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Part 7

Disclaimer: I still only own Alex, nothing/nobody else


Everyone in Pallet was busy setting up for the breeders convention, and it was really crowded with people and pokemon.

"I doubt we'll ever find Brock in this mess of people" Misty said to Ash while trying to look through the crowd.

"He's gotta be somewhere. Pikachu, why don't you run ahead and try to find him because you're small"

"Pika" Pikachu nodded in agreement and ran into the crowd.

"How on earth did all these people gather here so quickly?! it wasn't this crowded earlier." Misty said in amazement.

"It's wierd how things come and go so quickly around here lately" said Ash

A few minutes later, Pikachu came running back.

"Find him Pikachu?" asked Ash

"Pi pika chu (yeah, follow me)"

"Common Misty lets go"


Alex sat on the stool in his cell. His elbows were on his knees, and his hands cupped holding his head as he stared out through the bars. Vaporeon had started to chase her tail for entertainment, until she got to dizzy that she fell down. The sound of high heels started to come closer from down the hall until Officer Jenny appeared in front of the cell swinging a pair of handcuffs, a Growlithe at her feet.

"Alex, I'm going to transfer you to a jail in Viridian City. Since a breeders convention is going on, we need to keep the cells free for any theifs we catch."

"What about Vaporeon?"

"Oh, we'll have room to keep her here."


"No buts. Now come with me."

Jenny then took Alex out of the cell and snapped the handcuffs on him. Alex dared not try to escape, for he didn't want to be torched by Jenny's Growlithe. Before Jenny could shut the cell door, Vaporeon darted out and ran the fastest she could down the hallway. Growlithe was about to chase after her, but Jenny ordered him to stay because she didn't want to risk Alex getting away. She pressed a button on the wall, and Alarms started to go off in the station that told that there was an escape.


Ash spotted a large group of people gathered around Brock.

"There he is!" yelled Ash as he weaved through the crowd around Brock. "Brock! Over here!"


At first Brock didn't see them, but Ash called again, and Brock turned to look at him.

"Ash! Pikachu! Hi!" Brock waved. "I'm kinda busy right now, so I can't really chat. But maybe you can help me out."

"Sure. Pikachu, Misty, and I would be glad to help"

"Misty?! Where?!"

"" Ash looked around, but Misty was missing.

"Sure Ash, I think you just miss her too much."

"But she was just here..."

"Pi chu"

"Sure she was. So are you going to help me or not?"

"I'll help. She must've just gotten lost in the crowd. She'll turn up"

"Well if she is here, she'd probably like to see Togepi again."

"You still have Togepi?"

"Of course I do"


"Over there in the front pouch of my backpack sleeping. Now lets get to work"

Ash helped Brock with some demonstrations on how to masage different pokémon, and how to take proper care of them. He also helped sell some of Brock's special pokémon food. Pikachu talked with Vulpix most of the time. Time passed, but Misty was still no where to be seen. The peacefulness was soon interrupted, however, when a breeder from another booth yelled.

"Stop thief!!! someone stop her!!"

"Stop who?!" asked Brock

"Team Rocket!" yelled someone "Call in the police!"

"Looks like Jessie, James, and Meowth are up to no good again. Oh well, they won't get far" said Brock

A look of worry spread over Ash's face. "Uh, Brock. I don't think it's them. We've gotta find Misty! Hurry up, follow me!"


"I'll explain on the way, lets go!"

Pikachu jumped onto Ash's head, and Brock returned Vulpix to it's pokéball. Brock then grabbed his packpack that held Togepi, closed up his booth, and ran after Ash.


Misty ran through the crowd tightly clutching a small bag that contained the secret ingrediants for a pokémon aroma therapy spray. She was wearing her Team Rocket uniform [who knows why, but then again, why did Jessie and James always blow their cover in the show?]. She ducked between two buildings where she collided with Vaporeon who was also running. Sirens were going off in the distance.

"Vaporeon?!" said Misty, shocked. "I thought you were in jail, I'm glad to see you again. Where's Alex?"

"Vaporeon vap eon vapor vapvapvap vapor-eon vapoereon vapor(I escaped, but Alex is still in jail, and is going to be tranferred to Viridian City jail)"

"Oh no! I should have never stayed with Ash"

"Vaporeon vapor vap-or vapore vap (We've gotta go Misty, the police are after me)"

"Yeah, Me too" Misty held up the small bag so Vaporeon could see it. "But I feel kind of bad leaving Ash, he's my friend too. And I was just getting to know him again."

Vapor eon-vap vapor? vapor-eon eon vapor vap vap vap vaporeon (Are you more loyal to Ash or Alex? I'm going to save Alex, are you with me or not?)" Vaporeon was looking rather mad and hurt at the fact that Misty might desert her team for Ash. Misty buried her head in her hands. The sirens started to get louder and louder. "Eon vaporeon vap vap (we're running out of time Misty)"

"I saw her go between those buildings!" shouted someone

Misty was clearly still having a hard time deciding. "This is silly" she thought to herself. "I left Ash long ago and started a new life. Why do I still want it back? Plus, I stole a secret formula, so going back would blow my cover. What other choice do I have?"

Vaporeon turned around to run, but looked back and sent a pleading look to Misty who was caught up in own thoughts. A person stepped in between the buildings from the street and spotted Misty and Vaporeon.

"She's over here!"

Vaporeon took off running, followed by Misty. They darted out into another street of Pallet and ran as fast as they could in the direction of Viridian forest. Suddenly three figures ran onto the street from a differant ally.

"Misty wait!!!" shouted Ash

Misty looked back as she ran, to see Ash Brock and Pikachu running after her. She turned back to look ahead at Vaporeon and the nearing forest. A tear trickled down her face, and she sped up, not wanting to look back again. But suddenly, a familiar noise made Misty stop.

"Toge briiiiiiii!"

"Togepi" Misty said silently to herself. She turned back around to face Ash and Brock who caught up with her. Brock looked at Misty in the Team Rocket uniform.

"I didn't think it was true" said Brock in amazement


Vaporeon reached the edge of the forest. She looked behind her before continuing to run. She saw Misty with Brock and Ash. Though she was sad, Vaporeon's face burned with anger.

"Vap-or (traitor)" she whispered, then dodged into the forest.


"So we meet again at last Brock" said Misty "Where's Togepi?"

"Uh guys, we'll have to chat later, here comes the police" said Ash. "Let's go to my house, quick"

The four [or five if you count Togepi on Brock's backpack] made it un-noticed to Ash's house. Misty changed out of her Team Rocket uniform before Ash's mom saw her. Misty looked out the window at the forest.

"Good luck Vaporeon" she whispered. "I'm sorry. I'll leave here sometime to follow you"

Misty then walked downstairs and sat down next to Ash on the couch in the living room. Brock was sitting in a chair on the other side of a small coffe table.

"I belive there is someone here that you'd like to meet" said Brock. He then lifted Togepi out of the pouch in his backpack and handed him to Misty.

"Togepi! I'm glad to see you again!" she said as she hugged the little egg pokemon.


"After you ran off, Ash gave me Togepi to take care of" said Brock

"You being a pokemon breeder, it must be a great life for him." said Misty

"Yeah, well Togepi should be with you Misty."

"As much as I love him, I don't think he'd fit into my lifestyle. You keep him Brock."

"If that's what you want."

Misty set Togepi on the floor by Pikachu.

"I can't belive you're with Team Rocket Misty...why?" asked Brock

Misty explained her story to Brock, starting from the day she left.

"What did you take back at the convention Misty?" asked Ash

"Oh nothing, you know how people get when they see Team Rocket." Misty got a sweatdrop on her head. Ash and Brock looked at her suspiciously. They knew that she'd done something.

"Why were you wearing your uniform anyway?"

"...So, uh've you been?" asked Misty

The group talked for awhile longer until dinner. Nobody told Ash's mom about Misty joining Team Rocket though. Brock had to leave for a while to pack up his booth from earlier, but soon returned. He decided to stay for a few days upon request from Ash and Misty. The next few days went pretty normal. Misty carried Togepi wherever she went, and spent a lot of rime talking with Ash and Brock. Her old feelings for Ash were starting to creep back, but she shook them away, not wanting to be hurt again. Luckily, nobody in town seemed to reconize her without her uniform on, but Ash had her wear his hat for somewhat of a disquise, just in case. Ash and Brock had started to snoop around for whatever Misty stole, so Misty decided to do something about it. She also over the few days had often wondered what happened to Alex and Vaporeon, and she felt more and more guilty for deserting them in the time they needed her most.

-that night (day 3)-

Misty was up in the guest bedroom at the Ketchum residence. Togepi had fallen asleep on her bed, and everyone else in the house was asleep too. Misty reached into her pillow case and pulled out the small bag she had stolen. She then took out one of her pokeballs from her bag. She opened the window and tossed the pokeball.

"Articuno go" said Misty. "Take this bag to Giovanni for me. Also, stop by Viridian City, and try to find someinformation on Alex and Vaporeon"

"Cuuuno" Articuno took the bag and flew off.

-morning (day 4)-

Misty hopped out of bed and looked out the window. Seeing nothing, she got dressed and went downstairs carrying Togepi.

"Good Morning Misty" said Ash's mom cheerfully when Misty came downstairs "Breakfast should be ready in a few minutes. Ash, Brock, and Pikachu are in the living room watching TV"

"Thanks" Misty then walked into the living room. "Good Morning guys"

"Good Morning Misty" they replied.

"I'm afraid that I have to leave this morning after breakfast." said Brock

"I wish you could stay longer, but I understand that you must be really busy. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime" said Misty.

Soon breakfast was served, and everyone sat down to eat and enjoy the company of each other once more. After dinner Brock packed up and everyone said their goodbye's. Misty gave Togepi one last hug before handing him back to Brock.

"Bye Brock, bye Togepi" said Misty

"Bye Brock" said Ash

"Pi ka chu"

"Bye guys. And Misty, stay out of trouble" said Brock. He then waved goodbye and walked off.

Misty turned to Ash "I'll miss him, and Togepi. Our lives are so much differant now. I don't even know what I'm doing back here anymore."

"Ash, could you help me with something?" called Ash's mom from the kitchen

"Sure mom" replied Ash. "I'll be right back Misty"

Ash went inside the house, and Misty sat down on the front step outside. She looked up and watched the sky, hoping to see Articuno. After a few minutes, the blue bird swooped down from the sky. Misty jumped up.

"Articuno, you're back! any news?"

Articuno dropped a newspaper from Viridian City on the ground in front of her.

"Thanks Articuno. You can return now." said Misty, then called back Articuno. She sat back down on the front step and opened up the newspaper. She skimmed the paper until she found the article she was looking for. She gasped at what she read:

Today a Vaporeon that belonged to Team Rocket unsuccessfully tried to free it's master, Alex, from jail. The Vaporeon managed to open the cell door to Alex's cell, but was caught on the security camra. The two managed to make it to the front door, but were stopped. They put up a fight for freedom which has now left them both in critical condition along with an Officer Jenny and two Growlithes. After being healed, they will will both be sentanced to life in jail. Never has Team Rocket been powerful until now in the fields of theivery and battle. Search is still going on for the third member that is said to have been linked to a robbery in Pallet. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of this third member, please contact the Viridian Police Station.

"Oh no. I've got to get them out of there. This is all my fault" said Misty to herself as she set the paper down. Misty sat thinking to herself in silence until Ash and Pikachu came back outside.

"Ash, I think it's time for me to leave. I've been here too long."

"Too long? what do you mean?"

"I mean, I have to go. Plus, I never planned on staying here forever. Why would I?"

"I've got to tell her before she leaves again" Ash thought to himself. "It's now or never"

"Uh, Misty. I've got something that I have to clear up."

"Back when you said you loved me...well, I never ment what I said. I was too caught up in the argument to realize what I was saying. I really did like you back. I'm...I'm sorry I said when I said, it wasn't the truth"

"Y-you mean that this whole time, you..." Misty put her hand on her forehead and sat down to think. Part of her wanted to jump up and hug Ash, but part of her was saying to go back to her new life and forget him. She couldn't belive what was happening. She was torn between staying with her first love, and leaving to free her friends from jail. If she stayed, she could start over, but she'd be stuck with guilt. If she left, she'd be free of guilt, but would risk being caught. She was so sure of her plans until this unexpected confession of the truth from Ash.


To be continued.....


What will Misty do? will she stay or leave? stay tuned for part 8!

What do ya think? Send any questions, suggestions, etc to me. Vaporeon is still busy at the moment and can't put out flames.