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Part 13

Disclaimer: Vally and Alex belong to me, but Misty, Ash, Mrs. Ketchum, Jessie, James, Rainer, Mikey, Pyro, Sparky, and the pokemon do not.


Vally and Misty returned back to the Ketchum residence carrying a bunch of shopping bags.

"I'll be right back" said Vally heading into the house, Pikachu bounding in after her.

"Where did you get the money to buy all that stuff?" Ash questioned

"I'll have you know, I get very high paychecks" said Misty

"Yeah, but you're currently out of work"

"Not for long"

"You aren't going back are you? I mean, Vally's here"

"Vally works with me, after all, what's the problem?"

"You're doing fine here, no stealing, no running from the law, no jail. Why do you want to go back?"

"Maybe it's the adventure, maybe it's the feeling of accomplishment, maybe it's-"

"Accomplishing destroying people's dreams as trainers by swiping the pokemon they've trained so well?!" he said in a harsh, angry tone. He then softened a bit "Misty, there's better things in life, stay here"

"Hey guys, I'm back" said Alex as he walked up "I helped out at the lab for a little bit. It seems that five new trainers are starting tomorrow"

Ash turned back to face Misty "Five new trainers with dreams, five new people to raise great pokemon...are those going to five more people to steal from?" He then turned and walked off.

"I miss a lot don't I?" asked Alex

Misty just stared at the ground.

"Well, I'll be inside"

Soon, Vally came out and looked Misty. "Something wrong?"

"I always feel so guilty for my life when I talk to Ash. Like now everything I do amounts to his critisism."

"I'm sure he's just trying to help" Vally said comfortingly

"Whatever. He just hates me, so I'd better stay out of his way"

"He saved you didn't he?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure it was just something he felt needed to be done, like to make him some kind of hero. I don't think he did it for me. He's never liked me, even when we traveled, he never really cared."

"I care about you Misty. You're my best friend, and I'll be here whenever you need my help like I've needed yours. My former master, Rainer, never cared about me either, when his ego took over, he took me for weak and abandoned me. I'm sure Ash doesn't have the same intentions, he just wants to help."

"I'm so sorry about your master. I wouldn't have done that. As far as Ash goes, I'll just try to stay out of his way for now"

"If that's what you want. You should try to talk it out again though. Oh, and thanks for the new wardrobe" she said smiling

"No problem, it was fun to shop with you. I'll try to talk to Ash again, but I don't know"


Knocks sounded on the door to the office.

"Who is it?" asked Giovanni

"It is us, Jessie-"


"And Meowth"

"We've brought pokemon for you sir." said Jessie triumphantly from outside the door

"Are they real, or do you just add water to the mix and set it in the refrigerator for a day like that 'Ditto' you brought in" asked Giovanni irritated

"Oh, they're real" said James

"Come in then"

The three walked into the office with pride and displayed several pokeballs. Giovanni sent out a few and took a look at them

"I can't belive you actually did it. I may have room for you three failures yet. Since the the absence of Alex and Misty, we have some extra room. You may have that promotion, but if you go back to your old ways, you're back down to janitors, or out for good. We have no more room for failures on this team"

"We won't let you down boss. Hey, I was wonderin if you need a new top cat?" asked Meowth

Persian glared at Meowth, giving him the answer.


"Haha, you lost again Rainer" Pyro said, petting his Flareon "You know very well that Victreebell, a plant, is weak against fire. Vaporeon was your only water type, the only possible winner"

"I let you win Pyro. I can beat you without that weak Vaporeon" said Rainer

"Yeah, whatever bro. You brought down our whole title of being 'The Battling Eevee brothers' by abandoning Vaporeon, your first pokemon as Eevee."

"Our Eevee brothers group fell apart over the last few years, it wasn't just me. Mikey, now 13, left for a journey of his own soon after the evolution party. And Sparky left too. Maybe I should leave our home at evolution mountian also. I want to show the world my trainer skill"

"Go right ahead, if you think you can do it"


Vally was in her room, now dressed in a blue skirt and shiny blue/silver tank top, her hair up in a ponytail. She spun around in front of the mirror, admiring her new outfit. She saw somebody pass through the hallway from the small opening in her doorway. Vally opened the door more and poked her head out. She saw the door to Misty's room slam. She then heard footsteps stomp up the stairway from the other room.

"I'm guessing they had another argument" she sighed "I'll go talk to Ash"

Vally walked into the living room then up the stairs to Ash's room. She saw him laying on his bed staring angrily at the ceiling.

"Go away" he muttered, sensing the presence of someone in his room. "You know, you should knock before invading my space next time, it's rude to barg in."

"I'm sorry, I should know better. I'll leave" said Vally

Ash sat up startled. "Oh, it's you Vally. I thought you were someone else"

"Like Misty?" asked Vally "What happened this time?"

"Let me ask you something Vally. Are you going back to Team Rocket with Misty and Alex now that you're human?"

"I haven't thought much about it. I suppose I will"


"Ash, this isn't about me, this is about Misty. I thought you two liked each other, what happened?"

"She's too blind to see things. By being in Team Rocket, she's gone against everything we stood for when we traveled"

"That's it? You shouldn't let it bother you though, Misty chose this path to live, and that's that"

"But it's so dumb. She's better than that"

"I'm not telling you that you have to agree with her decision, I'm just saying you should respect her and not put her down for her choice. She respects your choice after all. Have you once heard her ask you to join Team Rocket?"


"And how many times have you called her stupid and asked her to leave Team Rocket to live the life like you are?"

"I see what you're saying"

"Then are you going to talk to her again?"

"Maybe I'll try later after she's in a better mood. Hey, and thanks Vally for talking to me. It helped me out a lot"

"Anything to help a friend. Well, I'm going back downstairs. See ya later"

Vally walked tward the stairs and went down. Ash watched her leave and smiled. Then got a second thought.

"Hey Vally, wanna go for a walk? I could also help you train that Caterpie of yours"

Vally turned back around.

"Sure Ash"

"Then let's go"


"Pallet looks like a good place to start. I'll stop by Professor Oak's lab, I heard he's full of Pokémon knowledge" Rainer said, looking at his map. "Then I'll head down to Cinibar Island from there"

Rainer walked through the woods [AN: I like making people walk through the woods, hehe]. All of a sudden a little Eevee jumped on him, tackling him to the ground, and started licking his face.

"Eevee?" said Rainer

"Hi Rainer! Didn't expect to see you out traveling. I was just on my way back home to visit, but if you don't mind, I think I'll travel with you for a little while" said Mikey "Common Eevee, get off my brother"

Eevee hopped off and pranced happily around in a circle.

"Eevee's sure spunky today Mikey. Yeah, I left today and am on my way to Pallet then to Cinnibar. I've wanted to beat Blaine the gym leader there ever since I heard he was there"

"Yeah, he's a fire Pokémon gym leader. You should have no trouble, seeing as you have Vaporeon at your side"

"Well, ya see Mikey...about Vaporeon...ah, I'll tell you later. You can travel with me if you want"

"Ok, let's go then"


"Back on the job, finally!" said Jessie

"Can't ya just smell the smell of victory?" asked Meowth

"What'll we do first?" asked James "I know, let's get Ash's Pikachu to show that we can finally do it"

"James, have you ever thought that if we left Pikachu alone, or stayed as far from it as possible, we could actually get something?"

"What do you mean Jessie?"

"I mean, that Pikcahu always ruins our plans. If it wasn't by us, we may succeed"

"Oooooooo...I never thought of that before!"

"I got it!" said Meowth

"What?" Jessie and James asked together

"We sell Articuno, then steal it back and sell it ta somebody else!"

"Good idea Meowth! Everyone wants Articuno and will pay big bucks for it. We'll be rich in no time!" said James

"While we get rich, we can swipe other people's pokemon for Giovanni. That way, we'll get recognition and riches!" said Jessie starry eyed

"Let's start now! I like this idea better every time we talk about it!" squealed James


Alex knocked on Misty's door.

"Leave me alone!" she yelled

"It's me, Alex"

"Oh, come on in Alex. Sorry"

"You and Ash argue again? Why don't we just leave? he upsets you all the time, what's the point of staying?"

Misty sat up and looked at Alex, her eyes started to water. She stood up and practically fell into his arms. He wrapped is arms around her trying to comfort her. She buried her face in his shirt, then finally looked back at him. "I don't know why I don't leave. It's just that...that...oh it's so confusing"

"You still love him."


"What a nice day. Just perfect for a walk" said Vally, closing her eyes and letting the wind blow in her face.

Ash looked at her and smiled. He took her hand as they walked. "Yeah it is"

"Pika!" the little electric mouse ran to catch up. He looked angry "Pika pi pi pikachu?! (how could you leave me behind?!)"

"Sorry Pikachu" said Ash "You were sleeping on the couch and I didn't want to wake you up."

"Pi (ok)" content, Pikachu hopped up and rode on Ash's head.

Vally and Ash strode down the path they were on talking about anything they came up with. Eventually they went and Ash bought Vally a nd Pikachu ice cream. The whole time, Ash thought about Vally, and how he was beginning to like her.


"Now we're not the Eevee brothers anymore" said Mikey disappionted.

"But she was too weak!" Rainer argued "I can't have a weakness on my team"

"You said you left her after she lost a battle with a Venusaur Rainer. Venusaur is the strongest grass pokemon there is, Vaporeon is a water type, and water has little or no effect over plant. You shoulcn't have expected her to win"

"If she was really strong, she could have beat Venusaur, no matter what element it was"

"Are you really that dumb Rainer?! I'm younger than you, and I still know when to send out certian pokemon. Poor Vaporeon, she's probably hurt on the Seafoam Islands, or sick, or maybe even dead because of you. The Seafoam Islands have caves and rocks, the tide comes in, and the whole place floods!"

"It's her fault"

"I'm disgusted with you"

"Look, I'm sorry Mikey, but that's just the way things work sometimes"

"Whatever, let's keep going. After Pallet and Cinnibar, I'm going over to the Seafoam Islands"


"Ash?" Misty called up the stairs.

"Oh, Misty, Ash left a few hours ago with Vally and Pikachu to go on a walk" said Mrs. Ketchum

"Ok, thanks..."

Misty walked over to Alex who was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"I'm going out Alex, if Ash and Vally get back tell them I went out looking for them"

"No problem Misty. Oh, and hey, are you going to be alright?"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine" she smiled

Misty walked out the door. She had to speak to Ash and settle things. She walked around the town for about half an hour, then started to walk back when the sun started to set. But then she saw them, Ash and Vally sitting on a park bench kissing. Misty's heart felt like it was going to shatter into a million tiny pieces. She turned around and tryed to walk away unnotieced.

"Why do I care?" she thought to herself "I mean, we always argue. Why should I still like him? he always caused me right now". She started walking with a growing confidence, her head up in the air, acting like she didn't have a care in the world. "I don't need him, Vally can have problem right?". All of a sudden, tears started going down her face, and her confidence faded. She walked over inbetween to buildings and slide down the wall into a sitting position, her knees tucked up against her. She let her head fall and she cried.


To be continued...


What'd ya think? Send any ideas to me. I have some plans to what going to happen, but I'd be happy to accept others. I will try to end this fic after a few more chapters, so send in any last requests before I plan the last chapter. Thanks.

~Sara aka Misty