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Part 10

Sorry it took so long. I hope I don't have writer's block on the next chapter. Oh, and if you've read my short stories, you'll know that I got a little weird when writing them, so I'll warn you now, I got into that mood while writing some of this chapter. =)


"What happened" asked Alex

"Nothing, let's just get out of here. We've been away from work for too long" said Misty as she turned around.

"And I belive you'll be out of work for even longer" said a voice from behind a tree


"Who's there?" asked Alex

"Pepare for trouble" said a voice

"And make it double" added another

"To protect the world from devestation"

"To unite all people within our nation"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love"

"To extend our reach to the stars above"

"Jessie" she said hopping into view

"James" he said hopping into view

"Team Rocket has no room for you three pests"

"So leave right now if you know what's best"

"Meowth, I won't bother, you know the rest"

"I should have known" said Misty "Jessie, James, and Meowth. The Team Rocket misfits"


"Misfits?! How dare you! We happen to be the most honored members of Team Rocket; The ones who've been in it the longest" said Jessie

"The years show, maybe you should retire. And as far as most honored goes, you are, if you consider janitors the most respectable job." Misty responded

Jessie just stood fuming to herself. "You shouldn't even be in Team Rocket!"

"At least we can make up for all your mess-ups" said Misty

"James" Jessie whispered "Let's show these twerps who's best..."

James nodded, and he and Meowth disappeared into the forest for a moment. They reappeared with a giant machine with a rod on the front.

"Activate it!" said Jessie

Misty, Alex, and Vaporeon stared at the machine, expecting a net to spring at them, or something simple. But to their surprise, a beam of light shot out of the rod on the front of the machine and surrounded them. When the light went away, a red Psyduck, a blue Charmander, and a blue Abra stood there.

"Psy yai yai? (What's going on?)" the red Psyduck said, holding it's head in confusion

"Char, Charmander! (Vaporeon vap!) [I'm a Charmander!]"

"We did it Jessie!!" James said while jumping up and down in excitement

"It worked!" responded Jessie as she joined James

"Wow, dat's amazin. Nothin ever woiks for us" added Meowth

The three pokemon looked around in confusion.

"Let's see what else we can do!" said James, then pressed a button

Another light engulfed the 3 pokemon, then cleared.

"Jessie, James, Meowth! change us back!" the psyduck raged "You changed me into the most stupid pokemon in the world!"

"Vaporeon Vapor vap! (you changed me into a fire pokemon!)

said the Abra

"Hey Jessie, I thought they were supposed to act like the pokemon" said James

"Oh don't worry, that will come in time" Jessie smiled "now that these pests are taken care of, let's go Meowth and James"

"Ok, but you guys, don't ya tink we should've changed dem into somthin rare?" asked Meowth

"I think he's got a point" said James

"Lets change them, the boss will probably reward us" said Jessie while daydreaming of becoming rich.

"Yes, let's change them right this instant!" squealed James

"Psy yI don't think so!" said Misty/psyduck

"Char chaporeon vap vaporeon!" (better change me back to a Vaporeon!)"

The three confused pokemon stood in front of the rod, hoping that being the idiots they were, Jessie, James, and Meowth would change them back. James pressed a button, and another light shot out. Meowth tripped and hit the machine, so the rod turned slightly to the right, so that only Misty/psyduck, and Vaporeon/Charmander were hit by the light. The blue charmander started growing taller, and started to form the shape of a human. The red psyduck's tail started growing long and jagged, and ears started growing. When the transformations were complete, A slim girl with blue hair and blue eyes dressed in a blue dress and shoes stood before them. Beside her sat a small red pikachu with small yellow electric sacks on it's cheeks.

"What? I'm a...a..." stuttered the girl.

"Pikachu pika pipi kachu! (it's supposed to be the other way!" said Misty/Pikachu as her cheeks started to spark.

"James! we weren't supposed to change one human!" said Jessie

"Well, at least we have a Pikachu" said James "I'll try again on the girl and the Abra". He went to press the button, but pressed one labeled 'selfdestruct' [AN: why on earth would they have that button? who knows].

"Uh oh. It's gonna blow!" yelled James

"Let's grab 'em before dis ting explodes!" yelled Meowth

"Pikapi pi pika! (teleport and get help Alex!)"

Jessie, James, and Meowth lunged for the three, and caught Misty/Pikachu and Vaporeon/Human in a net, but Alex/Abra teleported out in time. They then ran off into the forest, making it out in time before the machine blew up.


"What was that?" Asked Ash as he heard the explosion from someplace far behind him in another part of the forest.

"Pika pika chu (that's what I'd like to know)"

Suddenly and blue Abra appeared in front of them.

"cha!" Pikachu jumped back, startled

"Where'd that come from?"

the Abra spoke telepathically

"Alex? wait, that can't be, Alex is a human"

"Wait, you want me to belive that you, a blue Abra, is actually Alex? I don't think so."

"You really are Alex! where's Misty?"

"They have Misty?"


*huff huff* "Jessie, let's stop, I'm tired" whined James

"Yeah, I'm hungry" added Meowth

"Will you two ever stop thinking with your stomachs? fine, we'll stop" Jessie said

"Pikapi pikachu pi ka!" yelled Misty/Pikachu from inside the net

"Will that little rodent ever shut up?" said Jessie

Vaporeon/Human just stared blankly, confused more than ever. It was one thing to be changed into another pokemon, but a whole new species was too overwhelming.

After a while, Alex/Abra, Ash, and Pikachu ran into the spot where the two Rockets and Meowth sat.

"Pikachu, thundershock!" commanded Ash

Pikachu and Misty/Pikachu let out a powerful thundershock which sent Jessie, James and Meowth flying off into the distance, and made the net break.

"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" *ding*

"Wow, another pikachu!" exclaimed Ash. "But this one's colors are different. And, who's this? I thought you said Misty was going to be here."


"Pika!" Misty/Pikachu said as she ran up to Ash.

"Misty? b-but... It can't be"


To be continued....


What did you think? I know, it was kind of wierd, but now there's a new twist to the story. I was wondering what should happen in the next chapter. So here are some of the my ideas, please email me.

a) Misty, Vaporeon, and Alex should be changed back

b) They should stay as they are for awhile

c) stay as they are, and Ash starts to like Vaporeon as a human, and Ash's Pikachu starts to like Misty as a Pikachu

d) stay as they are, then to add to it, they should change back before it gets serious

e) stay as they are for awhile, but Ash shouldn't start to like Vaporeon as a human, and Ash's Pikachu shouldn't start to like Misty as a Pikachu

f) email me another idea that you have