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Part 4

Disclaimer: I haven't owned pokemon, and I never will. The only one I own is Alex.


"Well, so we meet again...."Ash trailed off.

Misty looked at Ash. He was 16 now, but still had his same Pokemon League hat on. He was dressed in jeans and a plain black shirt. He looked pretty much the same, just older and more mature.

"PIKA!" yelled Pikachu as he jumped into Misty's arms.

Misty just stood there with nothing to say. She was happy and sad at the same time.

"Hi Pikachu." said Misty. Then Pikachu jumped out of her arms and sat on Ash's hat.

"Look, Misty-" started Ash

Misty couldn't take it. She turned around ran. She jumped over the bushes and ran into the forest. She eventually stopped and sat on a fallen tree.

"What am I doing running away again? I knew I'd have to face him sooner or later, why am I still running?" Misty said to herself. She thought about it for awhile. She was just starting to like Alex, and suddenly Ash comes back into the picture. "Why now? he couldn't have shown up at a worse time. And I left Alex back there too. He's probably really confused, he has no idea who Ash is."


"There she goes again" siad Ash sadly.

"What exactly is going on here?" asked Alex confused.

"Oh nothing"

"But why did she run away"

"It doesn't matter"

"I think it does matter, Misty just ran away and I want to know why"

"Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Alex, now are you going to tell me or not?"

"I'm Ash. By the way, why is Misty working with Team Rocket?"

"She came to Team Rocket and said she'd join"

"That's not like Misty, what's the real story?" Ash was starting to get angry

"Why should I tell you, you won't tell me what I want to know" said Alex smirking.

"Look, I don't know you, and it's kinda a personal story"

"Vaporeon Vapor?"

"What's you Vaporeon asking?" asked Ash

"Oh, it's not mine, it's Misty's" said Alex

===============Pokemon talk mode==================================

Vaporeon: Who's this guy Alex is talking to?

Pikachu: His name's Ash, and who's Alex?

Vaporeon: Alex is Misty's Team Rocket partner. Why'd Misty run from Ash?

Pikachu: He accidently told her he didn't like her when she admitted liking him. I guess she was so embarrassed, she ran away.

Vaporeon: How sad. Hey, are you the Pikachu that Jessie and James were always after?

Pikachu: Yeah. But they'll never get me. And don't you ever try to get me either.

Vaporeon: But you're just a Pikachu, why'd we care about you? Team Rocket's only after 'good' pokemon.

Pikachu: Hey! are you calling me weak? I'm better than you!

Vaporeon: Yeah, whatever. I could beat you any day.

Pikachu: Is that a challange?!

Vaporeon: Yeah right, you aren't worth my time.

Pikachu: Coward.

Vaporeon: Am not. I just don't think fighting's nessesary since we know who'll win, give it up.

Pikachu: Never mind then. You aren't worth my time either.

=======Pokemon talk off============================================

Pikachu and Vaporeon turned their backs to each other.

"What's with them?" questioned Alex. "Oh well, come on Vaporeon, let's go find Misty."

"I'm coming too." said Ash



"Ok, but you aren't with Team Rocket, so you can't travel with us or anything."


"Why do you want to see Misty?" Alex asked as they started walking into the forest.

"Well, we used to travel together, so I want to see her again"

From atop Ash's hat, Pikachu glared at Vaporeon. Vaporeon looked up and stuck her tounge out at Pikachu then looked away.

"You used to travel together?" asked Alex.


"Why don't you anymore? did something that happened back in your travels cause Misty to run from you just a little while ago?"

"Like I said before, I don't want to talk about it"

"Fine. Hey, what pokemon do you have with you?"

"Pikachu, Wartortle, Charizard, Ivysaur, Pidgeot, Kingler. Why?"

"Oh nothing"

They looked around, walking in silence. A few minutes later...

"Pika ka chu pikachu pi chu! (He took one of your pokemon from your bag!)" yelled Pikachu

"Hey! give it back"

"What is your Pikachu talking about? I did no such thing!" Alex protested.

Ash stopped and looked through his bag. "You stole Charizard!"

"What are you talking about? you must've lost it somewhere."

"I don't just lose things! give Charizard back! Plus, you're Team Rocket, why should I belive you?" "I'll settle this later, let's get Misty. Don't think you'll get away with this." Ash said, looking very mad.

"Hey Misty!" yelled Alex.

Misty, hearing Alex, turned around from where she was sitting. When she saw Ash with Alex, she turned away. "Why's Ash here?" she asked

"He wanted to come" said Alex "He won't tell me why"

"Ok then, why'd you come to find me Ash?" Misty asked.

"Um...well..." Ash started. He couldn't say what he felt in front of Alex, it wouldn't seem right. So he said the only thing he could think of "...I only followed Alex because he stole my Charizard."

"Hey, but you accused me of that after we left." Alex said. "What's your real reason?"

"Pik chu pika chu kapichu pik! (stop picking on Ash, he's done nothing to you!)"

"Vapeon, vapor vap eon! (shut up you little electric 'rat')"

"Pi chu! Kapi pipi ka chu pikachu chu pika?!(I'm not a rat! You're just a stupid fish/fox thing, what do you know?!)"

"Wow, Vaporeon sure doesn't like Pikachu" said Misty

"And Pikachu doesn't like Vaporeon" said Ash

Vaporeon and Pikachu kept arguing. Soon the arguing turned into a fight. Vaporeon sent jets of water flying at Pikachu, and Pikachu was sending out bolts of electricity.

"Geez, calm down guys" said Ash

"Yeah, what's with you guys?" asked Misty "Vaporeon's not usually this mad"

"Niether is Pikachu"

"Wow, electric is good against water, but Vaporeon's still putting up one heck of a fight" said Alex.

"Stop!" yelled Ash and Misty together

The two pokemon stopped at their masters' commands and walked away from each other, giving each other angry looks every so often.

"Anyway, where were we?" asked Alex

Misty and Ash suddenly remembered the situation they were in bofore the battle between Pikachu and Vaporeon. Niether of them knew what to say to each other. There was silence for awhile. Luckly, niether Ash nor Misty had to say anything, because Misty spotted a Caterpie on her shoe.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! get it off! get it off!" Misty screamed and jumped ino Alex's arms. "Vaporeon, water gun!"

Vaporeon sprayed the Caterpie and it ran off into the forest.

Ash looked at Misty who was hanging onto Alex for dear life. "Maybe trying to talk to her is a mistake" he thought "she used to jump to me when she spotted bugs. Maybe I'm making a lot out of nothing, but maybe I should let her be with Alex. We've probably grown apart over the years, I should just forget it."

Misty got down from Alex's arms after closely examining the ground for any more bugs. "I'm tired, let's camp out here. I'm not sure if I'm up to walking to a pokemon center tonight."

"Sounds good to me" said Alex. "Are you staying Ash?"

"Of course, I want my Charizard back!"


Everyone set up their sleeping bags and went to sleep. Just in case Alex tryed to steal anymore pokemon, Ash protectivly clutched his bag. Vaporeon curled up on Misty's sleeping bag, and Pikachu curled up on Ash's. Pikachu sent a 'good night spark' to Vaporeon, who jumped up and growled threateningly before going back to sleep.


"Piiiiiiii!" yelled Pikachu the next morning finding himself drenched with water.

Vaporeon just shot Pikachu a look of innocence, then turned around and snickered to herself. Misty sat up and stretched out. She looked at Ash and Alex who were still sleeping. Out of curiousity, Misty picked up Alex's bag and opened it. She looked through the pokeballs until she found one that had 'Charizard' engraved on it.

"Haha, so he really did take it" laughed Misty. "But...I guess that means that Ash was only following Alex to get his Charizard after all" she thought sadly, "Well, it doesn't matter, I know how he feels, and I'm over him...*pause*...I hope".She then put the pokeball back in Alex's backpack and grabbed her fishing pole. Then walked over to a nearby stream.and sat down to fish. She sat against a tree and let her line drop in the water. She closed her eyes and listened to the chirping pidgys and the scurrying rattatas. The peacefulness of the forest relaxed her. All of a sudden, there was a bite.

"Darn, only a Migikarp" she said, and threw it back.

She once again leaned back against the tree to think. She thought about old times being with Ash, Pikachu, and Brock. Then, she sat up.

"I wonder what ever happened to Brock, I'll ask Ash." Misty said to herself. "Oh well, the water pokemon aren't biting well today, so I guess I'll head back." Misty then got up and left the peacefulness of the stream to go face Ash again."


To be continued....


Send me any questions, comments, Flames (which will be put out by Vaporeon) to me at Thanx.