded Melissa
The transformation and blast of water caught Charmeleon off-guard, and he was hit bad.
"Charmeleon!" yelled Janice. She then got an idea and tossed out a new pokeball "Ok, common Scyther, it's your turn, double team!"
Scyther split into three and stood staring at Niky/Blastoise
"Common Niky, it's the one in th middle! headbutt!" said Melissa
"Wrong!" yelled Janice "Scyther, triple attack! use super agilty, then focus enery, then finish it with swords dance!"
"What the-" stammered Melissa as she watched a blur of green moving so fast, that she missed the whole attack. When Scyther stopped, Niky/Blastoise lay unconsious.
"You hurt my sister! now you pay!" Melissa glared hard at Janice, their eyes locking. Sparks and flames seemed to come from them.
"Hey Mike, you think we should do something?" asked Skye
"Yeah. Haunter, use hypnosis on Janice before she hurts herself."
"Butterfree, use stun spore on Melissa!" commanded Skye
Haunter put Janice into a trance, and she fell asleep on the ground. Butterfree's stun spore locked Melissa in place.
"Ok, Raichu, use thunder!" Mike said
just as the attack was about to hit, Melissa put up a barrier, reflecting the attack, and it came back and hit Raichu.
"Rai-chuuu!" it said angrily
"It's ok buddy" Mike said reassuringly "use thunderwave, she's coming out of paralysis"
"Good, now, Rapidash use take down!"
"Blackie, final blow!" said Skye
The two pokemon collided with Melissa, and she went flying into Niky/Blastoise.
Janice came out of her trance and siezed the opportunity. "Eifi, bite her!!! Then Vaporeon, send them off with your own hydro pump!"
Soon, Niky/Blastoise and Melissa went flying off [AN: like Team Rocket "blasting off again"]
"There they go" said Skye watching the Sky [AN: haha]
"Now to reunite with the others at Mewgi's lair" said Mike
"And battle him, not his little workers" added Janice "Let's go"
Everyone recalled their pokemon and packed up. Then started to walk off.
"Mike, I know that the Misty that came wasn't real, but what about the real Misty?" asked Skye
Mike sweatdropped "Don't worry about it" He then took her hand and and they walked off with Janice.
2 B continued.....
Hey, this is the first chapter written by two authors in our series. How did you like it? Questions? Comments? Suggestions? send them to me or Jaden. Thanks!
~Sara aka Misty, out to protect the world from writers block! =)