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Disclaimer: We, as in the authors of this story own all these characters and this plot so don't be a theif. 'Kay? We just don't own Pokemon.



Part 3

Jaden N. Ransome

Misao started tending to Cozmo and Sarah's injuries and everyone recalled their pokemon. They were safe from the Victreebel for now. Mike, Skye, Darren, Jason and Janice walked over to where Misao was working.

"Does anyone know where we are?" Mike asked.

"Uh... no." Janice replied.

"Misao, how did you put that Victreebel to sleep?" Jason asked.

"I have psychic powers, that I only use to help Darren, but in this case I used them on Victreebel." Misao replied.

Misao finished patching up Sarah and Cozmo, and they were a bit better than before.

"It seems we all got here the same way," Sarah began, "I think some kind of portal lead us here for some reason."

"I'm not sure, but I think we should find some way off this island." Darren said.

The group started exploring the the island, trying to find a way home, until they ran into another giant pokemon. This time it was a Kadabra!

"Are we supposed to battle this one too?" Cozmo asked.

"I guess so!" Mike yelled, "Go Raichu, Haunter, and Butterfree!"

Everyone else called out their pokemon too, ready for another greuling battle. The Kadabra let out a massive psybeam and all of the pokemon weakened.

"I think this one is stronger than Victreebel!" Skye exclaimed.

"Articuno! Lapras! Ice beam!" Sarah commanded. Then Darren commanded Aoshi to do the same.

Mike had his pokemon attack next, "Raichu, Thunder! Haunter, Night Shade! Butterfree, Psybeam!" All the attacks hit Kadabra and it winced.

"Flareon, Ivysaur! Solar Inferno!" Jason commanded.

"Vaporeon, Pikachu! Hydroshock!" Janice followed. Again the attacks hit Kadabra and it winced.

"Is this thing unbeatable or what!?" Cozmo exclaimed.

Everyone commanded their pokemon to unleash their strongst attacks in turn. But the Kadabra kept throwing out massive psychic attacks!

Soon no one's pokemon was able to battle.

"Jason, you know what we have to do." Janice said.

"Yup!" Jason replied.

The twins levitated into the air and prepared for their strongest attack. Jason's eyes began glowing a dark green, and Janice's and bright orange.

"Double Psyblast!" Jason and Janice yelled. They relased a large beam of green and orange energy. It hit the Kadabra and it fainted.

"Your psychic?" Mike asked.

Jason and Janice landed back down on the ground. "We're the guardians of Indigo Island. We protect it from evil." Janice explained. The twins had an orange-green aura surround everyone, healing them and their pokemon.

As the group walked further toward the center of the island, they met up with some sort of spirit. Ready to tell them the reason they were sent here, and what their purpose was....

End of Part 3.