Welcome to my Poems Page!I have written All of these poems myself!I hope you enjoy my poems-for they came straight from the heart!Some are dedicated to certain people.They know who they are! :)

Thanks WynnJera for the gift!*S*If you would like to see her spot on the web, visit LADY LITTLE GROVE, by clicking on the image!*s*

Check Out my NEWEST Poems!Its the one in Blue and in Tahoma writing!!!*g*
Smile I Don't See
You used to smile with all your heart and soul!
Loving alot of the same jokes I used to know!
But then he came along and you started to like him.
But he didnt give you a single look,
So you got mad at him.

From then on you were never quite the same.
Claiming that it was everyone else to blame!
But truely in your heart,
You knew it was about him.

We all tried out best to care for you,
But you just nudged us away!
We tried to make you laugh and smile,
And deep within we knew,
That there that same old smile,
Deep inside you!

Its the smile I dont see,
But I know its truely there.
Let that smile come on out.
Let that smile flare!

I want to see my friend again.
The one we know and love.
Come back out from underneath.
That spell called love.

Broken Heart
My Heart is now tattered,
to pieces and bits,
My heart is now broken,
From internal hits,
My heart is now in pain,
I dunno what to do.
I can't feel nothing any more,
So I can't tell what is fake or true.
On the outside there's a smile,
With laughter nearby,
But in my heart,I know,
That I'm crying inside.
My life has hit rock bottom,
And I dunno what to say.
Nothing can make me feel totally better,
Nothing seems to brighten my day.
My friends keep me down,
My family does too,
I don't have a boyfriend,
Guess I'm not pretty enough to have one too.
The last string that I had,
That I hung on to for life,
Was my best friends,
And the boy that I liked...
Now its gone,
I dunno what to say,
Life is depressing,
But I promise I wont go suicidal and go away...

~*~ThanksGiving Prayer~*~
I thank thee God for the gifts you've given me.
Life, joy and a healthy family.
I thank thee mom for always being there.
Sewing me clothes and teaching me with such care.
I thank thee father for giving me discipline and joy.
For taking me to many places and buying me tons of toys.
I thank thee God for giving me life!
I thank my friends for being there through lifes stress and strife!

I thank thee God for the turkey you gave to me.
I thank thee God for my loving family.
But I'm telling you now,
That no matter what I do or say.
I Truely am thankful and am sorry for the errors of my ways

*You're The Guy...*
You're the guy,
Whom caught my eye,
So many months ago,
You're the most sweetest thing,
That could ever bring,
Happiness but never sorrow.
When you begin to speak,
My knees become so weak,
And it seems like no one else is there.
But do I dare,
To share with you,
My feelings that are oh so true?,
No I don't,
Because it'll hurt,
If you say"I dont like you."
But still I feel,
The joy you bring,
Deep within' my heart,
And still I know this joy will flow and never ever part.
And when I'm sad,
It makes me glad,
To think of the memories I had with you,
Because when I do,
My unhappiness departs,
Leaving me with a loving and happy heart.
But do I dare,
To share with you,
My feelings that feel so true?,
No I don't,
Because it'll hurt,
If you say "I don't like you."
When my day turns dark,
The only spark,
That can always light my day,
Is that special someone that can always make my unhappiness go away.
...You're THAT guy,
Whom caught my eye,
So many months ago.
You're the boy,
Whom brought me joy,
When I was feeling sorrow.
And IF I tell you how I feel,
To tell you that its all for real,
To tell you I'll love you the whole year through,
I hope you say "I like you too...."

*Best Friends*
Friends are there till the end,
Thats why I call you my best friend.
You're always there and you know me so well,
You picked me up when I fell.
You were there for me when I cried,
And you always told me the truth-you never lied.
We went through the good times and through the bad,
Through the happy and through the sad.
I'm glad to call you my best friend,
And I hope you know that I'll be there for you till the end.

*Angel Watching Over Me*
You're an angel watching over me,
Telling me what was and wasn't meant to be.
You tell me the difference between wrong and right,
You tell me to avoid getting into fights.
You know what lies ahead,
And what awaits me in my deathbed.
You know who my husband will be,
But you won't tell until he finds me.
You know the mistakes I will make,
Especially the ones I help sizzle and bake.
Do you know who you are?
You're the guardian angel,
Watching over me from afar.

A heavy stone upon my heart,
Shot a thousand times with a single dart.
All the pain I feel today,
Hopefully will soon go away.
The problems in my life,
Happen everyday.
And I can't avoid them or sway them away.
No one knows when I'm sad,
When I'm feeling so bad.
Even when they find out,
Some of them make me feel even worst without a doubt.
So what do I do when I'm feeling down?
When my smile is really a frown?
I write a poem that clears my heart,
And deteriorates that stupid dart!

*Tears Of Truth*
A rock in my throat,
Tears in my eyes,
And what can I do,
But listen to these lies.
Let them speak to me,
As if I weren't there.
They don't know I have feelings too,
And what I say is true.
That I'm a 13year old girl trying her best,
Trying to pass by in life,
Like some kind of test,
But what can I do,
But stand there and listen,
And let my eyes get watery and glisten...

*Losing Someone...*
I know what happened,
And I'm very sorry my dear,
Losing someone you love is a very big fear.
But when your fear become a reality,
So does the pain. And I know you're hurting and are in vain.
But I want you to know, that I am here,
Through the nights,
And through the years.

*Part of Life*
The perfect couple we were supposed to be,
Till you said you didn't like me.
My heart was crushed and in deep pain.
I knew I would never be the same.
No reason to live.
No reason to love.
But then I realized its part of life,
And when I grew up I'd be a wife,
That dates and boyfriends were just a fling-of-things,
And then I'd meet my husband who would mean everything!

*Meaning of A Hug*
While in your sweet ancomforting embrace,
Tears rolled down my happy face,
And I thought "What if I never see him again?"
But my heart told me this wasnt the end.
That we were meant to be!
Soul mates-YOU AND ME!
Where would we meet again?
Were you ever really my boyfriend?
These answers I'll never know,
But for now let my feelings show!
Let me be in your kind embrace,
As the tears roll down my face..
Let me hug you till I have to go!
I wanted to say "I love you so!"
But decided not to while your arms,
My body and mind taken over by your charms!
Until we finally meet again..
This ISNT goodbye,This ISNT the end! We'll meet again-this I know!
Just remember my words-I LOVE YOU SO!

Where To Now?Just Click on the Text and Go!*smilez*
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