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Now for part two of my story. Send any questions or comments to me at

Part 2

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters or pokemon except for Alex


"Growwwlithe!" said Growlithe as it popped out of it's pokeball

"Psyyyyduck!" said Psyduck as it popped out of it's pokeball

"Psyduck?!?!" Misty yelled.

"Haha, is that what you call an Articuno?" Said the Team Rocket member

"This is not Articuno, this is Psyduck. He wasn't supposed to come out!" said Misty

"Whatever. Growlithe Flamethrower!" he commanded

"Psy yai" Psyduck said before fainting.

Misty returned Psyduck to it's pokeball. She was about to throw out another pokemon, but a bunch of Team Rocket members had circled around her. They put handcuffs on her and started to lead her away. Vaporeon tryed to free her, but was tied up.

Misty and Vaporeon were led inside and thrown into a cell.

"Vap eon vapor? (where are we?)" asked Vaporeon

"What? I can understand you?......we're in a cell in Team Rocket headquarters. I don't know why they made such a big deal about me discovering it, it's not like Team Rocket is a very secretive group." Misty said remembering the many times Jessie and James had bothered her, Brock, and Ash trying to catch Pikachu. "And they took away my pokeballs."

Nobody came for the rest of the day. Misty eventually fell asleep. She woke up the next day to the screeching of the cell door. A Team Rocket member took her and led her away leaving Vaporeon in the cell. She was led into a room that looked like an office. A man in a chair spun around to face her. He layed his arms on the desk.

"I am Giovanni, the boss of all the members of Team Rocket." he said "I understand that you were found yesterday on our property."

"Yes, but how was I to know this was your headquarters when I came? I demand you let me go!" said Misty.

"Oh, and what do you plan to do? We have your pokemon. But....if you want to leave, Go ahead and leave. You can always catch more pokemon." Giovanni said.

Misty thought about Staryu and Starmie. She had them since she started her training. And Articuno, she had just caught her, but she couldn't just abandon her. Horsea too. She would even miss Psyduck.. Then she thought about Vaporeon. They had spent so much time together.

"No. I won't leave my pokemon." Misty said. "Why are you keeping me here anyway? are you just going to lock me up?"

"Well, we're kinda short on members. So I want...." Giovanni started

"No way! I'll never join Team Rocket!"

"Fine then. Maybe tomorrow you'll have different views. Until then, you will stay in your cell. And just remember, unless you join, you won't get your pokemon back."

Misty was then led back to her cell and locked back in.

"Vaporeon, what should I do? Team Rocket's boss, Giovanni, wants me to join Team Rocket. I won't get the rest of my pokemon back unless I join. And I might have to stay in this cell forever." Misty said

"Vap or vaporeon eon vapor eon eon? (What is Team Rocket and what do they do?)"

"They are a group of people that work for Giovanni, they steal rare pokemon."

"Eon vapor (How awful)"

"Yeah, but I really don't have much of a choice here"

"On. Eon Vap eon vava vapore va eon vapor eeeon (True. Maybe once you leave to steal pokemon, you can run away)"

"Good idea. I'll do that."

The next day, Misty was led back to Giovanni's office.

"Well, have you decided to join us?" Giovanni asked

"Yes, I will" Misty said.

"Good. You will begin training in a few minutes Misty. We've already set things up for you"

"Training? I didn't know there was training.....and how did you know my name?"

"Of course there's training. About 3 to 4 years of it. By then, ideas of running away will be gone. And, I know your name because you are the sister of the 3 sensational sisters of Cerulean City."


"You may go to your training now. You will get your other pokemon back tomorrow."

Misty was led to a fitting room.

"Here you will be fitted for your uniform" A member said."What did I get myself in to?" Misty thought

After being fitted, Misty was brought to another room to be taught the rules of Team Rocket.

At the end of the day, Misty was led to a new room that was much nicer than the cell from before. Vaporeon was sitting on Misty's new bed.

"Eon Vapeon? (what happened?)"

"I said I'd join, and Giovanni told me I have 3 or 4 years of training. I had no clue they had training."

"Vap on eon oreon vaporvap (just try to remember your real reason for joining)"

"Ok. You too. We'll be training together with my other pokemon."

"Vap (Ok)"

The next day, Misty was given her pokemon to train with. She was taught differant techniques to capture pokemon. As time went by, Misty became more involved in Team Rocket's activities and was forgetting about ever escaping more and more each day. She was given jobs at the headquarters since she was going through training well.

---Three years later---

17 year old Misty walked into Giovanni's office followed by Vaporeon. Her hair had grown past shoulder length now, and it was up in a ponytail in the back. She had her Team Rocket Uniform on.

"Why hello Misty. I've heard good reports about you." Giovanni said.

"Thank you" Misty responded

"I think you are ready to leave headquarters."

"Really? when shall I go?"

"You may leave tomorrow, but there is one more thing."


"In Team Rocket, we always send people off in pairs."

"Who will I be partnered with?"

"Alex, you may come in"

The door opened and a boy walked into the room. Misty reconized him from seeing him around headquarters, and, he was the one who caught her 3 years ago. He was about an inch taller than Misty and had brown eyes and blue spiky hair (Like Brock's).

"This is Alex, he's 18 years old and been with Team Rocket for 3 1/2 years. He's ready to leave. I was planning to have you stay for 4 years, but you've shown good progress, I think you'll be fine" Giovanni said. "And Alex, this is Misty, the one I've told you about. I hope you don't mind working with her."

"No problem" said Alex. "Hi Misty"


"Well, you'll have time to chat later. Get back to your jobs." said Giovanni.

They both returned to their jobs. The next day, Misty and Alex packed up and returned to the office.

"Good, you're both ready. Go get some pokemon. I hope you'll be able to do better than Jessie and James" Giovanni said remembering what failers Jessie and James turned out to be. "Bye"

Misty and Alex headed out the door and left headquarters. Misty looked around. Just 3 years ago, her life was out in these woods.

"Vap oren vavap? (Where do we start?)" Vaporeon asked

"I don't know. I guess we'll just look around for someone with rare pokemon." said Misty

"Wait, you understand your Vaporeon" Alex asked

"Yup, I've had a lot of time to talk to her, so I developed a way to understand her." said Misty

"Neat. By the way, what pokemon do you have?"

"I have a Staryu, a Starmie, a Horsea, a Psyduck, an Articuno, and a Vaporeon."

"Wow, all water types. Do like them?"

"Ya, I'm from the Cerulean Gym"

"Are you related to the three sensational sisters?"

"Yes, but I'm warning you now, don't compare me to them. I'm never as good as them in anything, though I havn't seen them in years."

"Ok, I won't. Oh, by the way. Do you still think you caught Articuno?"

"I don't think I caught Articuno, I know I caught Articuno. And I'll prove it."

Misty released a pokeball.


"Wow, you really did" Alex said surprised

"Yeah, told you" Misty said and recalled Articuno. "What pokemon do you have?"

"I have a Growlithe, Gloom, Caterpie, Golbat, and Machoke"

"Did you say....Caterpie?"

"Yeah, I just caught it a few days ago"

"Great, just great. Just don't let it near me. I hate bugs!"

"Haha, ok"

"Should we think up some kind of motto?"


"Yeah, Jessie and James had a motto. And so did Butch and Cassidy."

"Alright, what should the first part be?"

"How about we start with 'Prepare for trouble'"

"Then, 'On the double'"

"To be feared by all of creation"

"To take over all people in every nation"

"Under the control of Giovanni, our boss"

"Our good fortune is your loss"



"Team Rocket's skill will win the fight"

"So surrender now, or take a hike"


"Looks like Vaporeon wants to join in too." said Alex

"Yeah, she can be our Mascot" said Misty

Misty and Alex walked a ways to get out of the forest. They came to a road and saw many young trainers around. Suddenly, two people in funny outfits bumped into them.

"Excuse you. Watch where you're going" One said

"Who are you?" asked Alex

"Prepare for trouble" the girl started

"And make that double" said the guy

"To protect the world from devistat-

"Meowth! come on guys, can't you see that they are team rocket members too?

"Oh, sorry. I'm Jessie"

"And I'm James"

"And I'm Meowth"

"Ah, the infamous Jessie and James. I've heard that you can't seem to catch any pokemon" said Alex.

"! have we met before?" Jessie said to Misty. Obviously trying to change the subject.

"Why yes we have, in fact." said Misty

"From where?" asked James

"I'm Misty. I used to travel with Ash and Brock a few years back. You were always after Ash's Pikachu."

"Oh yes. The brat's little girlfriend" said Jessie

"I wasn't his girlfriend!"

"She still has her temper" said James "At least she's on our side now."

"What ever happened that made you leave Ash and Brock?" asked Jessie.

"I don't really think that's important" said Misty looking away. The memory of 'that day' came back to her. She had somehow blocked t out over the years, and never wanted to think about it again.

"I think I missed something here" said Alex

"Oh, we're just talking about the past" said James.

"What's with the goofy outfits?" asked Alex

"We're in disquise" said James.

"Oh.....and did I hear you Meowth talk earlier?"

"Meowth! of course you did. And I don't belong to them, they belong to me." said Meowth

"No we don't!" argued Jessie.

Meowth scratched her. "Let's just get going." he said. Then he, Jessie, and James left.

"What a strange group" said Alex

"Vapeon vapor eonvap eon, vapor (And Meowth spoke english, wierd)" said Vaporeon.

"Come on guys, look at all the trainers. Let's get some pokemon!" said Misty.

"Yeah! Watch out, Alex and Misty are now on the job!" said Alex.


To be continued........