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This is part one. I hope ya like it.

Part 1

Disclaimer: Do I own pokemon?....lemme! =)


Misty walked through the forest feeling very depressed. She couldn't belive she told Ash that she loved him. It wouldn't have been that bad, except he said he didn't like her. She looked around. Nothing was familiar, it was all just forest. She laughed slightly realizing that she was lost even without Ash. She sat down at the base of a tree to think about what she was going to do now. Going back to the gym wasn't a good idea knowing she'd have to live with her sisters again. Misty got up and kept walking. She came to a coast.

"Starmie go!" She said. "Let's surf"

Misty enjoyed surfing on the open water. She let the wind blow against her face. Her loose ponytail blew free and her hair blew wildly around. She was glad to take a moment away from all of her troubles and enjoy herself. Land came into view, and she returned Starmie to it's pokeball. She saw a sign that read "Seafoam Islands". She walked around the island until she came to a cave.

"I wonder what's in there." She said to herself, and then walked in.


"MIIIIIISSSTTYYYY!!!" Ash yelled into the forest

"MIIISSSTTY!!!" yelled Brock


"Where can she be? Why was I so stupid Brock?"

"I don't know, we've just got to keep searching. Hopefully we'll find her."

Ash, Brock, and Pikachu searched all over. They looked along the river, through the forest, and asked people if they had spotted her. Ash was depressed. He really did like Misty, he didn't even know why he said what he did. He kept wishing that he'd be able to find her and tell her his true feelings for her.


Misty walked through the cave not knowing what to expect. Sh saw many water-type pokemon. Mainly seels and horseas. Staryu's were around every so often. She remembered the seel back at Cerulean gym. For a moment, she almost considered going back there, but her thoughts were interrupted by a painful cry. She followed the sound until she saw a big boulder.

"Vaporeon!!!" the cry came again.

Misty went around the boulder and saw a Vaporeon with it's leg stuck under the boulder.

"Oh you poor thing! Staryu, Starmie go! help me push this boulder."

After many failed attempts, Misty recalled her pokemon and sat down next to the Vaporeon to rest.

"It'll be ok, I'll find some way to help you. Just hold on"


Again Misty, Staryu, and Starmie tried to push th boulder, but failed.

"I'd better find help. Psyduck go! Psyduck, stay here with Vaporeon while I go find help, and try not to annoy it too much"

Misty looked around realizing she was once again lost. She didn't know which way was out. She chose a path and payed careful attention to her surrounding so she could find her way back. She debated on catching another pokemon to help, but none seemed strong enough to be able to push a boulder. Then another noise caught her attention.


She knew that sound. She had read about it in books. It belonged to Articuno, the legendary bird of ice.

"I must be far into the cave" She thought. "Articuno lives tward the back. If I'm to get help for Vaporeon, it will take forever to get back and find my way out. And even then, finding someone will take awhile. Maybe if I caught Articuno, It'd be strong enough to push away the boulder."

She rounded the corner and saw the beautiful blue bird.

"Staryu go! Quick, use hydro pump!"


The water blasted at Articuno. It caught Articuno off guard, weakening it.

"Pokeball go!" yelled Misty. But Articuno just hit it away. "Darn. Starmie go! help Staryu. Water gun!"

The combined attacks went tward Articuno, just barely hitting it as Articuno dodged it. Articuno responded to the attacks by using an ice beam. Staryu was frozen in place.

"Staryu return! Starmie, use water gun, then tackle it"

Articuno dodged the water but was still hit a little by Starmie tackling it. While this was happening, Misty secretly sent out horsea and told it to use bubble beam. As Articuno flew tward Starmie to peck it, it was hit by the bubble beam.

"pokeball go!" Misty yelled

The pokeball sucked Articuno inside and wobbled back and forth. Finally the light went off. Misty jumped for joy, then recalled Starmie and horsea. She wound her way back through the cave until she came back upon Vaporeon, who was wincing in pain. Misty sent out Articuno, Starmie, and Staryu. She used her last two potions to restore Staryu and Articuno's strength.

"Common guys, lets push this boulder!"

They all pushed until finally the boulder started to budge. They put all they had into it, then finally, it rolled off of Vaporeon's leg.

"Good job guys! You're free now Vaporeon. You should be brought to a pokemon center to fix your leg. Do you want to come with me?"

"Vapor vap eon!" said Vaporeon while nodding it's head.

"Good. Pokeball go!" Misty released the pokeball and captured Vaporeon. She then recalled Staryu, Starmie, and Psyduck to their pokeballs. "Articuno, could you fly me out of this cave and to a pokemon center?"

"Cuno" Articuno said in agreement

Misty got on Articuno's back and was flown out of the cave. They flew across the water and onto the mainland. Then Articuno landed in front of a pokemon center and Misty recalled it.

"Hi nurse Joy. I have a Vaporeon with a broken leg, could you heal it?"

"Certianly" Nurse Joy said

Misty released Vaporeon from the pokeball and the Chanseys took it back to work on. Misty sat in the waiting room and waited. As she waited, her thoughts drifted back to Ash. In all the excitement, she had forgotten all about what happened, and now the memory came back to her as painful as when the actual moment happened.

"I wonder what he's doing right now. Probably jumping for joy that I'm finally gone" She thought


"Miiiisty!!" Ash yelled in a raspy voice. After yelling for Misty all day, he was losing his voice. As was Brock and Pikachu.

"Ash, It's getting late. Lets call it a night and rest. We'll keep searching tomorrow. What more can we do tonight?" Brock asked.

"We have to keep searching." protested Ash.

"Pikachu pi ka pi chu (common Ash, you need rest)" pikachu said

"Fine. But we'll start early tomorrow" said Ash

Brock prepared dinner as Ash layed out the sleeping bags. Ash sat down and thought to himself.

"Oh where are you Misty? wherever you are, I'm sorry. Just please, please come back. I miss you."

After dinner, Brock and Ash fell asleep and Pikachu curled up at the end of Ash's sleeping bag and fell asleep.


Misty was almost asleep when Nurse Joy went up to Misty and informed her that Vaporeon was ok. Misty went and visited Vaporeon in the pokecenter room. She would be able to pick Vaporeon up in the morning. Misty checked out a room and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Misty woke up the next morning and went downstairs and got Vaporeon. Then she had nurse Joy restore the rest of her pokemon's health before leaving. She walked for a long time through the forests. She sent out her pokemon to battle some of the wild pokemon in the forest. She also did some fishing.

Days past and Misty learned her way in the woods very well. She decided to get used to her surrounding since she'd be spending lots of time in the forest. Suddenly a weedle walked up to her.

"AHHH! get away! get away!" She threw a random pokeball and Vaporeon popped out. "Are you well enough to battle Vaporeon?"

"Vap eon" Vaporen said nodding yes.

"Ok, use bite"

Vaporeon bit the weedle. When it released it's bite, the weedle retreated running into the forest.

"Thanks Vaporeon. I hate bugs. Vaporeon return."

Vaporeon just shook it's head no.

"You don't want to go back into your pokeball?"

Vaporeon nodded

"Well, ok. Since you are well enough to walk now, I guess that's ok. You're starting to remind me of Ash's Pikachu"

Misty and Vaporeon sat down and rested against a tree.


"It's been days, and we still can't find her. Where can she be?" Ash asked

"Why don't we try asking the Joy at this pokemon center" Brock suggested.


Brock and Ash walked into the pokemon center.

"Uh, hi nurse Joy.....wanna go out with me tonight?" said Brock as he snapped into his 'pretty girl' mode.

"Brock! that's not why we're here!" said Ash

"Wha....oh....sorry. Joy, can I call you Joy?, we're looking for someone and were wondering if you've seen her."

"Yes you can call me Joy, and who are you looking for?"

"Her name is Misty, she is just a little taller than Ash here, and has bright red hair and blue eyes"

"Oh, yes, I saw someone here a few days ago that fits that discription. She came to heal her Vaporeon with a broken leg"

"A Vaporeon? It couldn't have been her then, she doesn't own one."

"Maybe she found one" suggested Ash

"Nobody ever finds a wild Vaporeon, well, not that I've ever heard. They have to find an Evee and then evolve it into a Vaporeon" said Joy

"Well, maybe she found an Evee and evolved it" said Ash

"But in order for that to happen, she'd need a water stone. And they are hard to find in stores. And even if she found a store that carried them, they are way too expensive to buy." said Brock

"Darn, and I thought we had something here. I guess it's just another dead end." said Ash

"Pikapik chu kapi (I miss Misty)" said Pikachu

"Me too Pikachu" said Ash "We'll find her".

Weeks passed with still no luck. Ash, Brock, and Pikachu decided to continue with their journey and still look for her and ask around on their way in hope for some information.


Misty packed up her stuff and she and Vaporeon walked off in search of a new camping spot. They walked into a clearing and saw a big building in front of them.

"What is this place?" Misty questioned.

She walked up to the building and read a sign on the wall that read "Team Rocket Headquarters".

"vapor!!" Vaporeon yelled

Misty turned around to see what the problem was only to find herself face to face with a team rocket member about her age.

"So, you found our secret headquarters. I'll bring you to our boss and see what to do with you." The Rocket member said

Misty gripped a pokeball ready for battle and so did the team rocket member.

"Growlithe go!" he yelled

"Misty calls....Articuno!"


To be continued....


That was Part 1. Please send me feedback and tell ya what ya think at .