~'Net Friends~

Welcome to my 'Net Friends(mostly tsf friends) page!*smilez*Though not all of them are from TSF most are!*grinz*and I'm so happy to have found them all!This page is just for you guyz!
Elise-One of my dearest and closest friends!!!You're so silly you purple monkey you! I love your funny ways and your theory on the Big Cheese!!!*smilez*I sure hope we keep in touch!
Anna-Silly,Funny,nice,smart and all!Lol!You're one of my closest friends too!Such a shame your comp keeps dying out on you and that you're never on!Lol!Congratz on getting Wee Lady, M'Lady!*rofl*
Kelly-So we finally killed Freddy the fish*looks around*!You're so silly too!(gosh all my 'net friends are so funny and silly arent they?*Ponders*)I hope we keep in touch!'Member I'm the cabbage...rofl!
Note to my friends/visitors:When Kelly,Elise,Anna and I get together we become KAKE!*rofl*Figure it out...hehe
Lady D-AHHH!!!LADY D!!You are so nice to me!Always has my back and stuff!!!Thanks so much for being there for me Ceci! I hope ya stick around at the fights,cuz it wouldnt be the same without ya!
DFrog-DFrog,you always had my back too!You and Lady D both!*smilez*Thanks so much for all you've done for me!I hope you stick around for a long while!!!
DWombat-DW!!!!Our Team Leader!Our huge friend,supporter and all!!!You're always there with an answer for me if I have a serious question and all!!!I'm so glad that you're here and hopefully you're not going to leave cuz..well,you're the team leader!*rofl*
Goanna(David)-When I first met ya,I had no idea what was going on!!!*Rofl*Now you're here guiding my way. We always seem to have such interesting discussions!Thanks a bundle for being a great friend!
Grandma TBear-Grandma!Awww...you always took care of your grand kids!*smilez*And always willing to lend a helping hand(hmm...alot of my friends like to do that!hehe)!!!Thanks for the hot chocolate and blankies!*big hugz*
Josh-BRO!!!*hugz*Well I'm so sorry that your parents still havent forgiven you for staying up so late that night talking to me!You say it was worth it but I dunno...I hope you're staying out of trouble!!!*smilez*We sure have alot of things in common,but we still have some of our differences!*hugz*
Okay so right now I'm having a bad memory thing...Lol!And those are all the friends that came to mind!If I havent named ya,dont mean I dont love ya!*big hugz*

Where To Now?Just Click on the Text and Go!*smilez*
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