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25 years? Let's set the record straight!!!
Read the excerpts from the Grace meeting and the 1 John Meeting of 1989 and then read my comments. In these quotations
Stewart identifies himself as being in error, lost, not saved for the last 25 years. 1989-25=1964. Shirley Traill, Stew's first wife, said to a reporter
that Stew got saved in 1968. And the Forever Family started in late 1971. I am willing to believe that Stewart took poetic license and rounded off the years to 25. ...1968 to 1989 is 21 years. 1971 to 1989 is 17 years. Who knows why he spoke thus. What I am going to address here is what he said about himself and us concerning his error. My response will be in BLUE ...Our brethren at the meeting are in RED

Stewart: already did at least two weeks ago(thank you Jesus)..His grace is greater than my
shame or my error(thank you Jesus...yeah praise God) the next time you’re afraid to make
a mistake...because you’re afraid to , in sincerity, do what really looks ruuu what
really looks right, really really looks right...His grace if if ya are wrong His
grace is greater anyway(thank you Jesus) TWENTY FIVE YEARS OF ERROR.? try to beat that(laughter) 25 years of colossal error....

Stewart Traill
Grace Meeting 1989

Okay..this is the closest Stewart came to admitting sin and repenting((at least on tape))..I understand he finally asked everyone to forgive him the next day, in passing, and then went on to verbally abuse the sisters at 162. I draw your attention to how Stewart presents this disaster. He tells the brethren, next time you wanna try something....then sticks in the part  "in sincerity"  "really looks right"...translated...Stew meant well.....He taught us all wrong but he was sincere and it looked right and can look on Stew as an example of a fella who is big enough to admit he was wrong(((and get his victims to laugh about it))) and as an example of a guy who gets back on the horse! What a gem!  Let's not pay attention to the fact that he should be removed for teaching trusting brothers and sisters for 17 YEARS, ERROR. And let's not look at the strange specter of Stew still sitting change in tone, no change in suggestion that He step down. And the brethren are laughing at this man who basically lead them in error for half of their lives.

I want you to know something else...are you listening?(yes) you must understand to believe again...this is nothing...there is a real way in which I have been
as or more a victim than you think of didn’t waste 25 years...and had he
not rescued me as he rescued you a short while ago... I wonder what would have become
of was that bad. Getting that bad...this has been a stumbling block for all of us
including me...poison talk... “ God gives you what you need to get started and then it’s up
to you” my easily everyone is returning easily!(yes).

Stewart Traill
Grace Meeting 1989

This is the quotation of the century. You get this right? Stewart Traill is as much or more of a victim than the brethren he taught? Since when is a teacher held to the same standard as the flock? James 3 right? Poor Stewart!! Look at the paragraph again..." you didn't waste 25 years." No we didn't. We wasted 17 YEARS listening to Stew. And how does Stew become a victim of his own teaching? Stewart could not possibly know what it is like to be one of us, on the receiving end of one of his verbal beatings. Of course he does know what it is like if his Dad treated him the way he treated us. His Dad, Donald Traill, was an ordained minister. Perhaps his Dad lead all night bible studies at the Traill home and that's why Stew is the way he is. How can Stew be a victim when He is the one teaching? It's just too much for words. And nowadays you can get some of the current members to actually praise Stew for being open-minded. For making such a dramatic change at age 53. Hellllllloo!??  He had to change. He sinned against the sisters in Princeton months before. Her needed cover
What was going on? Back in that church? It's very clear. But you must first....You must first except that he meant what he said. It's rough. Rough. it only takes me about a second. You people , it's rough, it's rough. Let's hear it people, low-level sin , see you don't notice it. as well. As with the conspicuous. Same thing though. In both cases the old self is not dead. That's all, that's all that makes the difference. dead or not dead. Goodness ahh Goodness 25 years, {mocking} "Helping people" Chuckie! "Helping people" Yes , when we get into the 3 main things about Stewart. Now they are not that I am handsome ahh..what are they? A Nice person, those aren't the main things, Chuck...{mocking} "Nice person"..."Helping people"...okay well... wonder what we ought to get into that would be
most helpful to your _____________ at the moment.
                                not clear what word is here

Stewart Traill
1 John 1989

Stewart earlier in the meeting tells the brethren that they think he was helping them and Stew admits that he really did do alot for them but alas it was all wrong. So he takes credit for AAAAALLLLLL the good he did but he needs to correct some things.  The response is  something like "ohh Stewart, say it isn't're such a great don't even have to ask for forgiveness, we trust ya, man.
CHUCK: I have a question...If you would have died a year
STEW: Yeah
CHUCK: or 6 months , you  you you have the confidence or understanding that you would have gone to Heaven or
STEW: Definitely Hell
( whispers and hushes of disbelief)
Brother: What about pre-destination?
STEW: what about it? If anyone is in fact one of His elect.What's the problem? They're going to Heaven. Whatever
it takes.  Is He a savior?(yes)Whatever it takes, is what He'll do. If He feels like taking 25 years, 25 seconds,
what's the difference, by the way, saved and born again. Exactly what are they , of course. Can they occur at once?

Stewart Traill
1 John 1989
I know, I know. Shocking that he could talk like that. In the Grace Meeting and the 1 John Meeting Stew flipflops between "It was God's will" and "It's my fault".....This was all God's doing but I was in error.  Are you responsible for what you teach, Stew? " it was God's will that I taught error for 17 years of your life."  In one part of the Grace Meeting Stew says " just because you were Stupid enough to believe it" we see that It's God's fault, Stew's fault and our fault.....okay what to do about it?  well Stew is gonna sit in the same seat for the next 10 years. He's gonna start a new business. He's gonna move to Florida. He's gonna treat everyone the same way he did for the last 17 years. Any questions?
ST: You see, He has kept you as sheep, and He'll continue to do so if He has to. 25 years you can have of this. I happen to know it can last that long. Or, yo you can be kept as His children and disciples. And He trains you. I don't see what the problem is.

Stewart Traill
1 John 1989
Could you repeat that? Are you saying that God doesn't give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? Well... you mean... not right away...oh okay that's clear. Welcome to part of the junk Stew taught in June 1989. Ya see, Stew can't get away from the figure system, even though he repented from it.  Figure System still chopping people up into sections. Ask the current members if they are Born again.  They get this unsettled, disturbed look on their face and say they are working on being Generated From Above. So you can be a sheep, a brother or sister, or a disciple. Which one are you? And remember....Stew wasn't responsible for teaching error....God was keeping him in the sheep stage and can't blame that we have GeneratedStew.  You can trust everything he says.
....He may be one step ahead of you((laughter))...see now what you need to do, what you need to do..hey forget the whole thing, what you need to do is do 25 years like I did how's that?((NOOOO laughter, clamor))) that's what you need... you're asking for're not willing to quit right now(((II AMMM)))... Now I'll tell you the thing, if you do 25 years the way I did, you will appreciate the real there a lack of appreciation here?(((NNNOOOO)))  you could remain just a sheep for 25 years....Ya know, that's consciously what the emperor Constantine did, consciously waited til he was on his death bed, and must be from this, he knew he was dying and then he wanted to be baptized, he refused to be baptized until that time.."Cuz I might sin"...he was already getting that all that was not faith in His power, His grace, you can read it in his words..The emperor Constantine, the year 325, Eusibius...same time as let's hear it....yep insist that He give you eternal life the way you got it all figured out right got the patents on eternal life, you know how to work it..huh?(((NO))Hahh  soo in the anxiety, you're gonna wipe out faith all let's hear some more problems..... I'd think you'd be glad that there would be a distinct division, ehh, distinct clear way ahh path((yeah yes))..which is wide open to ya...including everything that He's been doing for 6 months..He didn't need your anxiety to do it ya know..He's doing just's He been doing lately folks?(((ALot...GRace..)))..well I tell ya come around in 25 years and you'll appreciate the real way then...and you'll be glad to surrender and accept it...of course you could get smart now(((GET SMART NOW)) telll me some more ..

Stewart Traill
1 John 1989
Ya see, brothers and sisters....if you woulda been lost for 25 years like Stew you would appreciate the new teaching.  Hey Stew....where do you think these brothers and sisters in Christ were for the last 25 years? yeah......they were listening to you. And you admit that you were wasting your last 25 years......was there anyone around you or near you during that 25 year waste that might, just might have been affected by your wasted life? Of all the self-centered things to say. You would think that nothing, absolutely nothing happened to these brethren during the 1971-1989 time.  I noticed that Stew's human life got better and better and the brethren are still trying to figure out dating.
ST: yeah...let's hear some more..of your's the only way the New Testament makes sense. Now, this is ah...well all right..I ..bear with the failings of the weak, however, for
25 years I never really saw anything worth pushing and all people gladly go along. Now I see the real thing, and I push it and everybody "Oh..I don't know, is this real?"((laughter and
silence then clamor.."it's real"))) We'll have to go over it again..WHAT DID JESUS PROMISE? And what did He tell us to do?((sin no more, clamor)) (Stew in a condescending tone)
and don't you have to be very very good to go to Heaven((that's right, yes))) well all right then..let's hear the rest

In an attempt to fulfill the scripture a little child shall lead them , Stew introduces the idea that " don't little children say , "You have to be really good to go to Heaven." And this supports his "can and must lead a sinless life."  Now get this....Stew didn't see anything worth working for for the last 25 years.......Gee that makes me feel strange.....Stewart taught and pastored our lives for 17 years and didn't see anything worth working for?  Hmmm.....were we invisible? I guess we were. That makes sense why Stew thinks He was a victim, he was lost, and never seems to include us in on the damage report. Guess he really doesn't think much of us.
Now! don't worry , it's very clear and the impossible thing that's built into you, that's what's all wrong. Just one of the many, many marvels. I am, i am confident that many of the brothers have been prepared by God for some time, for this very thing. I spent 25 years. I wasn't a christian at all. Not at all. Zero. I was nothing but a sheep. For 25 years, nothing but a sheep. it was getting to be a drag. You must come to understand what the new birth means. you don't understand it at all. It's very clear and the New Testament makes sense. Everything I look
at. The apostle were assuming. It was , it was understood everywhere, christians...there's no such thing as a christian who sins. there is no such thing. the subject
is zero in the New Testament.

Where do I start? What's funny is that Gayle actually brings up the very example of a Christian sinning in the New Testament at the meeting. She brings up Galatians and Paul opposing the apostle Peter to his face for hypocrisy and insincerity. Stew brushes it off and it is never picked up again for the rest of the meeting. I do not know whether Stew studied truth tables in college. They come in very handy when determining the truth from a lie. One thing I learned last semester; if you can find one example that is contrary to the statement, then the statement is false. Peter sinned. Paul even said that Peter stood condemned. Oh, and Barnabas was carried away by Peter's insincerity.  Gosh, kinda makes the whole meeting fall apart. Remember folks...the Spirit of Christ revealed all of this to Stewart so don't interrupt him with contrary evidence.

And here we see that you can be Jesus' sheep but not a christian. And gosh, you can't top Stew's 25 years being a sheep. Man!  Is he a marvel or what? You who had spent 17 years(1971-1989) to Stewsheep have no idea what it's like to be lost and in error like Good ol' Stew.

Oh and here we also see that Stew teaching error for 17 years was REALLY GOD PREPARING THE BROTHERS FOR THIS VERY THING.


one final the entire 300minutes of the 1 John Meeting and the 90 minutes of the Grace Meeting....Stewart doesn't once mention or even hint at the idea of "Receiving the Holy Spirit".....I know i am giving him a chance to spin a message  , but the fact is , He never mention this at both meetings.