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Part 6

Disclaimer: Do I have to do this every time? I don't own anything/anyone except Alex


Alex, Misty, and Vaporeon were on their way to Professor Oak's lab.

"Alex, ever wonder why Jessie and James get the big machinery for their jobs and we don't?"

"I think that since we are successful without any machinery, we aren't givin any. In Jessie and James' case, the only way they have a chance of doing anything is to have good equipment."

"That makes sense. I remember all the things they used when I was younger, but it still never worked. Hehe"

They talked some more and the lab came into view.

"Look Pikachu, here they come. I knew it." said Ash from inside the lab looking out the window

"Pika pika, pipi (guess you were right, for once)" Pikachu giggled

"Pikachu, you distract Professor Oak while I get Misty out. I want him to think it was just Alex who came"

"Pi ka chu pi-ka pipi kachu? (How do you plan to keep Misty out?)"

"Uh, hehe. Pikachu, quick. Get me a few Caterpies and Weedles, and I'll release Ivysaur and Wartortle"

"Pi-Ka (Ok)"

Misty and Alex arrived at the lab door.

"Ok, let's act casual. Professor Oak doesn't know who we are, so we could just be stopping by for all he knows." said Alex

"Ok. Hey, look over there coming from around the side of the lab. It's a Wartortle and an Ivysaur" Misty said. "Should we get 'em?"

"How about we get them on the way out. Let's not get caught before even getting in the lab. An officer might see us"

Alex yanked open the door to the lab and walked in.

"AAAHH! look on the floor! bugs!"

"Vaporeon vapor! (not this again!)"

"On second thought Misty...why don't you go get that Wartortle and Ivysaur while we go inside" suggested Alex.

"Ok, sounds good to me" said Misty with a sweatdrop on her forehead.

"Common Vaporeon. Let's make this quick"

Alex and Vaporeon walked into the lab. Misty looked at the two pokemon and grabbed a pokeball. "Ok Starmie, I choose y-" but before she could throw it, Wartortle knocked it out of her hand with a jet of water. Then before Misty could get another one, Ivysaur tied her up with his vines and carried her behind the lab.

Inside the lab-

"What's with these bugs Vaporeon? It's not like bugs usually happen to run free in a lab. Unless this is some kind of a trap..." said Alex.

As if on cue, Officer Jenny burst in through the door with a team of Growlithes. "You're under arrest! Don't make any sudden moves"

"What have I done?" asked Alex (acting innocent)

Ash stepped out from hiding, and Professor Oak and Pikachu walked in from the back room.

"What is going on?" asked Professor Oak

"This guy was going to rob you!" yelled Ash

"I was not!"

"Well, I've heard you're Alex from Team Rocket from Ash here. Since lot's of suspicious activity's been going on around here, I'm bringing you to the station to be searched. Also, I've heard that the new Team Rocket members have a Vaporeon. It's extreamly rare to find someone with a Vaporeon, especially one out of a pokeball." said Jenny

"What have I done? you've got the wrong guy! I'm just looking for pokemon information!" Alex said

"Well, if this is true, it'll be a quick trip to the station and back."

Alex was debating on whether to defend himself more, or fight and blow his cover. If he fought, he'd be way outnumbered. If he left, he'd be caught. Before he could act, Jenny put the handcuffs on Alex.

"Vaporeon, hydro pump!" Alex yelled as a last resort.

"Caterpies, string shot, get that Vaporeon tied up in string!" yelled Ash "And weedles, use poison sting!"

Soon, Vaporeon was weak from all the poison, and tied up in string. Officer Jenny forced Alex away (with much struggle) and Jenny's Growlithes carried Vaporeon. At this time, Misty was still trying to be free of Ivysaur's vines.

"Let me go you stupid pokemon! why are you doing this?!" Misty yelled

"Saur ivy vy ivysaur (better cool her off)" said Ivysaur to Wartortle with a smirk on his face.

Wartortle laughed slightly and sent out a jet of water at Misty (who at the time was still yelling). Misty, drenched in water, was about ready to blow her top when Ash walked up after walking around the lab with Pikachu.

"Hey Misty" said Ash casually "Ivysaur, you can drop her now"

Misty dropped to the ground and wiped water off her face and brushed her wet bangs out of her face. She then glared at Ash "Ash?! what in the-"

"Look, I can explain"


"You'd better Ash Ketchum! where's Alex and Vaporeon?"

"Oh, they've been taken care of" Ash got a sort of evil smirk on his face.

"what does that mean?!"

"uh...hehe, I um sorta trapped them, and uh...well...they were taken to jail"

"You did what?! I don't belive this! how could you?! We have to get them back!"

"Well, um, ya see...that could be a problem. And well-"

"No excuses! let's go!" Misty then grabbed Ash's arm and started to drag him off.


Alex was standing against the wall in the police station with handcuffs on. Vaporeon had been taken to a room somewhere else. Jenny was starting to rummage through Alex's bag.

"Aha! and what are these?" Jenny asked accusingly as she held up 6 pokeballs.

"Uh, they're mine...who else would they belong to?" Alex said nervously with a sweatdrop on his forehead.

"Well then, why are these other ones labeled 'Alex'?"

"Well, I um...hehe..."

"Thought so. Let's see what we have here." Jenny then released the pokemon from the pokeballs. "Here's the Beedrill and Pinsir reported stolen from yesterday. And here's the Omanyte and Omastar stolen from the lab on Cinnibar Island, and two other pokemon reported missing from two trainers on Cinnibar the other day." Jenny then re-called the pokemon and called in for people to take Alex to a cell.


"Misty, stop" said Ash as Misty dragged him.

"Why? my friends are in jail because of you, and I intend to get them back!"

"But you'll be caught if you just barg into the police station. They're looking for the second person, and you're basically saying 'arrest me' by walking in"

Misty stopped in her tracks and turned to face Ash. "But Ash, I need to get them out. Alex is a good friend of mine, and Vaporeon to me is like Pikachu to you. What would it be like if you were seperated from Pikachu? Look, you have no clue what it's like to have lost everything, then struggle to piece your life back together after the damage has been done."

"Actually, I have" Ash mumbled

"You see, I don't want to lose everything all over again." Misty continued

"But what can you do now? getting them back would be impossible, and don't look at me for help"

"I'll figure out some way." suddenly, Misty thought of something she almost forgot to ask. "Why didn't you let me get arrested? you put those bugs in the lab for a reason, didn't you?, and made sure I wasn't taken by having Ivysaur tie me up"

Ash, didn't know what to say. He wasn't really expecting this scenario. "Look, can we talk about this later? your 'friends' will still be at the station later."

"Fine, but nothing you can say can keep me from getting them back. So if that's what you're trying to do, just let me go now."

"No, I just want to talk. Really"

Misty glared at Ash, then started to relax a little. "Ok I guess. But make it quick."

"Pi pi-Ka pikachu pika pi? (could you leave Vaporeon locked up though?)" Pikachu got a smile on his face and giggled

"Why don't you like Vaporeon Pikachu?" asked Ash

"Pi chu pika pika pikachu (she called me a worthless rat)"

"So that's what started this all" laughed Ash

"What?" asked Misty

"Vaporeon called Pikachu a worthless rat"

"Oh, hehe"

"I'm getting hungry, let's get some lunch" said Ash



Ash, Misty, and Pikachu walked into town to find a resturant.



"Look, I was framed!" shouted Alex from his cell

A Jenny walked up to him. "Actually, you weren't. You match the picture on the 'wanted sign', and the description of what the people in the other cities say. All we have to do is find your partner, and we won't have any more problems."

"Don't bet on it, you won't catch mean, you won't catch her!"

"With our whole police team on the lookout, I'm sure we will. Plus, she will probably come to break you out." With that, Jenny turned around and walked down the hallway.

"Wait! what about Vaporeon?!" Alex yelled after her

Jenny turned around and looked back "She's in a different cell block"

"Can't she be with me, ya know, so I have someone to talk to?"

"I'll see what I can do, but Vaporeon's attacks won't work in the cell, so you won't be able to use her to help you break out you know." Then Jenny walked away.


Ash and Misty sat at a small café and ate sanwiches in silence. Pikachu was happily licking a ketchup bottle. Misty looked out the window. Ash was the first to break the silence.

"So Misty, where were you after you left Brock and I?"

"Oh, around. Ya know, like camping out in forests and stuff. I was on the Seafoam Islands for awhile in the beginning, where I found Vaporeon."

" why'd ya join Team Rocket? I thought you hated them"

"Well, I did, but after being there for 3 years, I realized how great it was."

"Team Rocket? Great? whatever. So when did you meet Alex?"

"He was the one who caught me on Team Rocket property and brought me to Giovanni. I then joined Team Rocket, and was partnered up with Alex."

"So he's responsible for you being in Team Rocket?" Ash was starting to get mad

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Misty noticed Ash's anger and decided to change the subject. "So Ash, whatever happened after I left?"

"Well, Brock and I..."


"...and Pikachu looked for you, with no luck. Then..."

"You looked for me? why? I thought you hated me"

"...uh...anyway, since we couldn't find you, we moved on with our journey, but still asked around for you. Eventually Brock left me and Pikachu, and I made it to the pokemon league again to battle. But...well..."

"But what Ash?"

Ash pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to Misty. She opened the box to see 8 small badges lined up in two neat rows.

"You didn't compete?" asked Misty

"How could I? My friends had all left me..."

"Pi chu pikachu? pi pikachu (what am I? chopped liver?)"

"Well, except for you Pikachu, of course." smiled Ash as he patted Pikachu on the head. He then looked back at Misty. "Both you and Brock had left me, so I didn't really feel as fired up as when I was in the league the first time. It helps to know you have friends in the stands cheering you on. Sure, Brock said he'd try to look for me on TV, but it wasn't the same. So I came back here and have been helping Professor Oak at the lab."

"That stinks, you worked so hard to just have quit. But you still can compete. I'm sure you could do it this time. Of course, you would have won the first time if only you let Brock and I continue to coach you at the sidelines. You were doing fine until you had us stay in the stands."

"Hey, I was doing just fine! If only Charizard hadn't decided to ignore orders and take a nap in the arena, I would have won!"

"Honostly Ash, Charizard?! how could have you been so dumb?! it never listened to you before, why would it during the league match?"

"Well, I uh..."

"Pikachu chu pipi ka pika?! (will you two ever stop arguing?!)"

"Some things never change" remarked Misty


"Here's Vaporeon" said Jenny as she put Vaporeon into Alex's cell. "But just remember, if I here of any trouble here, she'll be removed"

"Don't worry."

Jenny then walked away.

"Hey Vaporeon" said Alex

"Vaporeon vap"

"I wish I could understand you"


"Maybe one day" Alex pet Vaporeon on the head "At least I have someone to keep me company"

"Vaporeon vapor eon vap? (Is that why you wanted me here?)

"Well, part it. Also, I wanted for us to be together when/if Misty comes to free us...wait...I understood you"

"Vaporeon eon eon vape vaporeon.(You can if you try. Our language isn't that hard to understand.)"

"I guess not. I wonder if Misty will come to save us. I'm pretty sure she will, but still, there's that odd feeling inside me that says she'll leave us here. What do you think Vaporeon?"

"Vap eon (she'll come)"

"I hope so"


"So Ash, what ever happened to Brock? When did he stop traveling with you?" asked Misty

"Oh, he left not that long after you. He wanted to persue his dream of becoming a great pokémon breeder. I haven't heard from him since he left."

"I wonder if he became a great pokémon breeder yet. I'd like to hear from him."

"Yeah. It's been years"

Suddenly a kid from another table was heard whinig to his mom "But I want a bike!"

Misty turned from her look at the other table and gave a half smile to Ash. "You know, you still owe me a bike"

"You don't even need a bike anymore. Why do you still even want one?"

"It's the principle of the thing!"

"Whatever. Let's not get into an argument about this Misty, you remember what happened last time"

Misty had completly forgotten about 'last time'. She suddenly felt really akward with Ash, and was short on words. There was a deep, sinking feeling in her heart that had been pushed away. With all the events, she had forgotton about how hard it was to be with Ash again. There was a moment of silence between the two until Ash finally broke it. "Misty...what ever happened last time? It all went too quickly."

"Ash, the past is over. Let's forget what happened. It doesn't matter now. What's done is done."

Ash just sat in silence.

"In fact, why did you want to talk to me anyway?" Misty continued "What was the point of keeping me from being arrested? I mean, Alex and I are the most powerfull members of Team Rocket. Even you couldn't beat us. Why would you keep me free?"

"You? powerful? yeah right. I could beat you in an instant" said Ash, obviously changing the subject again.

"What?! I don't think so. I'll prove it to you. How about a battle?"

"Fine, we'll see who's best"


"I'd better make this quick. Two on two battle, let's go!" yelled Misty

"Fine then. Lady's first"

"Ok. Misty calls...Starmie!"

All of a sudden, a differant pokeball popped open to reveal Psyduck.


"Looks like it still hasn't gotten over that habit after all these years" laughed Ash


"Oh well, Pikachu go!"


"Psyduck, scratch it!" commanded Misty

"Pikachu, dodge it and use thunder!"


Within seconds, Psyduck was toast.

"Well well Misty, who's the Master now?" said Ash with a smirk on his face

"Psyduck isn't an example of my skills, I'm much better than you think!"

"Sure you are. Pikachu, return. Charizard go! Now I'll show you my supreme master skills on how well Charizard is trained."

"Supreme master skills? already you made a bad choice by choosing a fire type pokemon against my water type."

"So what, I'll still beat you!"

"Whatever. Now I'll show you my true power. Articuno, I choose you!"


Articuno popped out of it's pokeball, it's wings shimmering in the afternoon sun. Ash was speechless.

"So Ash, are you gonna stare or battle?" Misty asked. Her arms crossed in front of her, and tapping her foot impatiantly on the ground.

Ash looked at Charizard. "Common Charizard, it'll be tough, but you can do it."

"Char" Charizard nodded

"Ok Charizard...flamethrower now!"

"Articuno, fly up and dodge the attack"

At Misty's command, Articuno flew up into the sky, just barely dodging the flames.

"Ok Articuno, blizzard!"

"Charizard, melt that ice!"

The ice crystals started melting when it came in contact with the fire. But the water from the melted ice splashed down on Charizard.

"Hang in there Charizard! fly up and use slash!"

"Articuno! use ice beam before Charizard can attack!"

Charizard dodged the beam of ice and slashed Articuno. Articuno fell to the ground, but stood up and shot another ice beam at Charizard. This time, the beam of ice hit Charizard and sent him tward the ground, leaving him struggling to get up.

"Ok Articuno! peck it to finish it off!"

Articuno pecked Charizard, who was still recovering, and knocked him out.

"Charizard!" yelled Ash, then ran over to him. "Return."

"Looks like I'm, the master Ash" smirked Misty. "Articuno, good job. Return now"

"Well I would have won if Pikachu was still out!"

"Pika! (Yeah!)"

"Well, you didn't keep Pikachu out, so I'm still the winner. Either way, I would've won. So quit being a baby about it."

"I'm not being a baby! I'm 16!"

"Then start acting your age and admit a loss"

"Fine, you won fair and square."

Misty put her hands on her hips. "There, that wasn't so bad was it?"

Suddenly, a little girl came running up to Ash and Misty.

"He's here! He's here!" she yelled

"Who? asked Misty and Ash simultaniously

"Haven't you heard?! There's a pokémon breeder's convention today! and the best breeder in the whole world will be there! I want to grow up just like him!"

"And who would that be?" asked Misty

"Duh! Brock Slate! where have you been?!"

"Brock?!" said Ash


"Well, I better run. I wanna go meet him!"

The girl ran off. Misty and Ash watched her run out of sight, then turned to look at each other.

"I guess he turned out pretty successful" said Misty

"Hey, let's go see him" said Ash

"Well, maybe really quick..." said Misty

Ash and Misty then went in the direction the girl ran.


Alex and Vaporeon sat in the cell, staring out the bars.

=====Alex/Vaporeon chat mode on==================

Alex: Misty's still not here yet. I wonder...

Vaporeon: Don't even think it Alex. Misty will come, we're her friends.

Alex: I know, but I still have that feeling that she'll leave us here

Vaporeon: I guess we'll just wait and hope for the best



To be continued......


What will happen when Ash and Misty meet Brock again?

Will Misty ever go to free Alex and Vaporeon?

Will Ash ever get the guts to set things from the past right?

Will Misty ever be arrested?

Stay tuned for: Part 7!

Send any comments, compliments, and suggestions to me. All flames will be put out by Vaporeon