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JUNE 1999


On Monday morning May 3, we received a call from a warden of the US Embassy in Almaty, Kazakstan.  He told us a warning has been issued for all Americans traveling to Kyrgzstan!  Amazingly, only a few hours earlier we had returned from Bishkek, which is the capital city of that nation! There we experienced perhaps the most fruitful and dynamic time since we first moved to Russia in 1994.  The Lord granted us the privilege to organize and participate in what must have been the first outreach ever to the Jewish people of this Central Asian Republic.  It was simply awesome!  Be assured that those of you who were praying and those who help support our ministry and specifically this outreach played a pivotal role.  We are confident that the Lord’s work among the Jews of Central Asia has significantly advanced forward to His glory!


The scripture clearly states, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Messiah. (2 Cor:3,4,5)

There is no time when you can better experience being in the thick of this heavenly battle than when you participate in reaching Jewish people with the gospel. This activity stirs up such spiritual opposition and I am not sure what is more exciting: seeing Jewish people brought into the Kingdom or watching God vanquish the enemy at every corner.  I will now give you a moment by moment, blow by blow account of the battle in which we were fully engaged.


The second day we were in Bishkek we received a call from the assistant director of the theatre in which we were scheduled to hold our festival.  She told us that officials from the government informed her that they were going to be using the theatre this coming Friday evening to honor the birthday of a famous Kyrgyz poet.  When she told them that we already booked the hall for that evening, she was told it did not matter! The theatre was state property and the state had need of it! She was told  there was nothing that could be done.

I remember hearing such words before and knew this was a job for Yeshua!  Both my partner David Silver and myself immediately sent out an all points’ worldwide e-mail prayer bulletin.  I inwardly wondered how the Lord was going to pull us through this time.

The next morning we drove to the theatre.  We met first with the assistant director and were then escorted to see the executive director. Behind a long, dark brown, empty, narrow table seated at one end, as if on a throne, sat the director himself. (I thought who is this? “The great and terrible Oz!?”)

I held before him a copy of our contract and told him if it is broken the entire western world would hear about it and no one would ever want to do business with anyone in Kyrgzstan again!  I somehow knew he was not shaken!  He did assure us he would meet with those government officials and that we should call him for the results at four PM.  We left his office and descended down the stairs to his assistant’s office to further discuss what we should do. His assistant told us that she thought the director would do nothing and that we should not trust him but go “over his head”.  She hinted that we should try to see the Minister of Culture. Within minutes we took off for the Kyrgyz White House quietly confident we were being led by the Holy Spirit.


Once inside the White House, Olga, Isaac, Sasha R., and David Silver waited for the elevator to take them to the office of the Ministry of Culture.

(Olga is my interpreter; Isaac works closely with me in Chaim Chadashim (our Congregation in Almaty), Sasha R. is the leader of our congregation in Bishkek and David Silver many of you know is from Israel.)

  They waited and waited and waited but the elevator never appeared.  Suddenly the opposite elevator door opened and out stepped the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kyrgzstan!  Sasha boldly rushed over to him and informed him of our predicament. He was indignant about the injustice we were incurring!!!!! and commanded!!!!! his deputy to immediately make amends and take care of the entire situation!!!!!  He contacted the director of the theatre and clobbered, I mean berated him for being so inept as to allow such a breach of contract!!!! We were assured, with apologies that our festival would take place as planned!!!!!

The Lord’s words here are so appropriate!

“Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say.
“For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”
(Luke 12:11,12)


After a successful and glorious first evening the enemy was further stirred to cause trouble.  On Friday afternoon, hours before the commencement of our second evening’s festival, I was summoned to the office of the Minister of Religious Affairs for the Republic of Kyrgzstan.  Apparently she had received phone calls from some members of the orthodox Jewish community complaining that we were troublemakers in Israel and now we have come to disturb the peace of Kyrgzstan!

Wow! I think this happened once before!
But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brethren. (Acts 14:2)

And about that time there arose a great commotion about the Way. (Acts 19:23)

She attempted to call the director of the theatre to demand that our festival be cancelled but she could not find him!  I explained to her that this was a “family fight” that has been going on for two thousand years. I assured her that probably one or two grumpy old men are upset and that this is nothing to worry about. She asked me, “What in the world are “Messianic Jews?”  I gladly explained us to her and she seemed satisfied enough.  She told me she wanted more information on our movement, which I told her I would be glad to provide.  She then warned me not to preach or allow any testimonies to be given at the festival – only music. I smiled at her and told her everything would be fine. The bible’s words raced through my mind:

And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge.
"For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard."
(Acts 4:18,19.20)

I decided that there was absolutely no way I would listen to this lady.

And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. (Acts:4:31)

We prayed. The gospel was proclaimed and a powerful testimony by an Israeli believer was given.
Many Jewish people were born again that very evening! I never heard from the Minister of Religious Affairs again!


It was wonderful, super- encouraging and thoroughly scriptural for us to be joined by our partners from Israel, South Africa, Norway and Kazakstan for this outreach.  It was amazing that although we all came from so many nations and walks of life that we were so solidly united in spirit.  There was not one major conflict!  It felt so right, for our team from Israel led by Eitan Shishkoff, to join us.  David Silver who leads the Israeli outreach arm of “Out of Zion” came  a week earlier to help me with the immense organization of the festival with its almost 100 essential details!

My wife Janet helped with the organization of the Festival and also danced with grace each evening.

We were joined by a wonderful group of believers from South Africa. They prayed and worked behind the scenes and were a major blessing.

Our dear friend Tora flew from Norway. She is so loved by the people of Central Asia that she now has become a regular part of our team.  We love her, her singing, and of course her name!


After an invitation to repent and receive new life on the very first evening a young man approached one of our workers and told him that he had recently attempted suicide and was contemplating it again. Now after hearing our message he had new hope and wanted to live! Hallelulya!  Many were visibly weeping at the close of each meeting. We had a huge hall where we were able to personally minister to those who prayed to receive the Messiah. Many Jewish people approached our team members with requests for prayer and for advice concerning returning to Israel.  One of them who wanted to immigrate had a Jewish mother and a Chinese father. It was a marvel. Lives were changed. Many, many people were greatly impacted by the music and words of eternal life and hope.

During the three evenings over 3,000 people came to the festivals.  On the final evening we could not fit everyone inside and about 200 people could not even get in.  Approximately one third of those who came indicated that they were Jewish. Over 100 of them gave their lives to the Lord.  At the first Shabbat service of our newly planted congregation Beit Yeshua, 80 attended the service and 47 of them were new Jewish believers. The work of following up all the Jewish people who attended the festivals is now underway.

This work we are involved with among the Jews of Central Asia is truly unique. This is uncharted territory  and many in this part of the world especially  Jewish people are hearing the authentic gospel for the first time!  What an opportunity!  What a privilege! What a thrill!


The devil couldn’t stop us so he tried to get even.  At the end of the festival I wanted to treat the entire team to a day out in the beautiful snow-capped mountains that tower over Bishkek.  We were all waiting in the hotel lobby at 8AM when we heard that the bus from Almaty (5 hours away) had not even left!  Apparently the bus driver thought we needed him on Monday rather than Sunday morning!  It was a holiday and we were told that finding a bus was not the problem but finding a sober driver was!  In a desperate attempt to secure transportation for the team I made a serious mistake. I noticed a Kyrgyz man on the corner outside the hotel. He asked me if I needed any help. I told him we needed a bus.  He said that he could get one within an hour. Without praying first, I said, “Great”!  I was to find out later that he must have been sent by the devil himself!


After waiting the entire morning the bus finally arrived!  The delay was due to their search for four extra bus seats, which we did not need!  So finally the bus began to make its way up the mountain toward a beautiful scenic national park about one hour away.  We began to notice that the bus was moving very slowly up the mountain road. Very, very slowly!  I glanced at the gasoline gauge and it was on E!  Can you believe this?  Our Kyrgyz driver drove off up the mountain, where there are absolutely no gas stations - without any gasoline!

I did not figure that I had to check the gas tank myself!  Usually when one rents a bus it comes to pick you up with a full tank of gas.  Right? In what country? In what world?  According to the law of physics the bus came to a complete stop.  There were over 30 of us on the bus and it was getting hotter and hotter as the sun crept over the horizon.  Our leisurely trip to a cool mountain retreat was becoming an anxious sweaty nightmare!  To make matters worse our Israeli team had to be in Almaty at the airport within 12 hours!


Praise God that “Sasha” our faithful new friend from Bishkek was following us in his car.  Praise God again that his car, which had a full tank of gasoline, used diesel fuel!  The bus siphoned some gas from Sashas' car and we began once again to creak up the mountain.  The bus again came to a standstill but this time we all climbed out and had our picnic in a grassy area not quite like the surroundings we were seeking but nevertheless we were thrilled just get out of the hot steamy bus!  The driver siphoned some more gas out of Sasha’s dwindling tank and after we ate, we again climbed on board. This time we drove down the mountain toward a gas station in Bishkek and as we hoped eventually toward Almaty.


Finally we made it to a gas station!  For some reason took it almost an hour to fill the tank. (I have learned not to try and figure out why and why not things do and do not happen here!) We then began the five-hour trip across the mountains and through the Kazak steppe to Almaty.  Our angelic friend Sasha followed us to the Kazak border and after a brief stop at customs we were off to Almaty.  We were trusting that the remainder of our trip would be safe and smooth.  Wrong once again!

We were soon stopped by the GAI (Kazak Highway Patrol) at one of their many checkpoints.  We waited as our driver entered the ominous GAI building with his documents.  He never came out!  After 20 minutes of waiting in the bus we instinctively knew something was wrong.  We were correct!  We discovered our driver was arrested for having false driving documents!  We all filed out of the bus under the hot Kazak sun and spontaneously burst into joyful hearty laughter!  We were all filled with great joy in the midst of this incredibly bizarre situation. We were actually having a great time!  Was it the hot sun? The myriad of complications one after another?   All I knew is that we were all filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit and were completely beyond ourselves as the circumstances we were now facing were clearly, completely and collectively in the hands of God!  We all knew that this outburst of triumph in the Spirit was a signal to satan that his plans were backfiring and he would soon once again go down in defeat!


For reasons we still do not understand the GAI released our driver and a second back-up driver who was with him took the wheel.  Before we boarded the bus I asked everyone to gather together and gave the following instructions: “If you ever want to see your loved ones again begin praying fervently now and do not stop!”  As the bus took off we all began to intercede and the spiritual climate began to change.  I began to think that the enemy was really using our two Kyrgyz drivers and I had enough!  The Spirit  prompted me to give them the gospel with both barrels!  Using my Russian interpreter with a mix of Kyrgyz I clearly explained the truth about Yeshua as everyone in the bus continued to pray.  To my delight our Muslim driver was completely open to the gospel and agreed to pray with us asking for God’s forgiveness in the name of His son Yeshua.  Next his Muslim co-driver also gladly heard the words of eternal life and also agreed to pray with us!  Now we had two newly redeemed Messianic Muslim drivers, a host of angels and “wouldn’t you know it”, the rest of our trip went without a glitch!


What an experience!  With few relatively minor complications (like some being hindered from leaving the country!) we soon sent off our team to Israel, then Tora to Norway and later the rest to South Africa.  We all became very close and our lives were changed more perhaps than even our hearers in Bishkek.

Our deep appreciation and thanks goes to those of you who both contributed to this outreach and continue to pray for and support our work in Central Asia.  Through your faithful praying and giving many lives were changed. There is rejoicing in heaven over those who have come into the Kingdom of God and eternal treasure that has been stored up!

Shalom  & God bless you!

Jeffrey & Janet Bernstein


In many ways the work in Bishkek and in Almaty has merely just begun. I would like to list three specific needs so those of you who desire to can be praying and also prayerfully considering helping meet these needs. I will be brief and concise:

*We can use another $10,000 toward purchasing a facility to contain our office for our Central Asian Messianic Jewish Outreach and teaching Center.  This will be a facility for fellowship; teaching and coordination for reaching the Jewish people whom remain scattered throughout Central Asia.

*We need  $10,000 toward the purchase of a 4-wheel drive vehicle, as we hope to be using our present 4- wheel drive vehicle as part of the purchase price of the office.

*Sound equipment and musical instruments for our worship teams in Almaty and Bishkek: One guitar (electric or acoustic with a pick-up), drums, Two synthesizers, one mixer, one amplifiers, 6 microphones. Two microphone stands and cords. One voice effects processor, 2 speakers, keyboard stand, Digitech Studio Quad 4

As always:

If you are inspired and challenged to participate with us in this great and strategic harvest, we encourage you to pray and to consider contributing financially especially on a monthly basis.  We are able to serve the Lord here in the former Soviet Republics by the grace of God working through the prayers and generosity of you, our friends and partners in the gospel.

If you are inspired to give financially please send your gift in the enclosed return envelope.  Please make all checks payable to “Gates of Zion”.  All gifts are tax deductible and received with thanksgiving!

Our mailing address is:

Gates of Zion
PO Box 55123
Phoenix, Arizona 85078-5123

e-mail address:
Phone/fax – 7-3272- 25- 68- 28
The Gates of Zion is registered as a non-profit corporation in compliance with IRS standards in the USA and is under the oversight of a USA based board of directors and the eldership board of Congregation Ohalei Rachamim, Beit Yam, Israel.

Jeff will be at the following locations in the USA in June:

June 18  - 6 PM – Beth El Kavod – N. Florida – 904 – 677- 8026
June 19 –evening – Christian Renewal  - Brunswick, Ga. - 912-264-0028
June 20 – morning – same as above
June 26 – 10 AM – El Shaddai Congregation – Frederick Md - 301-695-4496
June 26 – 7 PM – Beth Messiah Congregation – Rockville, Md.  301- 977-0157