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Disclaimer: Pokemon. Not mine. Don't sue. Got it? My characters(i.e. Darren). Mine. Please ask if wanna use(but dunno why you would want to...)


Multi 22

by lily-dono


Misao and Cozmo watched as Nicky and Melissa teleported in suddenly. No one heard Misao mutter "Ahou ga" under her breath.

"Master Mewgi! Uh...we kinda messed up. We messed up in trying to kill them and now they're coming. We are sorry. We ask for forgivness," Melissa said quietly.

"Yes I know. You two are dismissed now," he replied.

The two bowed deeply and scrambled off. Suddenly, Cozmo's eyelids felt very heavy and fatigue fell over him and he succumbed falling into a deep slumber. Misao closed her eyes as well, and she glowed a faint blue as she silently slipped through the glass wall.

"So the twins failed again. The strike continues. They're pathetic," Misao commented.

"Yes and I finally found a use for them," Mewgi replied.

"So no one suspects I work for you anymore?"

"Yes. Now they are all convinced that it was Melissa Skye talked to."


"Yes. They don't suspect you anymore, my double agent."

Misao smirked.

"Mewgi, if I am not mistaken, the next task is my last one."

"Yes, yes. After your last task, I will release you and your precious Aoshi from our binding spells and you two will be returned to your true forms."

"Thank you, but Aoshi was only trying to protect me. He had nothing to do with it. It was I who trespassed; Aoshi only came just in time to take the brunt of the attack. Please, let him off and return him to his true form now. He knows nothing; it was only me."

Misao winced as the memory of that fateful day returned to her.


I was so excited! Aoshi and I were going to the movies. Sure, he didn't call it a date; he was only going since no one else conviently didn't have any spare time. Deny as much as you will, Aoshi-sama, but I'M still considering it a date.

I've always had a crush on Aoshi-sama, the ultra-cool, super cute, intelligent, and an awesome fighter. He's Mr. Stone-faced, never showing much emotions, but he loves me. Deep down inside, he loves me. I know that. I think.

Well, whatever he thinks, I love him. I love him more than I love my Haunter. She's real playful and helps me in my pranks. Aoshi trains with his Scyther. We've arrived at the movie theater. I want to see that new romance movie starring Psyduck and Wigglytuff. It sounds really good!

I never got to see it. We were a bit late and it was already dark inside the theater. I got seperated from Aoshi looking for our seats and I stumbled into a door hidden on the side of the theater. In Mewgi's earlier days, he hid out in an old movie theater, kinda like the phantom in the opera, only he stayed secretive.

I saw everything. Everything Mewgi had and everything that he had planned to do. Mewgi caught me and was about to bind me to his will when Aoshi swooped in and tried to save me. He was a little late and only succeeded in taking the attack himself. He got himself turned into an Articuno.

As for me, he managed to shot me with a psybeam and I woke up as a plant. Mistletoe to be exact. We both found ourselves with psychic powers; Mewgi made a mistake. However, we were bound to his will, but it would wear off after we have completed 1000 tasks each.

~*~*~*~END FLASHBACK~*~*~*~

'My foolishness got us both punished. I'm sorry, Aoshi,' Misao thought to herself, somehow wishing that Aoshi could hear her thoughts.

Mewgi pondered her request for a minute. "True, but he's my insurance. The closer you are to the end of your bonding, the easier it is for you to break free. After all, you DO have psychic powers. Yours are stronger than his. I'll keep him like he is to be sure you don't try to leave on me before your last task. A very special one, I might add."

"So what is my last task?"

Mewgi floated down to Misao. He brought up a paw and stroked Misao's cheek. She slapped it away smiling with a defiant glare in her eyes.

"Don't even think about it."

"Is that any way to talk to your master? I still have control over you."

He proved that as his eyes glowed red and Misao howled in pain.

"Don't worry, your last task will involve the others."

They both heard some rustling coming from Cozmo's direction.

"I will return now," Misao said placidly and floated back towards the glass wall.


She turned her head.


"Do not betray me."

Misao smirked defiantly and turned away. "I wouldn't dream of it."

~*~*~Back with the four on the Articunos~*~*~

"Are you sure Aoshi knows where he's going?" Jason asked, skeptically, "It seems like we've been flying forever."

"No. I trust Aoshi," Darren said, smiling and patting Aoshi on his head.

Aoshi scowled.

"Ok, then why are we headed towards that mountain?" Sarah asked.

"Uh...I'm sure Aoshi knows what he's doing, right Aoshi?" Darren smiled nervously.

Aoshi merely dove for the heart of the mountain, accelerating every second. The other Articuno followed in suit.

"Aoshi? Aoshi? AOSHI?!?"

All four braced for the impact that would plaster them on the side of the mountain like bugs on a windshield, but it never came.


The side of the mountain was an illusion, a hologram. They had just flown into the entrance of a long tunnel. The two Articunos landed gracefully and the four trainers hopped off.

"Well, I suppose that Mewgi is just down this corridor," Sarah observed.

"Let's go!"