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Part 9

Disclaimer: I own Alex, that's all. Everything else is not mine. all standard disclaimers apply.


Sirens blared in the distance. Ash looked in the direction of Viridian City from the forest. He then shifted his gaze to Misty. Alex and Vaporeon were there too. Luckly, they had been strong enough to follow Ash into the forest as he carried Misty. Everyone at the moment was getting their much needed rest, including Pikachu who was curled up at Ash's feet. Ash stared into the slowly dieing fire in front of him, until falling asleep himself.


Giovanni sat in his office, stroking his Persian. He hadn't heard much from Alex or Misty lately, and Butch and Cassidy were still in jail. He wasn't really one to read newspapers, he had set Jessie, James, and Meowth to do that. Since there wasn't a need for them anymore, he had them stuck doing odd jobs for him until further notice. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it" he asked

"Jessie. James. Meowth" The three voices behind the door answered. "We've brought you a rare pokemon sir"

Giovanni sighed. "Come in"

The three stumbled through the door.

"Watch it Meowth!" said Jessie who had tripped over Meowth

"Ow, get off me Jessie" siad James after Jessie fell on him.

"Will you two get up?" Meowth said

The two stood straight up and bowed to Giovanni.

"Sir, we have brought you the rare pokemon Ditto" said Jessie

"And where is this Ditto?" asked Giovanni impatiantly

"Right here boss" said Meowth holding up the plate containing Ditto

"You idiots, that's a jello mold!"

"See Jessie, I knew we should have just eaten it, now I'm hungry" whined James

"Fools! I don't need your tricks today. Things haven't been going well. Have you heard anything about Misty or Alex?"

Jessie got a somewhat evil grin on her face. "No, we haven't"

"But Jessie, remember in the paper, we read-" started James

Jessie whacked him in the head. "-we read that police were still on the lookout"

"Well, keep alert you three. Now get to work!"

The three walked silently out of the office. James rubbed his head.

"Jessie, what'd you do that for? that hurt"

"You almost told the boss that they were in jail!"


"So... we want them to stay in jail. Then maybe he'll use us again to get pokemon"

"Meowth, and we won't have these crummy jobs" added Meowth.

"Oh, I get it now. But what about Misty? she wasn't caught yet."

"That puny girl will be caught soon enough"

The three laughed to themselves and walked down the hallway.


~The next day~

=====Vidio phone mode on========

Mrs. Ketchum: He never came home last night, I was wondering if he stayed at the lab again.

Prof. Oak: No, I'm afraid not. He never stopped by yesterday.

Mrs. Ketchum: He never even left a note. He just left. His backpack and pokemon are gone too.

Prof. Oak: Maybe he went out to train and slept in the woods.

Mrs. Ketchum: but he would've told me.

Prof. Oak: Don't worry Mrs. Ketchum. He's probably fine. Plus, he's 16, not 10. He can take care of himself.

Mrs. Ketchum: Maybe you're right. Just call me if he stops by the lab ok?

Prof. Oak: I will



Alex and Ash were the first two up.

"Ash, thanks for helping in the escape last night"

"Anything for Misty. Though I think you should have stayed behind bars where you belong."

"Look, Misty deserves to be in jail just as much as me. Not that I'm saying I want her in jail, I'm just stating a point"


"Let's a least try to get along for once."


The two ignored each other until Misty woke up.

"Good morning Misty" they said in unison

"Good Morning guys" she said. Then a confused look spread over her face. "Ash? what are you doing here?"

"I came after you, and I guess you could say I saved you last night"

"All I remember is running away from Officer Jenny, then waking up now"

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is that you're safe now" Ash sat down next to Misty and put his arm around her shoulders. Alex shot him a small glare, but Ash ignored it.

"PIKAPI!!!" came Pikachu's voice loud and clear. Vaporeon just had a look of innocence.

"Guess they're up" said Alex with a slight smile

Soon, Pikachu and Vaporeon were chasing each other through the forest.


"What?! This can't be right!" yelled Jessie furiously as she read a wanted sign by the road.

"What is it Jessie?" asked James

"Alex and Vaporeon escaped!"

"Now there's no chance for us anymore"

"Of course there is James! If the police can't catch them, then we will!"

"Meeeeowth, and how are we gonna pull this one off Jessie?"

"We'll think of something, and we'll capture them and be the best once again!"

"Well, Jessie, we'll have to do it later, because we have to dusk the boss's office right now"

"I hate this line of work!"


"Well, Ash, shouldn't you be getting back to Pallet?" asked Alex, slightly annoyed. Then added "Where you belong"

"Gosh, glad to know I'm wanted" said Ash sarcastically

Misty sensed the tension between the two, and decided to do something. "Alex, could you go find Vaporeon and Pikachu? it's been awhile seince we've seen them"

"Sure Misty"

Once Alex had left, Misty decided to talk to Ash. "So Ash, why did you come after me? How did you know?"

"Pikachu found the paper in the front yard. I decided to come after you, fearing something might happen"

"What if Officer Jenny reconized you? you could be arrested if caught"

"I won't"

"Well, thank you" She leaned over and gave Ash a small kiss on the cheek. "What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to compete in the league. Then go travel some more."

"Good for you, I'm glad to hear you've got your old dream back. It's just too bad that I won't be there with you this time"

"Well, I was kind of hoping you'd come with me"

"Ash, you know perfectly well that I have a new life. I've told you before."

"But Team Rocket?"

"As crazy as it sounds, I enjoy being in Team Rocket, and it's where I belong"

"But I want to travel like old times"

"But that was then, this is now. Look, I'm really sorry, but-"

"But what? you like Alex better, I get it now"


"Remember that time at the café when you said some things never change?"


"Well, some things do. Like now."

"Ash, some things have to change after awhile. Let's not get in a fight about it, I mean, like 99% of the time our conversations end up being arguments. And before we part again, I want a good memory"

Ash falls silent.

"Well, I think I'd better go find Alex, hes not come back yet. Have a nice journey, I'll send Pikachu back when I find him." Misty then stood up and started walking out into the forest.

"So you're just going to walk away again? you're right Misty, some things never change! You're just leaving me like you did 3 years ago! Is this how you always deal with your problems?"

Misty stops and swings herself around and walks back up to Ash. "You seem to be my only problem! first, you steal my bike, then, you bust it up and don't get me a new one, I make a fool out of myself telling you how I feel, then when my life goes ok for a change, you get Alex and Vaporeon in jail! do you expect me to be ok about all this?"

"At least they're out now!"

Alex, Vaporeon and Pikachu stepped into the small clearing.

"Common Pikachu, let's go" said Ash "I've screwed up Misty's life enough already"

Pikachu hopped on Ash's head and they walked away into the forest. Alex just stared blankly.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing, let's just get out of here. We've been away from work for too long" said Misty as she turned around.

"And I belive you'll be out of work for even longer" said a voice from behind a tree


To be continued....


A.N: Well, there's part 9. A friend of mine gave me an idea for a part of this story, so, thanks Laura! CC appreciated. Thanx. =^.^=