Here it is, part 14! it's been awhile, but I finally finished writing it! Hope you enjoy it. Only one more chapter left after this. =)


Part 14

By: me, Sara aka Misty

Disclaimer: Vally and Alex belong to me, but Misty, Ash, Mrs. Ketchum, Jessie, James, Rainer, Mikey, and the pokemon obviously do not.


"Misty, it's time for dinner" Mrs. Ketchum as she knocked on the door to Misty's room. She then proceeded down the hallway and did the same to Alex and Vally's rooms. Soon almost everyone was seated around the table.

"What's taking Misty so long? I'm hungry" said Ash, staring at the plates of food in front of him.

"Perhaps I didn't knock loud enough" said Mrs. Ketchum

"I'll go get her" said Vally and excused herself from the table, followed by her little Caterpie. She walked to Misty's door and knocked. "Misty, dinner". She got no response and tryed again, still nothing. She twisted the doornob and peered in.

"Pika pi pikachu"

"Same here, just be patient Pikachu" said Ash

"Uh guys" said Vally, walking back up to the table

"What?" they all asked

"Misty's not in there"

"What do you mean Vally? She did come home with you two right?" asked Alex

"She left?"

"Yeah, she left to find you and Ash an hour ago"


Misty finally lifted her head. She didn't know how long she had been in the alley crying. "The sun isn't all the way down yet, so it couldn't have been over half an hour" she said to herself. She stood up and looked out at the park bench where she had seen Ash and Vally not long before. It was now empty. She walked over to it and sat down. "It could have been Ash and me here, if only...". She tryed to hold it in, but she softly dried a little more.

"Excuse me miss, what's wrong?" someone asked

Misty looked up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Do I know you?" the person asked as he saw her face

"Hey Mikey, let's get going!" Rainer called out

"Mikey?" Misty asked

"Yeah, and you are...?"

"I'm Misty"

"Misty...Misty..." Mikey thought over in his head. "Now I've got it!" he said excitedly. "You were the one that taught me how to stand up to my brothers at the evolution party!"

"Now I remember. How's Eevee been?"

"He's doing great. He's right over there" Mikey pointed to Eevee, who was currently chasing a Butterfree. "What about your pokémon?"

Misty looked down at the ground. A few tears fell again at their rememberance. "They were all stolen, all but Vaporeon, but she's not quite herself..."

"Stolen? that's aweful! I'll help you get them back!...wait, you have a Vaporeon? You always wanted one, cool"

"Yeah, I found her on the Seafoam Islands"

"No way!" his eyes became larger "Are you serious?"

"If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about her right now"

"Oh, ok. where's Ash and Brock?"

"Brock became a successful pokemon breeder, and I'd rather not talk about Ash now either"

", where are you staying?"

"Actually" Misty looked away "I was just leaving"


"I'm going to look for her" said Alex

"What about dinner?" asked Ash

"Is that all you care about? Misty's out there somewhere because of you, and I plan to find her."

"I'll go call Professor Oak" said Mrs. Ketchum as she left the room.

"I'll come too" said Vally

"Now there's a true friend" said Alex directed toward Ash

"Pikachu pika pipi (I'm coming too)"

Caterpie chirped in agreement

Vally laughed "Caterpie, you'll have to travel in your pokeball right now."

"I'm afraid this is my fault Alex" said Vally as the two, Pikachu rushed outside

"What happened?"

"I...I kissed Ash, and I think Misty might have seen us"

"Oh no, that's got to be the worst thing for her right now"

"Wait up!" Ash called out

"You decided to come, how nice of you" said Alex

"Ash, this is terrible" said Vally "We should have never kissed. It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault Vally, things happen" said Ash

"Look, I think I see her walking with those two boys and that Eevee" said Alex

"They kinda look familiar" noted Ash

"Misty!" called Vally, not paying attention to the boys or Eevee.

Misty looked toward Vally's voice. "I can't deal with this, not now" thought Misty, turning and pretended she didn't hear Vally.

"Pika! (Misty!)"

"Misty don't ignore us!" yelled Alex.

They finally caught up with Misty, Evee and the two boys.

"Hi Alex" said Misty. "H...hi Ash...Hi Vally. What are you doing here?"

"We came looking for you" said Ash

"It's not like 'you' would care Ash"

"Pi" Pikachu shook it's head and sighed "Pi pika-chu (here it comes)"

"Why, shouldn't I care?"


Alex cut in "Perhaps you two should talk this out alone, once and for all"

"Ok" the both said and walked off to find a place to talk

"Let's just hope everything goes ok" said Alex

Once Ash and Misty were gone, Vally finally turned to look at the two boys. The first one she saw was Rainer. Her eyes narrowed "you" she sneered.

"Do I know you?" Rainer asked

"Don't give me that! you of all people should know who I am, even if I do look differant"

"Vally, it's ok, settle down" Alex said

"Vally? Rainer, did you know a girl named Vally? I don't recognize it" said Mikey

"No, am I supposed to?"

Eevee stepped forward, full of curiosity and sniffed Vally. When it drew back, it jumped up and down with excitement. "Veee!! veeveevee!"

"Wait a minute, slow down Eevee, I can't understand you when you talk fast" said Mikey

"No need, I think I know what he's trying to say" said Alex

Vally broke her locked glare on Rainer and crouched down the pet Eevee. "It's been awhile Eevee, I'm glad to see you happy." she then angrilly looked up at Rainer "You've had a good trainer, Mikey is nice"

Rainer just looked blank

"What was Eevee trying to tell us?" asked Mikey

"Vally, is...well, was-" started Alex, but was cut off by Vally

"-your Vaporeon, Rainer"


"So you just run off with my pokemon?" said Misty "Then leave me here"

"She's fully human Misty" Ash said defensivly "Plus, I didn't know you were out here looking for us, that's why I left you"

"You never even told me where you were going"

"Was I supposed to? you don't run my life."

"ahhh...just shut up, you're impossible to talk to"

"No, you just hate to be wrong."

Misty sighed "It's just do I put this...I still like..."


"No... well, as a good friend. Why don't you get it?"

"Misty, actually, I'm not that dense anymore. I know you still like me."

"You do?"

"Yeah, and in all truth, I still like you. I finally know now that it wouldn't work out, so I've been avoiding it. I'm sorry Misty, but I'm afraid that the best thing would for you to just leave."

"W...well Ash...if that's what you want"


"So, if Pikachu and the others are in Pallet, we'll just go someplace else" said Jessie

"What about the rest of Misty and Alex's pokemon? When will we bring them to Giovanni?"

"Let's wait, maybe day can help us" said Meowth

"Ok, where should we go?" asked James

" about Celadon? When we get the money for Articuno, I plan to do some shopping at their purfume stores" siad Jessie.

"Women" James shook his head

"So lets get goin" said Meowth


"My Vaporeon? you?" said Rainer "But that's not possible"

"A machine changed her" said Alex

"It must be true, look at Eevee" said Mikey, looking at Eevee who was rubbing happily up against Vally's legs. "Eevee doesn't usually take that well to strangers nowadays"

"It is true, I'm your Vaporeon, since the day you recieved me at age ten and evolved me, then you left me on the Seafoam Islands to die"

"But, I was going to come back for you" said Rainer, still unsure of the whole situation. "In fact, that's where Mikey and I were headed"

"Pi! (Liar!)" said Pikchu

"After 4 years?" said Vally

"He means, I was headed to the Seafoam Islands, he was headed to Cinnibar" said Mikey

"I should of known. Just as heartless as always" said Vally "For a minute there I was starting to believe he cared"

"Well, now that I've found you, I think I'll take you back" said Rainer, finally taking a look at what a beautiful girl his Vaporeon had become.

"She's not yours to take" said Alex, stepping in front of Vally defensivly.

"But she's my Vaporeon"

"Do I look like a Vaporeon to you? Plus, I rightfully belong to Misty"

"cha" Pikachu agreed

"Well then, how about a little battle to settle the score?" asked Rainer, raising an eyebrow "What was your name again?"

"I'm Alex. And you're on! Mackoke, g-"

"wait" said Vally "I'd like to battle him"

"You're a trainer?" asked Mikey

Eevee looked up at her with admiration.

"I am, sorta"

"wait Vally, but you only have Caterpie" said Alex

"Pika PI! (and ME!)"

"I'm aware of that Alex." she looked down at Pikachu "Since when do you care about me?"

Pikachu shrugged his shoulders, then got a smirk on his face and giggled. "PI pi pikachu pika pika cha pi. (Well, you have a disability being human and all.)"

"Well, I thank you Pikachu, it's just that I think I'm going to do this with just Caterpie, you'll see"

Rainer just laughed "This'll be a peice of cake"

"Rainer, I swear, when this is over..." mumbled Mikey

"Let me just have a few minutes to have a little pep talk with Caterpie" Vally had a glint in her eye that ment she was up to something, but also seemed a little sad. She started to walk away from the group, and Alex followed her.

"What do you plan on doing?"

"Something I've been thinking of doing for a while now..."


Ash walked back to where the rest of the group, followed by Misty, who was looking rather sad, but trying to hold it back.

"Hey Misty!" said Mikey, greeting her.

"Oh, hi Mikey"

Pikachu ran toward Ash, but stopped and looked at his and Misty's facial expressions. "Pi pika? (what happened?)"

"Where's Alex?" asked Misty

"Where's Vally?" asked Ash

"Getting ready for defeat" said Rainer



"Are we in Celedon?" asked James

"Yeah, it's taken us quite a long time ta get here" remarked Meowth

"And it doesn't smell like Celedon...where's the perfume?" asked James

"Quit whining you two, you're just exaggerating things, and are just lazy." said Jessie "And we know we're in the right place, James has been reading the map the whole time"

"Yeah, I'm following this road"

Jessie bent over and looked at the road James was pointing to, then looked at James, mad. "James! did you know the map was upside down?!"


Pikachu and Eevee sat and watched as Rainer explained his means of getting Vally to Ash and Misty, while Mikey tryed to get him to change his mind. Eevee yawned, and Pikachu nodded in agreement. Suddenly Pikachu's ears perked up and he looked to the east.

"Pi!" Pikachu tryed to get Ash's attention.

With no luck, Pikachu just gave up and ran off toward the east followed by Eevee, who was curious at where Pikachu was going.

Pikachu and Eevee poked their heads through some bushes, and saw Jessie, James, and Meowth arguing over directions. Eevee and Pikachu's eyes narrowed, and they looked at each other and smiled.


"My plan," began Vally "is, well, I want to give my water power to Caterpie"

"What?" Alex looked confused "But why?".

"It's my one true way of showing Rainer my power. And since I cannot use it because I'm human, I'll prove myself through Caterpie"

"But Vally, there's a chance that if you change back, you will be powerless"

"I'm aware of that, but this is something I feel I need to do this though. And who knows if I'll even ever change back"

"I support your decision Vally, I don't know this guy, but if this is something yoou must prove, go ahead, and I won't stop you." Alex then smiled "and even if you lose, there's no way he's going to take you, I won't let him"

Vally smiled back and gave Alex a hug. "Thanks Alex"


"What kind of a plan is that Rainer?" asked Ash, mad. "That's unfair"

"Don't worry Ash" said Misty "Don't you think she can do it?"

"Hey, I never said that"

"Hate to change the subject, but where'd Eevee go?" asked Mikey

"Pikachu?" Ash looked around


"Pika!" Pikachu hopped out of the bushes

Jessie, James, and Meowth looked at him and sreamed.

"We're in Pallet?!" exclaimed Jessie

Pikachu just smiled.

"Vee!" Eevee hopped out of the bushes and sat by Pikachu

"Hey, that Eevee looks familiar..."said James

"Isn't that the one from back from evolution mountian?" asked Meowth

"You can tell?" asked Jessie

Pikachu's cheeks started to spark, and Eevee got into a tackle stance. Before Jessie and James got the chance to toss their pokeballs, Eevee pounced and knocked the pokeballs out of their hands. Pikachu then took over.


The trio fell toasted backwards. Pikachu and Evee grinned, then tackled them, sending them-

"...blasting off again!" *ding*

the two laughed, then looked at the bag of Alex and Misty's pokeballs on the ground where Jessie had stood a minute ago. Eevee picked the bag up in her mouth, and she and Pikachu went running back to the rest of the group.


To be continued....

Hi! ok, this is it, the next chapter will be my final one. I've really enjoyed writing this series, and I hope that everyone who read it liked it.

These questions and more will be answered in part 15:

Will Vally win over Rainer? Will Vally change back to a Vaporeon? Will Misty and Alex go back to Team Rocket? Will Ash get together with Misty, or Vally? Will Alex get with Misty, or Vally?

This is the time to submit any last minute suggestions before it's too late. Cya

~Sara aka Misty

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