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Part 3

Disclaimer: No, I don't own anyone except for Alex


Misty and Alex stepped into the town and out of the bushes.

"Look! It's Team Rocket!" a young trainer yelled.

"Prepare for trouble"

"On the double"

"To be feared by all of creation"

"To take over all people in every nation"

"Under the control of Giovanni, our boss"

"Our good fortune is your loss"



"Team Rocket's skill will win the fight"

"So surrender now, or take a hike"


"I can beat you!" a young trainer yelled. "Go Magikarp!"

"Magikarp? you've got to be joking?!?!" said Misty. "That's like the weakest pokemon there is! Jessie and James could even handle this one! Vaporeon go!

""Ok Vaporeon, why don't you on it" said Misty

Vaporeon walked up to Magikarp and breathed onto Magikarp, it then fainted. Alex almost fell over laughing.

"We don't have time to waste on you. We're looking for someone with 'good' pokemon. Could you maybe direct us to your pokemon center?" said Misty.

"Well, your Vaporeon just must've had bad breath!" said the young trainer, and with that, he turned and ran off.

"Well that was amusing. Why don't we go find a pokemon center. We can find good pokemon there." Alex suggested.

Alex and Misty walked through the town until they came upon a pokemon center. They burst in through the door,

"Prepare for trouble"

"To be feared by all creation"

"To take over all people in every nation"

"Under the control of Giovanni, our boss"

"Our good fortune is your loss"



"Team Rocket's skill will win the fight"

"So surrender now, or take a hike"


"I will not permit Team Rocket to just barge in here and take pokemon." Said Nurse Joy angrily.

Nurse Joy then took out her walkie talkie and told Officer Jenny to get over to the pokemon center.

"Common Misty, let's go to work before Jenny gets here." said Alex. "Machoke go! Hold off Nurse Joy."

Misty and Alex went into the back room where the pokemon were stored. Misty grabbed an Electabuzz and a Dragonite. Alex grabbed a Mr. Mime and a Scyther. Officer Jenny then came in with a herd of Growlithes.

"Stop right there Team Rocket!" yelled Officer Jenny

"Let's go Alex" said Misty

"Ok. Machoke return!"

"Articuno go!" said Misty "fly us outta here!"

Articuno flew Misty and Alex out of the pokemon center. She flew to Team Rocket headquarters and then landed.

"Thanks Articuno. You can return now." said Misty

Alex and Misty headed into headquarters and to Giovanni's office. Giovanni's Persian greeted them. They walked up to the desk and set down the four pokeballs.

"Here Giovanni" said Misty

"Wow, your first day and already a victory. I am most pleased. You two may be what Team Rocket needs to get our reputation back" said Giovanni. "hopefully you can keep this up in the future. You may leave."

Alex and Misty left the office.

"Where shall we go next?" asked Misty

"Let's try Fuchia city. I've heard they have good pokemon" said Alex.

"Good, lets go."

Misty and Alex arrived in Fuchia city. A kid left one of his pokeballs on a bench as he went to greet a friend.

"This is all to easy" said Alex as he went and picked it up. "Pokeball go"


"Wow, how lucky can we get?" said Alex. "return"

He then stuffed the pokeball in his backpack.

"Let's keep going" he said.

They walked around awhile. They changed into normal clothes instead of their uniforms to be less noticable. They battled a few weak kids, but nothing special. Since it was getting late, they checked into a Pokemon Center. After everyone went to sleep, Misty and Alex decided to steal some pokemon. They grabbed one of Nurse Joy's sleeping Chanseys, then went on the storage room. Alex's Machoke broke the door down for them, and they went inside. Unfortunatly, there was an alarm system. They grabbed a few random pokeballs, then dashed out before police came. They dashed up to their rooms and acted as if nothing had happened. when she was in her room, Misty looked in three of the pokeballs she took. They contained a Gastly, and Oddish, and a Charmeleon. When Alex was in his room, he checked out two pokeballs he grabbed. They contained a Nidorina, and a Vulpix. Once morning came, they casually went downstairs, but were held off by an Officer Jenny. She was checking all people in the center for the missing pokemon. Suddenly, Alex, Misty, and Vaporeon jumped forward.

"Prepare for trouble"

"On the double"

"To be feared by all of creation"

"To take over all people in every nation"

"Under the control of Giovanni, our boss"

"Our good fortune is your loss"



"Team Rocket's skill will win the fight"

"So surrender now, or take a hike"


"I should have known, Team Rocket!" said Officer Jenny "my cousin Jenny warned me about two new Team Rocket members"

"Well, we won't be caught!" said Alex "Go Gloom! use sleep powder!"


Everyone in the center fell asleep.

"Good work Gloom. Return." said Alex. "Let's go Misty. *pause*.....Misty?"

Alex looked around. Then he looked down to see Misty and Vaporeon asleep on the floor.

"Whoops, I forgot that Misty would be affected too."

Alex carried Misty out of the center, the Vaporeon. He looked at her.

"Just from looking at her, I can tell she's related to sensational sisters. But I think she turned out to be much prettier. I'm glad Giovanni paired us up" Alex said to himself. "I haven't known her that long, but I think I am attracted to her."

"A-Alex?" Misty said waking up. "What happened?"

"Sorry about that. My Gloom put you to sleep. We better get out of here though. If you're awake, that means the people in the pokemon center must be too."

"Ok. Articuno, go. Fly us outta here. How about we drop the pokemon off, then we go to Cinnibar Islands?"

Misty and Alex went back to headquarters. They were told by one of the members that Giovanni had a special drop box built for them. They dropped off the pokemon, and flew to Cinnibar Island. They robbed a few unsuspecting trainers of their pokemon.

"Hey! You took my pokemon!" a trainer yelled. "Give them back!"

"Oh yeah, and what do you plan on doing about it?" said Misty getting kind of cockey.

"You can't fight us" continued Alex.

"Who are you?" the trainer asked.

"Lets skip the motto for now, too many times in one day." said Misty.

"Ok, to make a long story short I'm Alex and this is Misty. We are apart of Team Rocket."

"Team Rocket! I'll fight you for this trainer's pokemon" said another trainer. "You shouldn't steal"

"Fine, but prepare to lose!" said Misty "Horsea go!"

"Go Bellsprout!" yelled the trainer "Use vine whip!"

"Horsea, use water gun!"

The vines managed to dodge the water attack and whipped Horsea. Horsea was weakened, but still able to fight.

"Horsea, try bubblebeam"

"Bellsprout use-no!"

The bubbles shot at Bellsprout and fainted it before it got to re-attack.

"This isn't over! Go Magnemite!" said the trainer. "Use Thunder Wave!"

The electric attack zapped Horsea, paralyzing it.

"Ok then. Horsea return! Go Staryu!" said Misty "Tackle it"

Staryu popped out of it's pokeball and jumped into the air. It spun around and lunged at Magnemite. Once it hit, It flew backwards and onto the ground.

"That's enough kid. You can't beat me." said Misty.

Dejected, the trainer walked away.

"Hey Misty, the pokemon lab is over here!" Alex said "Let's go"

"Good, maybe we can do what Jessie and James failed to do years ago."

Misty and Alex snuck into the lab through the back door. Luckily some of the lab workers were on break, so their lab coats were hanging on the wall. Misty and Alex grabbed two and put them on. They walked into one of the rooms where the fossilized pokemon were 'de-fossilized'.

"Wow, these pokemon are really rare!" said Alex

"Yeah, I'll get this Kabuto...and look, I'll take this Kabutops!" said Misty.

"And look, here's an Omanyte! oh! and an Omastar! said Alex.

What do you think you're doing?" asked one of the lab workers. "And I don't remember any one of us owning a Vaporeon."

Misty and Alex threw off their lab coats to reveal their Team Rocket uniforms.

"Prepare for trouble"

"On the double"

"To be feared by all of creation"

"To take over all people in every nation"

"Under the control of Giovanni, our boss"

"Our good fortune is your loss"



"Team Rocket's skill will win the fight"

"So surrender now, or take a hike"


"I heard all about you! I surrender! I surrender!" said the lab worker throwing his hands up in the air.

Alex turned to Misty "Gosh, as "Team Rocket gets stronger, everyone gets more weak and pathetic"

"Haha, that's right. We're just stronger than they're used to." said Misty.

"Vap, oreon vapor va! (Yeah, we kick butt!)" said Vaporeon.

"Let's go." said Alex

They both walked out of the lab laughing with Vaporeon following.

Let's take the rest of the day off" said Alex

"OK" said Misty

They bought some food for a picnic lunch, then flew Articuno out to Pallet town. They sat down in a clearing behind some bushes by the road and ate. Misty looked at Alex. She thought about what a great team they had made. Then something else entered her head......she liked him. She didn't know him for that long. Well, except seeing him around headquarters. But over the last few days a lot had happened. Then, a voice from the path interrupted her thoughts.

"Look Pikachu, It's a new sign." said the person.

"Pika pi chu kapi? (what's it say)" asked the Pikachu.

"It says 'Warning, be on the lookout for these two Team Rocket members'. and here are their pictures. Hey, that girl seems awfully familiar...."

Alex and Misty jumped out of the bushes.

"Prepare for trouble"

"On the double"

"To be feared by all of creations"

"To take over all people in every nation"

"Under the control of Giovanni, our boss"

"Our good fortune is your loss"



"Wait a minute!" the person interrupted. "M..M...Misty?!?!?!"

Misty gasped as she looked at the person in front of her. "Ash?!?!"

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be continued..........