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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or pokemon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Misty-14, Ash-13, Brock-16, Pikachu-?


A figure went racing for cover from the pouring rain. It was Misty. She stopped at the foot of a large tree and dropped to the ground. Then her tears came uncontrolably. She thought of all that had just happened, of what a big fool she made of herself. The rain eventually stopped. Misty got up, her face plastered with both rain and tears, and she walked into the forest without looking back. As she walked, she started to flash back to a few hours earlier........


Ash, Brock, and Misty were walking along the road, lost, as usual. Ash was humming to himself with Pikachu sitting happily on his hat while Brock had his face burried in a map. Misty was unusually quiet, thinking to herself and sorting out her confusing emotions. She was thinking about how her feeling for Ash had changed from disliking him, to now loving him. She wished she had enough courage to tell him how she felt. They all walked along until Ash spotted a spearow.

"I remember how much trouble spearows caused me back when I got my trainers license." said Ash.

"Yeah, and me too." said Misty.

"What did they do to you?"

"They chased you, and led you to breaking my bike"

"You're still upset about that stupid bike?"

"It was more than a bike Ash Ketchum! It was like my only friend besides my pokemon."

"Gosh, you must've been pretty unpopular."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just wierd how you had such popular sisters, but you were, well...."

"Now you're bringing my sisters into this?! look, so I wasn't miss popularity, but at least I'm not a ditz like my sisters."

"Sor-ry! you don't have to get so steamed about it. I don't see why you have such a problem with your sisters anyway."

"Well you never had sisters that were always popular and that treat you like nothing!"

"Guys, let's just forget the whole thing and make up. This continous arguing gets you two nowhere. Just make up and lets get going." Brock said

"Pi, ka chu pi pi pika (yeah, it's giving me a headache)" said pikachu.

"Well Ash started it, I think he should apologize to me first."

"Hey, I'm not apologizing until you do"

"Really Ash, just admit that you were being mean and apologize."

"Me? no Misty, I think you were the mean one"

"Why do I put up with you?! you are so stubborn."

"If you hate me so much, why don't you just leave?!"

"Um....uh...Because you still owe me a bike!"

"But if you can't stand me, why don't we just meet sometime later to pay you back. I won't have the money anytime soon. It's not like I want you following me around all the time either ya know!"

"You don't want me around? well....fine! if that's the way you feel!"

"Fine! then leave, it's not like we'll miss you!"

"But Ash....It's.....well...."


Unable to stand it any longer, Misty thought 'Hey, what do I have to lose?' "It's...well...more than the bike.....I....I..."

"what?" Ash asked annoyed

"I Love you Ash..."

Ash was only half paying attention and too caught up in the argument to realize what just happened. "Well, I don't like go!"

Misty turned and ran off as rain started to fall from the sky.

Ash then realized what had happened......"No! what have I done?!"

Pikachu and Brock notice Misty run off and stood up and pulled the plugs out their ears.

"What happened? Pikapi?" Brock and Pikachu asked together.

"I just made the biggest mistake of my life. And I didn't realize it before it was too late"

The rain started to pour down hard.


to be continued


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