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Part 12

Disclaimer: Vally and Alex belong to me, but Misty, Ash, Tracey, Professor Oak, Jessie, James, Rainer, Mikey, and the pokemon do not


Alex/Abra decided to stay back to help Professor Oak and Tracey at the lab. Ash and the others walked back tward Ash's house. Vally skipping, finally starting to loosen up and enjoy her new form. Pikachu walk beside Misty/Pikachu gazing at her, though she just tryed to ignore him.

----Pika talk mode----

Pikachu: Your red fur looks so lovely with the sun reflecting off it Misty.

Misty: Uhh...thanks? Pikachu, remember, I'm going to be a human again.

Pikachu: You are so much better this way though.

Misty: Pikachu...I just don't think it would work out.

Pikachu: and why not?

Misty: We are two different species!

Pikachu: Not right now we aren't. And what if they don't know how to change you back?

Misty: I don't even want to think about that...


"Ok, what if we try pika power?" suggested Professor Oak

"No, I'm not sure that would work. Jessie and James wouldn't have used that on their machine, they couldn't catch a Pikachu if their life depended on it" said Tracey

asked Alex/Abra

"Meowth, Arbok, Weezing, Victreebell, and Lickitung that I know of" said Tracey

"What do we have of those in storage Tracey?" asked Professor Oak

"All but Lickitung and Meowth"

"Hmm...gather the others, I'll try looking through my books for helpful information"

"Good idea Alex. Let's get to work"


"Vally where did you come from? How did you and Misty meet?" asked Ash

"I was Misty's Vaporeon. We met at the Seafoam islands in a cave. She saved me in a way. I was trapped under a rock" said Vally. "I used to belong to a trainer named Rainer of the Evee brothers, but he became too competitive and hated to lose. He eventually didn't think I was strong enough and abandoned me"

"Rainer huh? I remember him. He and his family lived at the base of Evolution Mountian. Misty helped out his little brother Mikey and his Evee from evolving." remembered Ash

"I knew I'd seen her before! Mikey and Evee talked about her for weeks after you guys left. She must have been a really nice person to travel with"

"Well, she had her times..."

"Pika! (I heard that!)" said Misty/Pikachu, finally getting away from Ash's Pikachu and running over to Ash and Vally.

"heh heh, sorry Misty"


Alex/Abra teleported back into the lab carrying a few scraps of metal.

"Thanks Alex. Tracey and I will look them over" said Prof. Oak "Tracey come here and look at this"

Tracey walked over and started to examine the metal.

"Well I see traces of a Weezing's gas on one side of this piece here, and it looks like the venom from an Arbok on this piece. And look at the way this first one curves and isn't of the same material as the second. It looks as if it held the gas as a sort of power, like how a car needs gas. If we model this machine somewhat like a car, we should have a good start. Alex, I want you to tell me what the machine looked like in the best detail you can, and I'll try sketching it out"

"Good job Tracey. Great examinations" said Prof. Oak

"Thanks Professor. Another good start is to maybe check out the genetic makeup of a Vaporeon, Pikachu, and Abra."

"Actually, I think there might be some connection to a Ditto in this."

"Wow! I never thought of that. You're a genius"


"Hey Ash look, it's a Caterpie" said Vally, pointing toward a bush "Can you show me how to catch it?"

"Sure, here's a pokeball. You'll have to weaken it first"

"But I can't use my attacks"

"Try Misty"

"Oh yeah. Misty, use thundershock"

"Pi cha (ok Vally)" Misty didn't know how, but something inside her told her what to do. Within seconds, the little bug was toast. "Pi ka! chu! (take that! bug!) hehe"

"Ummm....pokeball, go" Vally threw the ball at the little Caterpie and caught it. "Wow, that was kinda fun. I just caught a pokemon"

"Pikachu pi-ka! (that was fun!)" said Misty/Pikachu

"Pi chu pika (Good job Misty)" said Pikachu

"Pi (thanks)"

"Ok, my house is right there, lets go and have lunch" said Ash


~hours later~

"Well, we have our outline. It looks like we can start building now. I hope this works" said Tracey

"We should call Ash over to help assemble this machine" said Professor Oak

"Ok Alex. We'll get started here"


"Yay! I can't belive our luck!" said James gleefully

"Yes, the boss is sure to promote us now!" said Jessie

"We da rare pokemon dat Misty and Alex had too." said Meowth

"Oooo, like Articuno!" said James

"But we can't give the boss Articuno you idiot" said Jessie

"but why not?"

"Because, James, there is only one, and he knows Misty has it"

"Oh yeah. But then what will we do with it?"

"We could sell it" suggested Meowth

"Good idea, let's do it!"

"Not only will we be promoted, but we'll live in the lap of luxury!"


~The next day~

"Wow, that didn't take that long to build" said Ash plopping himself down in a chair

"It was a fairly simple structure, I just hope it works" said Professor Oak

"Alex, do you want to test it?" asked Tracey

"Pi chu pikachu (if it works, I'm next)" said Misty/Pikachu

"Ok, stand in that square right there Alex"

Alex did so, and Tracey aimed the rod toward him. He then pressed a button and a beam of light shot out at Alex/Abra. When it cleared, Alex stood, perfectly human.

"It worked!!" said Alex

"Ok, now Misty, stand over there, you'll be next"

"Pi chu ka (with pleasure)"

Misty/Pikachu stood in the square, then Tracey again pushed a button. The light surrounded her, and when it cleared, the Misty everyone knew stood.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" she said excitedly. Pikachu just moped in a corner

"Aw, come on Pikachu, there's other woman out there for you" said Ash, with slight laughter


Pikachu glared at the machine, then sent out a thundershock, so that it blew up.

"Now we can't change Vally back. Good going Pikachu" said Ash "Vally, I hope you don't mind being human for awhile more"

"Oh, I can wait. It's no problem" she said

"At least we still have the blueprints" said Tracey

"Yes, but we have a lot of work to do, so it might take awhile before we can rebuild it" said Prof. Oak "Plus, we need more materials"

"That's right. We have some children starting their pokemon journey tomorrow, so we have to have everything all ready" said Tracey.

"Hey Vally, want to go shopping? I heard they just added a new clothes store here" said Misty

"Ok, I've never been shopping before"

"Then let's get going!"

The two girls ran out of the lab, then off down the road.

"Girls will be girls" said Ash "Pikachu, want to go to get an ice cream or something?"

"Pi ka!!"


To be continued.....


What did you think. Thanks again everyone for all your ideas, they are greatly appreciated. I think I'll add polls to the ends of my stories every so often because it helps me out.