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Part 11-

I'd like to thank everyone who voted. It really helped. The most picked idea will show up this chapter as a start, then probably carry out through the next chapter, and maybe even after that. Oh, and special thanks to KoalaKiller for Vaporeon's name and other ideas, and the idea's from .


Disclaimer: I Don't own pokemon. There, something short and sweet.


"Pika, pikachu...* Misty/Pikachu said sadly

"You're not serious. Tell me you're joking" Ash asked Alex/Abra hopefully

"And Jessie, James, and meowth did this?"

"If I ever see them again..." mumbled Ash

"Pi pikachu, pikapi? Pichu pika ka. (why would they do this? We're both in Team Rocket)" Misty/Pikachu said

"Pikachu cha ka chu (I like you better this way)" said Pikachu to Misty/Pikachu

"Pika chu kachu? (is that supposed to be a compliment?)" asked Misty/Pikachu

"Hey Pikachu, the idea is to change her back" said Ash

"Good idea. But it's getting late. We'll have to find our way outta here first, then try tomorrow"

"E...excuse me, b...but what will we tell people?" said Vaporeon/human, coming out of her silence. "If we tell everyone the story, they'll think we're crazy"

"Pikachu pikapikapika pi chu (she'll need a name, first of all)" said Misty/Pikachu

"She's your pokemon, you should name her" suggested Ash.

"Pika cha...pikacha? (how about...Vally?)"

"That sounds good to me, I like it" said Vaporeon/now known as Vally

"Well, Vally needs some pokemon, so you two could belong to her until further notice" said Ash

"Pika? pipi kachu pika pikachu pi? (Me? belonging to my own pokemon?)"

"Pika pika-chu. Pika chu pi ka cha pi pikapi (I guess you have a point. As long as I don't have to be in a pokeball)"

"You're starting to sound like my Pikachu" mused Ash

"I don't know if I can get used to this, the world seems so much taller" said Vally, twisting a lock of long blue hair with her finger

"You'll get used to it" said Ash "Now let's head out

The five walked through the forest, Alex/Abra guiding them since Ash still never found his map, and was quite lost without it. Vally was examining her surrondings, amazed at the new elevation. Pikachu was not riding on Ash for once, but instead walking alongside Misty/Pikachu. Ash took up the rear, thinking things through. After awhile, Misty felt akward and stopped to turn to Ash.

"Pika pipi ka pikachu pik chu pika cha? (Ash, why is Pikachu staring at me strangely?)" questioned Misty/Pikachu

Ash looked at Pikachu and raised an eyebrow, who shot him an innocent smile.


"Pika pi? (who, me?)" Pikachu grinned

Misty/Pikachu hopped up unto Ash's shoulder, and rode up there for the remainder of the walk to Pallet before hopping off. When they arrived at Ash's house, he let everyone in. His mom came rushing down the stairs.

"ASH!!! I was worried sick!!! where were you?!" said his mom

"Mom, I'm 16, I don't need to tell you where I am every second. I didn't have to when I was 10, and I don't have to now"

"Well, at least leave a note" she said. Then, noticing Vally and the two mysterious pokemon asked "Who's this?"

"Mom, this is Valley. These are her two pokemon, a Pikachu named Misty, and her Abra, Alex"

"Oh, ok, I understand...I think...but what is she doing here?"

"Um...she was lost in the woods, and she was looking for a place to stay, she's a lone traveler"

"Ok, well I'd be happy to let her stay. The guest bedroom is down the hall, 2nd door on the left."

"Thanks" replied Vally

After awhile, they retreated to their bedrooms. Vally went to the guest room, followed by Misty/Pikachu, who curled up at the foot of the bed. Alex/Abra slept on the floor rug. After a few minutes, Pikachu pushed the door open a little and poked his head in and looked at Misty/Pikachu.

"Pi ka pika (goodnight my sweet)" he said, then scampered off up the stairs.

The alarm went off at 7:30 the next morning, and Ash groggly got out of bed. He got ready, then walked downstairs. Vally, Misty/Pikachu, and Alex/Abra were already up, and met him. After breakfast, they headed out to Professor Oak's lab. Tracey greeted them at the door.

"Hey Ash. What's new with you? And who's this?" he asked

"Long story. For now, just call her Vally"

"Oh, ok, hi Vally. Nice to meet you"


Tracey then looked down and saw the Abra and Pikachu.

"Wow! are these hers?! Let me get a few quick sketches!"

He then ran and got his sketch pad and went sketching away.

"Uh Tracey, I don't mean to interrupt you, but we need to talk with Professor Oak" said Ash

"Ok, just one...quick...second....ok, I'm done. The Professor's in the lab room. I've got some work to do back in the storage room, so I guess I'll see you later."

"Ok thanks, bye"

"Hey Tracey, you forgot your sketch pad" said Vally after him. She flipped through the pages, until she came to a picture of her.

"Just like Tracey" Ash said smiling

Tracey came back and took the sketchpad, blushing.


Then he walked off. The rest walked into the lab room and saw professor Oak trying to get Muk back into his pokeball, with no luck.

"Hi professor Oak" Ask said "I see Muk's still being a pain"

"Oh hi Ash. Yes, this Muk just never seems to want to behave."

"I've got to ask a question to ask"

"Sure what is it?"

"Do you know how to switch pokemon into humans, and humans into pokemon?"

"Where did you get that idea Ash?"

"Meet Vally" he said gesturing Vally to step foreward. And her pokemon, Misty and Alex"

"How very strange" Professor Oak observed when looking at Misty and Alex

"You remember Misty right? the one I traveled with"

"Yes, don't tell me that this is her, is it?"


Alex/Abra spoke telepathically

"Team Rocket? They're capable of doing this?"

"Pi (yes)" Misty/Pikachu said looking down


"She said yes" said Ash

"Oh, and was this Abra human? and what about this girl"

"Yes, he was human. This girl used to be Misty's Vaporeon"

"I think you better tell me what happened"

Alex/Abra and Vally told professor Oak the story. Leaving out the part that they were also part of Team Rocket.

"Wow, that's some story. I'm not sure if I can help, but I can try. If you don't mind, I'll have Tracey help. If we use pokemon power and maybe..." Professor Oak started rambling talking to himself

"That would be great, I don't mind if Tracey helps. Just don't tell anyone else" Ash cut in

"Ok, I'll go get him and we'll start thinking of ideas and...ahhh!...Muk, get off me!"

"I'll take Muk with me, call my house if you have any breakthroughs, or need any help"

"Thank's Ash"


To Be continued....


Ok, this chapter was mainly getting a good foundation for the next one. Most of the ideas will show up in the next one. If you have anymore that you think I might want to put in the next chapter, or just any ideas regarding future chapters, I'd be happy to hear them. Also, I love getting feedback. =)

-Sara aka Misty