My Updates Page

This is my updates page.

This page is for two things:

1)For you to come check what's new =)

2)For myself to keep track of my progress =)


Hi guys, Sara/Misty here finally after like FOREVER. My summer's busy, bear with me here. I did get up the final chapter of Heartbroken *cheering is heard* but that's it for now. do me a big favor and either send stuff to be added to Andy, my awesome co-owner that I couldn't do without *smiles*, or else wait until I post that it's ok again, I have a lot of stuff to do lately. Andy's email adress is, if that is wrong for some reason, check under the multi authors section of Multi in the fanfiction section.

06/17/00&06/28/00 Added Multi Database, spiffied up Multi Database

06/14/00 Today Andy added TPF part 1, and added the PokePalace as an affialate.

06/09&12/00 Today, I (Andy, your new subowner) added links to 2 sites for Multi pics, and updated the fanfiction section.


yay, I'm actually doing something! *cheers* I updated yesterday, and today too, it's about time! So far, all I've done is add 3 affiliates, I'd like to add Victoria's fanfiction today too, but if not, I'll add some tomorrow, so come back and check it out. And don't forget about part 14 of my fanfic Heartbroken, I really want some feedback before finishing part 15, the final part. =) Oh, and the authors of multi have an email adress, so you don't have to email us individually, so email us your thoughts ( =).that's all for now, Cya.


I took off pokemarathon as an affiliate today =( . I also posted Heartbroken part 14! Slow progress...but progress... =)


I added part 13 of Heartbroken today. I'm so busy right now, so that's all I could do. Cya!


I added another one of my web site buttons up (I have another one, but it's lost in email) and I added my other affiliate at the Pokereservation, Go check it out =). I posted up Multi today too. So far, parts 1-19 are the only ones up (the ones from the previous fanfiction page transferred). I'll try to get up at least parts 20-25 today. And another fanfic was added. It's called Pyro Misty, hehe. ~~Later~~ I'm back. I added Multi 20-29! yay! I'll be all caught up once I get to 32.


I added part 12 of Heartbroken today and the fic "Dreaming" by Mirei (really good, check it out), and I updated Misty's profile, which I was meaning to do for awhile. Also, I redesigned the fanfiction page. It doesn't look that great now, but I'm working on it. =) Since not all fics are up there yet (like Multi), if you want to read the parts I had on the other page, it is still up at: .I also have a new Affiliate, but I'll either add that later today or tomorrow because I have to get offline now. Cya!


I only posted Heartbroken part 11 today. I'm going to be busy for like the next week so don't expect much until after then. I have so much to update and hope to get to it as soon as I can.


I became affilates with the pokemarathon today. Check it out. =) I also have a button for my sight.


I added part 10 of Heartbroken! Also, in the Multi story, I added a list of what character belongs to what author. It's in the same page as the author names and email. I posted parts 17, 18, and 19 of Multi too.


I added more to what I added last night. All parts of Multi that are written so far are up *cheers*. That is every chapter up to 16.


A big fanfiction update today. I added 7 parts of the story "Multi" (16 chapters are already written, but I'll add the rest later). Anyone with ideas for my story "Heartbroken", please email me. I have writers block (again), and could use an idea or two to get my brain working.


I added a sequal to my CrAzY fic Jessie's Bad Hair Day. hehe. It's called News Report #2.


I added a Short Story section to my fanfiction area. So far I've posted my short story "Jessie's Bad Hair Day" hahahaha! check it out. I also gave a name to part 9 of "Heartbroken". And, I added another Short story called Pikachus Glasses"


I added part 9 of my story today. Enjoy! =^.^=


Gosh, it's been awile since my last update! well, I've added part 8 of "Heartbroken" and I added a new poll question.


I've added part 7 of my story "Heartbroken". I also added names to each chapter. And I put up a forth poll question.


Happy New year everyone. Sorry, no updates today.


I finally added a profile page. I also added 2 new Misty pictures, 2 new costume/disguises pictures, and 3 new other people pictures. And I added a new image gallery for Misty's pokémon in battle. And I joined the Pika Power Webring


I've been behind on updates, but I'm back. I changed my fanfiction page back to normal, and added part 6 of my story "Heartbroken"


I've re-done my fanfiction page. So far, I've added parts 4 and 5 of my story "Heartbroken".


I've got a new guestbook now, and a poll page. I also added part three of my story "Heartbroken"


I added part 2 of "heartbroken" (by me) in my fanfiction section. Also, I finally got my image page up with pictures of other people, it wasn't working for awhile. And, I added 5 new group pictures, a new misty picture, and a new section with pictures of people in the show with disquises.


I added part 1 of "Heartbroken" in my fanfiction page


Ok, so I haven't updated in awhile. Anywayz, I added a fanfiction page. It only has my story "Heartbroken"'s prolouge so far. I'll put up part one tomorrow.


I tried to add a new image page but the pictures wouldn't show. I'll see if I can get it working tomorrow.


I haven't updated in like a week. I should be adding new things soon. All I added today so far is a new link.


Yay! I promoted my site to lycos. Maybe now I'll get some feedback from people about my site so far!


It's a slow day today for me. My computer is being slow. I made a quizlet for my sight, but that's pretty much it for today.


Happy Halloween everyone! All I've done today is add new pictures to different galleries. I added 1 new Ash picture, 2 new Brock pictures, 3 new Team Rocket pictures, 1 new group picture, and a picture I switched from Ash's gallery to the group pictures (because it had Misty and Brock in it).


So far, I've completely re-done my image gallery. I think that my page is coming along nicely, it's starting to look like an actual page! yay! and it's only the fourth day!


Ok, I added a downloads page, and I've added new pictures, and a guestbook.


It's my second day of running a page! So far all I have up is a main page, a Misty image gallery, a links page, and now an updates page. It's a good start s, but I will be updating like crazy whenever I find the time. Well that's about all for now. Bye!

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