Part 15

By: Me! =) Sara aka Misty

Disclaimer: la de da, don't sue me, I don't own Ash, Misty, and almost everyone else, I only own Vally and Alex k? good, now that that's cleared up....


Ash looked around for his little electric buddy, and soon saw him and Eevee come bounding out of the bushes.

"So there you are!"

"What do you have there Eevee?" asked Mikey, taking the bag and peering inside. "It's a bunch of pokeballs"

"Huh?" Misty took the bag and looked inside. "Why, these are mine and Alex's!"

"Why are the letters 'TR' engraved into them?" asked Mikey

Misty sweatdropped "uh, it means...ummm..." She looked at Ash for ideas, but he just stood there and smiled, no help.


Vally released her Caterpie. It came out and hopped around in the sunlight.

"Hey little buddy" Vally smiled

The little bug looked up at her happily.

"Ready to kick butt in battle?" asked Alex "Are you ready Vally?"

Vally nodded. She placed her hands on Caterpie and closed her eyes. She started to glow blue, and it passed from her to Caterpie, making it also glow blue. The blue light became too bright, that Alex had to sheild his eyes. When the light went away, Caterpie was completely blue in color, a watery mist floating around it. Vally started to become shaky and almost fainted, but Alex rushed over and caught her.

Vally looked up at him "Thanks Alex, that took a little more energy then I thought"

Alex helped her to her feet, and supported her as she walked. Caterpie followed along behind them.


"Where is she? she probably ran away, fearing the thought of losing to me" said Rainer

"You're so full of it Rainer, just shut up" said Misty

"Yeah, she'll be here" said Alex.

Forgetting about the pokeball mystery, Mikey looked and saw Vally and Alex coming. "See, there they are"


"Things like this always happen to us" said James, dusting himself off

Jessie also stood up. "The little electric rat always gets us, for one time, I just wanted a victory. It was so perfect!"

"So whadda we do now?" asked Meowth

"I guess we go back to the boss" said Jessie, "working as janitors isn't half as bad as bing unemployed"

"I guess you're right Jess, there's always another chance for the spotlight" said James

the three then started to walk off toward HQ.


Misty walked up to Vally and Alex. "what's wrong with you Vally?"

"Oh, I'm just a little dizzy, it'll pass" she smiled at her friend "So, uh, how'd it go with Ash"

Vally and Alex watched as Misty looked sadley to the ground. "I don't want to talk about it"

Ash looked at Misy, a strange feeling of regret filled him, but he tryed to shake it off.

"So are we gonna battle or what?" Rainer asked

"Let the battle begin" Vally stood from leaning on Alex, Caterpie walked up next to her

"Hey, what's with your Caterpie?" asked Mikey

"Did it look like that earlier?" asked Ash

Vally just smiled. "I choose Caterpie, what about you Rainer"

"I want this over quickly, fire's good against your little bug, I'll go with Ninetails"

"Perfect choice" grinned Vally

"You were a bad fighter as a pokemon, and now you're bad at choices" remarked Rainer

"We'll see" said Alex

"This is nuts" said Mikey, and sat down with Eevee to watch the battle.


"Any news on Alex and Misty?" boomed Giovanni

"No sir"

"What about Jessie and James?"

"Probably got themselves lost"

"Figures. Butch and Cassidy?"

"Still in jail"

"And we can't afford to break them out. Is there anyone capable of stealing around here?"

"Only in training sir. Some of us workers around here could handle something."

"We need-"

There suddenly was a knock on the door. A worker stepped into the office.

"Sir, Jessie and James are back"

"Well, it's better than nothing. Set them to work"


"Ladies first" Rainer said

"Nah, I'd much rather you start" said Vally

"Ok then, Ninetails, ember!"


"Caterpie, acid armor!"

Suddenly Caterpie dissapeared, making Ninetails miss its target.

"Caterpie, hydro pump!"

Caterpie reappeared and shot out blasts of water at ninetails.

"What the?" stuttered Rainer

Ninetails fell over on impact, then slowly stood and shook off the water.

"Go Vally!" cheered Alex

"Yeah, you go girl" said Misty, with a half smile.

Ash sighed with relief and thought to himself "Well Misty seems better, I'm glad I didn't break a friendship". Feeling better, he cheered on Vally

"totally cool, how'd Caterpie learn water moves?" Mikey asked

"Uh...Ninetails, use swift!" commanded Rainer

Ninetails nodded and sent stars flying at Caterpie. This turned out to be a good move against Caterpie, knocking the little bug over.

"Oh no, get up Caterpie" Vally said

Unfortunatly, Caterpie was stuck on its back, it's little legs moving trying to flip itself.

"The tables have turned" laughed Rainer. "Since it's still part bug, whatever it is, try flamethrower Ninetails"

Ninetails sent flames toward Caterpie, who was still struggling to turn over. Before the flames hit, Caterpie started to glow white, its shape shifted, and when the light cleared, a blue Butterfree fly out of the way of the flames.

"How is this possible?!" gasped Rainer

Vally was also surprised, but got back into the battle. "Butterfree, Ice Beam!"

This attack finished off Ninetails. As much as it tryed, Ninetails couldn't stand up more to battle.

"You stupid pokemon! get up!" Rainer said, then kicked Ninetails. "You can't lose this battle to a bug!"

"Rainer, stop it!" yelled Mikey "It's bad form to hit a pokemon!"

"veee!" Eevee's eyes narrowed, and got in pouncing position

Ash held back Pikachu from attacking. Sparks coming from Pikachu's cheeks in anger.

"Get out of the way Mikey" sneered Rainer "This isn't your problem". He pushed Mikey out of the way and punched Ninetails, who winced in pain.

"What happened to you?!" Mikey asked, tears welling up in his eyes

Ash and Alex took command of the situation and tryed to restrain Rainer. Misty ran to Ninetails and started to check it for serious damage. Vally, who had been frozen in place watching what was going on, broke her gaze and marched up to Rainer.

"Some people never change. And you wonder why you never made it as a trainer, you make me sick" Vally said, and then gave him a hard smack on the face "Get out of here, and if you think you're leaving with your pokemon, you're sadly mistaken. You can kiss your trainers license goodbye"

Rainer was left speechless. Vally turned her back to him and bent down beside Misty to look at Ninetails. Butterfree flew up to Rainer and blew sleep powder in his face, putting him to sleep.

"We'll take him down to the police station" said Ash

"Can you two bring Ninetails to a pokecenter?" asked Alex

"Yes, it's not doing to well" said Misty in concern

"Eevee and I will go with Alex and Ash" said Mikey

"Pi ka (me too)" said Pikachu

"Oh, and Vally, good job with that battle" winked Alex

The two groups headed to Viridian, where the nearest jail and pokecenter were, and split up to their seperate places.


Vally and Misty sat on the couch of the pokemon center. Ninetails was in the emergency unit, while Misty and Vally's pokemon were being healed.

"Hey, we never really got a chance to talk before" said Vally "since..."

"It's ok Vally, really it is." said Misty

"But I feel aweful, I mean, you've loved Ash since before I met you"

"I've decided friendship is more important. I mean, you've been my friend through the tough times. Plus, Ash doesn't like me"

"He must be in denial, you're a really great person Misty"

"Well, he likes you, and he couldn't have chosen a better person. You two will be great together"

Vally smiled "Thanks, but it's not going to happen. I'm...I'm..."

"You're what?"

"I'm leaving. I've decided that life is to complicated with me around"

"No it isn't. Vally-"

"Plus, I want to become a trainer"

"But you're my best friend"

"And you're mine. But since I've become human, my life has taken a whole new turn. You and Alex should go back to Team Rocket. Giovanni would never understand or believe my story, so he'd put me through

more years or training, and we couldn't work together. That would never work."

"You've got a point. Are you at least going to say goodbye to everyone?"

"No, it would just make things harder." Vally sighed "I'm going to miss everyone very much"

"And everyone will miss you"

"Say good bye to every for me?"

"Of course"

"Tell Ash that our short relationship was great while it lasted. And tell Alex that he was a great friend to me, aside from you, he was my best friend, and I'll treasure that friendship forever. Even tell Pikachu, that little rat, hehe, that I'll miss our petty arguments"

"I will Vally"

"And Misty, I'll miss you the most. Even through the tough times, and our differences, you'll be my best friend forever. I hope we meet again."

At this point, both girls were starting to cry.

"Friends for life?"

"Friends for life"

The little red light went off above the emergency room, and a group of Chanseys pushing a stretcher carrying Ninetails came out, followed by Nurse Joy.

"Ninetails will be just fine" said Nurse Joy. "From what you girls have told me, it sounds as if this pokemon won't go back to it's former trainer, who's going to take him?"

Misty and Vally looked at each other.

"You can relate to it more" said Misty "Plus, I'm a water trainer"

"Thanks Misty" said Vally. She then turned to Nurse Joy, "Ninetails will be mine"

"Ok, I'll just get him in his pokeball. Just a minute"

A few minutes later, Nurse Joy handed Vally Ninetails' pokeball, then handed back Misty and Vally's pokemon. the two walked out of the pokemon center.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye" said Vally

"Yeah, there's just one more thing though" said Misty, taking a pokeball from her bag "I want you to have Articuno, I caught her to save you, and now I think she should be with you"

"Thanks Misty" said Vally, taking the pokeball "This means a lot to me"

The two hugged a friendly goodbye, then headed their seperate ways. Misty soon arrived at the police station and walked in.

"Hey Misty" Alex greeted her with a smile. "Well Rainer is in jail, Mikey and Eevee left, taking his pokemon with them. Rainer has also been stripped of his trainer license, and when his time is up will return home."

"That's good" Misty smiled. She was happy, but she was still sad that her best friend was gone.

"What's wrong Misty?" asked Ash

"Chu pika? (where's Vally?)"

"Vally's gone" said Misty

"What?" asked Alex "Gone where?"

Misty explained why Vally had gone, and delivered her goodbyes.

"We didn't even get to say goodbye" said Alex sadly

"She wanted it that way" said Ash "If that's what she wants..."

"You're taking this well, I thought you liked her" said Misty

"I just have this feeling...maybe she wasn't ment to be more than a friend..." he said "I've been thinking lately..."

"Oh really? it's about time" giggled Misty, breaking the sadness

"You just couldn't help yourself could you" Ash smirked

"Pi-kachu... (here we go...)" Pikachu rolled his eyes

"I just think it's quite an accomplishment" Misty said

"Now listen you..." said Ash, jumping to tackle Misty

She jumped out of the way, causing Ash to fall on his face, knocking over the small table of magazines by a chair.

Alex and Pikachu couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, now don't you two start" Ash looked at them, pulling a magazine off from his head.

"Even at age 16 you have bad coordination" laughed Misty "Plus, even if you didn't miss, I could have won over you any day Mr. Ketchum"

Ash stood up, but slipped on a magazine and fell flat on his face. Alex, Misty, and Pikachu fell on the floor laughing.


"We are Giovanni's top members!" exclaimed James happily

"I bet Misty and Alex ditched Team Rocket" Jessie laughed "all the better for us!"

"Wit dem gone, we git the recognition dat we desoive" said Meowth

"World, prepare for trouble!" said Jessie

"And make that double!" said James

"'Cause we're back on the job!" they exclaimed together.


The next day, Alex, Misty and Ash woke up in the room they had rented out at the police station. Alex and Ash rolled up their sleeping bags, while Misty hopped out of bed and went to the mirror to brush her hair. Soon Alex decided to go return the room key while Ash and Misty finished getting ready. Pikachu scampered out after him to go look and see if they had any food around.

"So, where are you headed to?" Ash asked Misty after Alex had left.

"I guess Alex and I are headed back to Team Rocket" she replied.

"You still are going back? Giovanni has probably already replaced you."

"Don't say that Ash. We're his best members."

"You still shouldn't go"

"And can you give me a good reason why not?"

Ash just stayed silent and looked at the floor.

Misty sighed "Didn't think so"

Alex knocked on the door. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah" said Misty

The three walked out of the station. Pikachu, who was happily munching on the remains of a donut he had taken from Jenny's office, ran and caught up with them, then jumped and sat on Ash's head.

"It's been real man" said Alex, he then tossed Ash a pokeball.

"My Charizard?! how long have you had this?"

Alex smirked at Ash. "I couldn't help it, for old times sake. It's how we met wasn't it? I thought it'd be the perfect to say goodbye"

Ash couldn't help but smile. "Later Alex" the two then shook hands.

Misty stepped foreward. "Well, it's time to say goodbye again Ash..."



"I well...uh...nevermind, nothing. Bye"

Misty's face fell. "Bye". She then turned, and she and Alex walked away, headed for HQ.

Ash turned and walked away. After a minute, Pikachu shocked him.

"ack! what was that for Pikachu?!"

Pikachu jumped off his head and stood in front of him, looking up into his eyes. "Pichu! (coward!)"


"Cha kachu pika chu? (Why couldn't you tell her?)"

"I...I...I don't know..."

"pikachu chu pipi pika chu kachu (then you'll just end up living in regret your whole life)"

"You're right Pikachu, I was a coward. I know what I need to do"

Ash then turned around and took off running.

Pikachu smiled in satasfaction "pi pichu (much better)" then ran after Ash.

"Misty! wait!" Ash called out when he spotted Alex and Misty up ahead.

Misty heard him and turned around and stopped. Ash finally caught up to the duo.

"What is it Ash?" asked Misty

"I know why you shouldn't go back to Team Rocket"


Ash put his hands on her soulders and leaned in to give her a kiss. Shocked, Misty pulled back, but then she looked at him and through her arms around him and returned the kiss. Alex and Pikachu watched the two kiss and looked at each other. They then smiled and started clapping.

"About time" said Alex smiling. "Those two were so stubborn to admit it, but they were ment for each other the whole time"

"pi pik-a (you said it)"




yes, it's actually the end. What'd you think? did you like it? hate it? I know there are some dissapointments, but I had to try and make everyone happy here. Thanks to everyone who submitted their ideas, I could have never done this series without you wonderful people. *laughs* I even thank those who've flamed me, you've helped me become a better writer through my bad points. I've enjoyed writing this fic, and I hope everyone who has read it also liked it. =)

Oh, and by request, I will be doing a sequal to this fic. It will mainly be about Vally, but I will end up adding Alex, Ash, and Misty in it, maybe somewhere after a few chapters. That way you can find what became of those three. There are going to be a bunch of little quirks in the sequal, so stay tuned. If you have any ideas regarding this sequal to help me get started, that'd be great. Or, if you have any ideas on what shold happen later in the fic, that's happily accepted. And, any title suggestions for the sequal? Thanks! =)


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