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The Lady's Chambers

You find yourself in a simple, yet elegant room, standing on a balcony. Sitting on a chaise in front of you is a young woman of delicate build with light brown hair down to her shoulders and large inquisitive eyes. At her feet a she-wolf is curled , looking at you with large unblinking yellow eyes. The woman's voice is light and musical as she speaks

Welcome to the Lady's Chambers. You wish to know a little more about me? I suppose some people could consider me interesting...though that isn't a label I would always apply to myself.
I have been many things, and have many more roads in front of me, but I am, above all other things , a performer. The stage is my heart, my bastion of sanity in this sometimes very crazy world. I've been peforming in one way or another my whole life and so it is so deeply in my blood that stopping simply hasn't occured to me. I've been taught by some of the best talent I have access too, and have the privledge of considering some very fine performers friends - but that does not mean I can stop learning, or that I have reached the level of being a 'paid professional', but i am on my way, and that's what matters.
I am many other things, a writer, a Tarot reader, and one of those strange people who really think that Ouji boards are just a foolish idea all around. Some things are not meant to be meddled with. There is a world out there that we can't see..but just because we can't see it doesn't mean it is not there, such things deserve to be treated with respect.

I suppose I am younger than some view me as, but then again I suppose I am older than some others quote chorus line , "age is only a state of mind , how old do you want me to be?". There are times when I feel that I have been around a long long time, and times when I feel as naive and idiotic as a new born. Who's to say how old the real me is.

There are many lines, and life is a combination of shadows and light, I find more often than not that I walk that balance...and so I am perhaps more balanced than when I first began this site so long ago...


if you wish to contact me persoanally, please do so by way of the Book of Enchantment, the Feed-back form, or E-mail.
Enjoy your stay and please help keep the magic alive.

Sincerly, Lady Jasmine Gaurdian Of Enchantment