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The Unicorn Glade

"Unicorn , from latin "uni"-meaning one and "cornis"-meaning horn. A miraculous animal resembling a horse with one horn! Often mistaken for a white mare."
-The Last Unicorn

Not much is known about unicorns. I have believed in them all my life. This glade is my way of trying to preserve their legend, their reality and what they will always stand for.
Every legend claims that unicorns only appear to those pure of soul. In today's grimy world of technology, when children as young as fourteen are on the streets, there aren't very many that are safe for the unicorns to come to. On occasion they come to the young at heart as well. After all this time of being hunted, one would think that they would have become overly wary of those who looked worthy. Often in the ancient times, when their horns were prized for their medical and magical value, the most popular trap for a unicorn was to lure it with an innocent maiden. The unicorn would come and lay its head in the maidens lap and be vunerable when the hunters came to capture it, binding the maiden on the back of a horse where the unicorn could see her and causing it to follow her. Once completely in the maiden's thrall the unicorn would be killed and striped of its horn which was highly prized for its magical and medical values.

What really happened to the Unicorns? There are many explanations for their sudden and absolute disapearance. The Last Unicorn states that we have simply become to ignorant to see anything other than a white mare when a unicorn stands before us. Others claim that the unicorns never made it to the arc and were drown in the great flood , there is another less known explanation, click here to read what may have really happened to these wonderful creatures.

The legends that have circulated about unicorns have been distorted and twisted over the years. No-one knows the real truth. I am of the mind that unicorns still live , invisibly, watching and waiting for the time when it is once again safe for them to return to the forests and skies of the world. I am also one of those who believe that unicorn souls are harboured in humans, who keep them safe and unharmed in this bitter world. I hope that I, at least in part, am a unicorn.

It is difficult to begin to cover unicorns in any detail, for at the same time that there is so little known about them, there are so many variations on what is known that it is almost impossible to seperate fact from fiction, fantasy from reality. All I know for certain is that they exsist.
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