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Sleeping Birdie

Once upon a time, on a far away planet called Crayon, there lived a little girl named Tee Hee.
And, once upon another time, Tee Hee visited Sesame Street where she and Big Bird had become best friends.
They missed each other very much, but it was hard to stay in touch because there was no mail service between Crayon and Earth.
Big Bird watched the stars at night and wondered if he's ever see his friend again. So he wrote Tee Hee an imaginary postcard. He told her about his friends, the eight balls of fur.

Although Big Bird didn't know it, Tee Hee was writing a make-believe postcard too. She wrote about things she had seen and done. She even wrote about a wonderful dream where she was being followed by rows and rows of bright, beautiful marching crayons. Even though Big Bird and Tee Hee couldn't really send each other postcards because they were just make-believe, they still thought of each other often and hoped someday they would meet again.

Now, on the Planet Crayon, there also lived a magnificent Yellow Queen.
She was more yellow than bananas, or daffodils, or even the sun. And she truly believed she was the yellowest, the best in all the universe.
One day, when the Yellow Queen was admiring her yellowness in the Royal Mirror-which was something she did quite often-three monsters appeared in the glass.
"Am I the yellowest of them all?" asked the Queen, tossing her yellow head.
"Nope," replied the monsters. "There is another who is more yellow. His name is Big Bird and he lives on Sesame Street.
The Queen was furious. She fussed and fumed, and fumed and fussed. Then she called Tee Hee into her Royal Quarters. "You know this Big Bird who lives on Sesame Street. Tell me the truth, is he the yellowest; is he the best yellow in all the universe?"
Tee Hee nodded her head slowly. "It is true, You Majesty."
A jealous look began to tug at the corners of the Queen's mouth. Then quickly is disappeared and she said, in a voice as sweet as spun honey, "I should like to meet this Big Bird and see him with my own eyes. Since you know the way, would you care to join me for a trip to Sesame Street, Tee Hee?"
Tee Hee was delighted by the Queen's invitation, and together, they flew to Sesame Street in the Royal Spaceship.

Tee Hee was so happy to see her old friends. It was a wonderful reunion until the Queen spotted Big Bird. "ACK!" cried the Queen. "He is the yellowest! I won't allow anyone to be a better yellow than I!"
And, quick as a flash, she cast a magic spell over Big Bird who drifted into a deep sleep.
"Ha, ha!" cackled the Queen. "Big Bird won't be the yellowest for long. Before he wakes up, I shall mix a magic purple polka dot potion that will turn him into a purple polka dotted bird! They I shall be the yellowest of them all!"
The Yellow Queen hurried away to begin mixing her purple polka dot potion.
As she stirred and watched the potion boil and steam, a greedy smile spread across her yellow face.
Tee Hee and her Sesame Street friends didn't know what to do! They tried to wake Big Bird. They hollered and stomped and made every loud noise they could think of, but nothing worked. Big Bird just slept peacefully. Unless they could find a way to wake him, Big Bird would never be yellow again! The purple polka dot potion would soon be ready. They needed help and they had to find it in a hurry!
In the distance, they could hear the Queen hooting with glee and they knew time was running out. Then, they had an idea.

The library. That's where they could go for help! They ran to the nearest library lickety-split hoping to find a book that would tell them how to break the Queen's spell. Sure enough, there on the shelf was a book called "How To Wake Up A Sleeping 8-Foot-Tall Yellow Bird Before He's Turned Purple Polka Dotty." It was exactly what they needed!
The book said a sleeping birdie could only be awakened by kisses from princes and princesses. Well, you may think it would be difficult to skip down the street and find a prince and princess, but Tee Hee and her friends were in luck. They didn't just find a few princes and princesses, they found hundreds of them!
Just as the Queen was ready to scatter her purple polka dot dust on Big Bird, the princes and princesses began blowing their best kisses to Big Bird, and magically, the spell was broken.

Big Bird woke up, scrambled out of his nest and ran away.
The angry Queen tried to chase him, but she tripped and fell in a heap. Purple polka dot dust spilled from her hands and rained down all over her beautiful yellowness.
When she sat up, she wasn't yellow anymore. She was now covered with purple polka dots.
"Oh no!" wailed the Queen. "My yellow-it's gone!" Big tears rolled down her polka dotted cheeks. She was so sad and ashamed of what she tried to do.

If the Yellow Queen had just been happy with her own lovely color of yellow and hadn't felt jealous about whose yellow was the best, she never would have gotten into such a terrible mess.
But, she learned her lesson, and everyone on Sesame Street, even Big Bird, forgave her when she said she was sorry and promised to never do such a bad thing again.
Luckily for the Queen, the Amazing Mumford was able to perform a magic trick that made the purple polka dots disappear and her yellow returned, just as splendid and bright as it had been before.

And do you know what else happened? The mean, jealous feeling that had been inside her disappeared too.
The Yellow Queen and Tee Hee and everyone on Sesame Street lived happily ever after.



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Background courtesy of The Background Boutique.